fighting是什么意思( 二 )

5、fighting是加油的意思吗?什么时候可以用?不是 。
v. 打架;打仗;指挥作战;争论;奋力灭火(fight 的现在分词)
adj. 战斗的;好战的;适于格斗的
n. 战斗
Ten transformers have been damaged in the fighting .
10台变压器在战斗中被损坏 。
The scale of fighting is much*** aller today .
如今的战争规模也没那时候大 。
Thousands have been displaced by the fighting .
成千上万的人因为这次斗争流离失所 。
Does she often come across unexpected things like fighting at parties ?
Fighters number only thousands , and the fighting remains patchy .因为目前参加战斗的只有数千人,战斗也仅零星发生 。
