
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. These words have always had a special place in my heart since the first time I heard them. For me, they represent the one person who brightens up my day and makes my life complete. You are the one who brings a*** ile to my face, even on the darkest of days. Your laughter, your warmth, your love, they all combine to make you the sunshine in my life. Without you, I would be lost in a sea of darkness, but with you, every day is filled with light and joy. You are the one who makes everything seem possible, who gives me the courage to face any challenge. You are my sunshine, and I am grateful for you every day.
我喜欢你,用英语说是“I like you” 。
喜欢的程度再深一点,可以用“I love you”,
还可以用crush,是迷恋,爱慕的意思 。


我有一千八百种坏毛病,最难忍受的是占有欲,别人多看你一眼,都觉得是觊觎 。
巧逢何时,遇君,白衫着身,倾我心,恰似春风十里柔情,叶落声声尽 。秋枫起,与君享千景,等雪临 。
就这样陪你一直走,再久也不会累;陪你在夏日街头漫步,为你撑伞遮挡阳光;为你递上一杯凉茶,让你倍感清凉 。这个夏日,有你更美
我爱你,愿为你摘星取月,看花红柳绿,求得你以身相许,是我生命最大奇迹 。承诺再多还是距离,付出实际才是真理,此生为你坚定不移,亲爱的,我爱你 。
1、I adore you.我爱慕你 。2、I'm totally into you.我为你痴狂 。3、You're my angel.你是我的天使 。(我很喜欢你)4、We're a good match.我们是多好的一对儿 。5、I like you;我喜欢你 。6、I have a crush on you.我喜欢你 。拓展资料我超喜欢你的几种说法1、How to attract the attention of your crush?怎么让你喜欢的人注意到你?2、I have a huge crush on someone.我超喜欢某个人我超喜欢你可以说: I have a huge crush on youattract someone's attention 吸引某人的注意力3、I have a huge crush on this new girl at work,but I don't know how to attract her attention I wish I wasn't so shy.我超喜欢我单位新来的那个女孩儿,但是我不知道怎么吸引她的注意力,我希望我没有那么害羞 。to be invisible to someone 不被某人注意4、Am I invisible to her?We don't really talk very often and I don't know where to
should I say to her?她是不是感觉不到我的存在?我们不经常说话,而且我也不知道怎么开始聊 。我该对她说什么呢?get on someone's radar 引起某人的注意,受某人的关注5、There's no right or wrong way to get on someone'sradar.Just
say hello one day and see where the conversation goes!引起别人的注意没有什么对错之分,哪天去打个招呼,然后聊聊看吧!crush v.压碎,弄碎n.拥挤的人群;迷恋,热恋,迷恋的对象invisible adj.看不见的,不被注意到的radar n.雷达二、winter sunshine什么意思?winter sunshine
意思:冬日的阳光 。
Winter Afternoon Sunshine 冬天下午的太阳
enjoy the winter sunshine 享受冬日阳光
like the winter sunshine 像冬天的阳光
Winter sunshine is relieving the misery of the last three days across most of the UK, but temperatures remain Arctic and the Met Office warns of further snow to come.
【你是我的阳光英文你是我的阳光作文800字】冬日的阳光终于一扫英国大部分地区的阴霾,但气温仍旧极低,气象局预告未来仍会有降雪 。
