鲁滨孙漂流记简介 中文+英文 鲁滨孙漂流记简介英文简短( 二 )

See this scene, I was furious, leave early to fear. I swear: next time again see such cruelty, must not let them!
Good excerpt:
Here the ground covered with many melons, tree hung bunches of grapes, several large, there are bright yellow lemon. I looked down the slope orchard, everywhere is a fresh and green beauty, this is my heart filled with joy, suddenly feel myself into the fertile land beyond all dispute master.
And suddenly there was a voice calling my name: " Robinson, poor, Robinson, where did you go? " I woke up from a very surprised, looked, originally is the " wave " in me, make me happy. " Wave " mouth those a bit sad tone words are all I teach it. Now I be a survivor of a disaster, it flew into my hand, affectionately repeating those it doesn't understand the words, make people feel warm and warm.
If you saw me with scenario, would envy: I like the king, a person sitting up so high. " Wave " as if it is my favourite, only it has the right to speak to me, my dog is like an old and faithful servant, while those of a cat, as docile as sitting on both sides. Although I have the supreme authority on the island, but in fact I dressed was not fit to be seen. Sometimes I look at also can not help but can't help laughing.
1. "Thus fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself." (因此,对危险的恐惧比危险本身可怕十万倍 。)
2. "I had always before held a notion, common enough, I believe, among my sex, that the*** es of novels are of a peculiar and accomplished sort;--each endowed with a variety of accomplishments, as language, drawing, music, dancing, and other polite arts, and each susceptible, also, of the most refined and sentimental emotions." (以前我总是有一个普遍的观念,我相信我的同性中也有这样的观念,那就是小说中的女主角都是一种特殊而全面的类型,每个都有语言、绘画、音乐、舞蹈和其他文雅艺术的多种才能,并且每个人也都能体验到最精致和感性的情感 。)
3. "I am cast upon a horrible, desolate island, void of all hope of recovery." (我被困在一个可怕而荒凉的孤岛上,没有任何恢复的希望 。)
4. "The spectacle of a man in danger of drowning, or of his being dashed to pieces among the rocks, has something in it that is not only terrifying, but sublime." (一个人在溺水的危险中,或被摔碎在岩石中的景象,不仅令人恐惧,而且崇高 。)
5. "The sun, as it rose, illuminated the scene with a fresh morning light; and I had a delightful prospect of fields and woods, of hills and waters, which made me forget, for a time, all my past sufferings." (太阳升起,用新的早晨阳光照亮了这个场景;我看到了美丽的田野和树林,山川和水,这让我暂时忘记了所有的过去的痛苦 。)
2、我按上述条件去寻找一个合适的地点,发现在一个小山坡旁,有一片平地小山靠平地的一边又陡又直,像一堵墙,不论人或野兽都无法从上面下来袭击我在山岩上,有一块凹进去的地方,看上去好像是一个山洞的进口,但实际上里面并没有山洞 。
3、事后想起来,我父亲最后这几句话,成了我后来遭遇的预言;当然我相信我父亲自己当时未必意识到有这种先见之明我注意到,当我父亲说这些话的时候,老泪纵横,尤其是他讲到我大哥陈尸战场,讲到我将来呼援无门而后悔时,更是悲不自胜,不得不中断了他的谈话最后,他对我说,他忧心如焚,话也说不下去了 。
