大雁塔英文导游词官方 大雁塔英文导游词200字( 三 )

Xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda? Datang lotus park scenic area is located in the core region of xi 'an qujiang newly developed area, with a total area of 3.8 square kilometers, is China's only journal theme scenic spots. There are tang changan xuan zang translated by land, day - the temple of Buddhi *** ; Xi 'an landmarks, one thousand sites - wild goose pagoda; Architectural landscape, nature, save big tang temple Ursa major temple tang big temple ruins park base sites; China's first comprehensive display of tang style park - datang furong garden; In the tang dynasty QuJiangChi site for dating, followed the open cultural experience of landscape pattern of the park - park QuJiangChi sites; After 1400 years of wind and rain of the tang dynasty city wall ruins, restore reproduce the character of the tang dynasty and the tang dynasty as the theme of the artistic conception of tang dynasty city wall ruins park; There is Asia's largest matrix water dance music square, leisure culture of great wild goose pagoda scenic area, dazzle beautiful tang Yin and datang city that never sleeps.

Cultural and historical resources of the scenic spot, beautiful scenery and pleasant environment, everywhere embodies the concept of environmental protection and humanistic care, has become a new card in xian city, the ancient capital touri ***new brand. Visitors enter the scenic area, every footprint walk on site, every journey to complete the dialogue with history.林母洞介绍?林母洞位于中国广西壮族自治区北海市合浦县境内,是一处著名的溶洞景区 。林母洞洞内结构宏伟壮观,内部景观丰富多彩 。游客可以在洞内看到各种奇特的钟乳石、石柱、石幔、石笋等石灰岩地貌,还可以观赏到独特的地下河、地下湖和瀑布等景观 。
林母洞还有一个独特的乐器——石笛岩,是一种天然形成的音乐器,声音悦耳动听,受到游客的喜爱 。同时,林母洞还是一个重要的古人类遗址,洞内发现了大量的史前文化遗存和人类化石,对于人类历史的研究具有重要的意义 。
林母洞是位于中国广西壮族自治区桂林市阳朔县的一处岩溶洞穴景区,是广西地区著名的旅游胜地之一 。
林母洞的主洞和支洞相连,共有10多个大大小小的景点,被誉为“地下漓江” 。
由于内部石峰石柱众多,形态各异,而且被赋予了多种寓意,如千佛峰、狮子山、大雁塔等 。
所以,林母洞也是中国岩溶地貌及人文景观最具特色的景区之一 。
【大雁塔英文导游词官方 大雁塔英文导游词200字】林母洞是位于中国广西壮族自治区桂林市阳朔县境内的一个自然溶洞,是一个以石笋、石柱、石幔、石花等石灰岩溶洞景观为主的旅游景点 。林母洞内有各种形态各异的钟乳石和石柱,其中最著名的是高达18米的“龙柱”,被誉为“地下第一柱” 。
