连锁经营发展趋势(连锁经营管理 连锁经营的发展趋势论文)

连锁经营的发展趋势是逐渐走向规范化、品牌化、特色化、多元化和国际化 。随着消费者对品质、服务和享受的越来越高的要求,连锁经营也需要不断提升品牌形象和服务质量,突出特色和差异化经营,扩大业务范围和领域,寻求大规模、多元化的发展,同时进军国际市场,实现全球化经营 。

摘要:加盟连锁(chain)是指主导企业品牌方把自己开发的产品,服务的运营系统(包括商标,商号等企业形象,经营技术,营业场合和区域),以营业合同的形式,授予加盟店的规定区域内的经销权或营业权 。
让加盟主可以用加盟总部的形象、品牌、声誉等,在商业的消费市场上,招揽消费者前往消费 。而且加盟主在创业之前,加盟总部也会先将本身的know-how、技术…等经验,教授给加盟主并且协助创业与经营,双方都必须签订加盟合约,以达到事业之获利为共同的合作目标;而加盟总部则可因不同的加盟性质而向加盟主收取加盟金、保证金以及权利金等 。
品牌方与加盟店之间是持续的契约关系,依据契约,品牌方必须提供一项特有的商业授权,加上人员培训、组织架构、经营管理与商品之供销,加盟店则须付相对之报酬 。加盟连锁行业控制一直是企业日常经营管理的一项中心工作,在企业经营实践中起重要作用,随社会主义市场经济和现代化企业 *** 与完善,如今的结盟连锁行业正在蓬勃发展,本文将从行业招商和运营管理两个维度进行研究分析和阐述 。
A study on the management mode of franchising and standardization of investment promotion -- a case study of the baby swimming pool
Abstract:Chain (chain franchise) refers to the distribution and business rights in the specified area of the franchised store by the leading enterprise brand to develop the product, the operation system of the service (including the trademark, business name, enterprise image, business technology, business occasion and area).
So that the franchisee can use the image, brand and reputation of the headquarters to attract consumers to the consumer in the commercial consumer market. And joining the main business before joining the headquarters will also first of its own know-how, technology... Experience, professors to the franchisee and help business and business, both parties must sign a franchise contract, to achieve the profit of the cause for the common goal of cooperation; and the franchisee can be franchisee to join the franchisee, deposit, and rights, and so on.
There is a continuous contractual relationship between the brand party and the franchisee. According to the contract, the brand must provide a specific business authorization, plus personnel training, organizational structure, management and commodity supply and marketing, and the franchisee must pay relative remuneration. The control of franchising chain industry has been a central task in the daily operation and management of the enterprise. It plays an important role in the business practice. With the production and improvement of the socialist market economy and modern enterprises, the alliance chain industry is developing vigorously. This article will be studied from the two dimensions of business recruitment and operation management. Analysis and exposition.
Key words:Franchise chain; investment; operation management; baby industry; water swimming; standardized SOP
1 加盟连锁行业概述
1.1 初具规模阶段
1.2 快速发展阶段
1.3 中国连锁经营发展阶段:
1.4 加盟连锁的概念
