英语宾语从句讲解大全,英语宾语从句怎么讲( 二 )

I say that you are rich
I trust that you are rich
简单不,还用学吗?理解这个,其它的主语从句,表达从句,状语从句等等,都已经理解了,就是一句讲完,把相应位置的单词,变成句子,就是从句了 。
或者有些人会疑问,为什么好好的单词需要变成句子呢?表达不够详细啊 。

我知道你 。
我知道你有钱 。
下面这个是不是更详细一点?这个“你”是一个单词,而“你有钱”是一个句子 。
所以语言这个东西,别人是不可能无端端创作出来的,肯定是有用途才会有相应的规律诞生,只要我们掌握这些规律,才会变成学习轻松 。
这句英语意思是和我分享一下你不期望的事 。
名词+that定语从句,动词+that宾语从句 。。这句something 是名词,所以somethingthat是定语从句 。
宾语从句其实就是把一个从句(一个功能齐全的简单句或复合句)嵌入一个简单句里 。例如:

I declare thatmy work is original.我宣布我的作品是原创的 。

  • 主句: I declare that 我宣布了一件事 。
  • 从句:My work is original 我的作品是原创的 。
  • 从句修饰主句:我宣布我的作品是原创的 。
例句就是把一个主系表结构的从句嵌入主谓宾结构的简单句里 。

  • I wonderwhether/if Jim is at home.
  • I wonderwhether tomorrow is a good time to visit her.
  • He didn't tell me when we shall meet again.
  • She always thinks of how she improve her work.
  • She will give whoever needs help a warm support.
  • Can you tell me who the beauty is?
动宾从句有些动词可直接连接宾语从句,如 believe,admit,consider,dream,promise, declare 等, 基本所有及物动词都能这么用
  • I declare that my work is original.
  • I do not admit that I have cheated.
  • They informed me that I have been promoted.
  • I promise you that I will finish this work within a month.
  • I promise that I will never break my words.
用it做形式宾语, find, feel, consider, make, believe, think等后面有宾语补足语的时候
  • I think it necessary that we take measures to reduced green house emission.
  • I have make it clear that you are not welcomed here.
  • We take it that you will agree with us.
很多动词和介词搭配使用,如 depends on, surprised at
  • Whether you can succeed depends on how hard you try.
  • He was not conscious of what a big mistake he had made.
  • I am surprised at what you said.
介词宾语一般不跟that,只有在固定搭配时例外,如in that,except that, but that, save that等
  • He is different from others in that he is brave.
  • I know nothing about him except that he killed the dragon.
  • Your outlook is perfect except that your shoes are dirty.
形容词有动词的意思, sure, certain, glad, please, happy, sorry, afraid, satisfied, surprised
