give me hell什么意思 hello什么意思( 二 )

对方要找的人不在 , 你可以说明情况 , 注意在句首礼貌地加上“I'm afraid”或者 "I'm sorry" 。比如:
I'm afraid Mr Smith is out of the office today.
抱歉史密斯先生今天不在公司 。
off sick today.
in a meeting.
on holiday.
I'm afraid his line is engaged.
他正在通话中 。
接下来 , 你就可以问对方是否需要留信息 。
A: Would you like to leave a message?
B: Could you ask him to call me back? / Could you ask him to return my call?
能否让他给我回个 *** ?/ 能让他给我回个 *** 么?
如果你想让对方帮忙捎个信 , 则要说 , Could you take a message?
5 打给陌生人 Calling someone you don't know
可能你的老板让你给一个不认识的人打 ***  , 那你就应当先自我介绍 , 然后提一提老板的名字 。
A: Hello, this is Sarah Brown calling, from China Daily.
你好 , 我是中国日报的沙拉·布朗 。
B: Hello, what can I do for you? / Hello, how can I help you?
你好 , 我能为您做点什么?
A: I'm calling on behalf of Tom Cruise.
/ Tom Cruise suggested that I call you.
/ Tom Cruise asked me to call you.
我是代阿汤哥来 *** 的 。/ 阿汤哥让我给您打 ***。
6 通话有问题时 When there's a problem
I'm sorry, could you speak up, please?
不好意思 , 你能大声点吗?
I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well.
不好意思 , 我听不清您的话 。
I'm sorry, the line's bad – could you repeat what you just said?
不好意思 , 线路很差 , 您能重复一下刚刚的话么?
I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?
不好意思 , 你能重复一下吗?
Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.
不好意思 , 我没听清 。
Sorry, I didn't catch your surname.
抱歉 , 我没听清你的姓名 。
I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?
不好意思 , 我没听到 , 您能再说一遍么?
I'm afraid I don't follow you. Could you repeat it, please?
不好意思 , 我没听明白 , 您能重复一下么?
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Would you mind explaining it again, please?
不好意思 , 我好像没弄懂 , 您介意再解释一下么?
Actually, it's 16, not 60.
事实上 , 是16 , 不是60.(着重强调引起困惑的词)
I'm sorry, but I think there's been a misunderstanding. The payment's due next week, not next month.
不好意思 , 但我认为这里有点误会 。这笔账下周到期 , 而不是下个月 。
I'm sorry, but that's not quite right..
不好意思 , 不是这样的……
So if I understand you correctly…
When you say… do you mean…?
【give me hell什么意思 hello什么意思】你说的…… , 是……意思吗?
