第一次做饭作文300字 第一次做饭作文400字

第一次做饭是每个人都要面对的挑战,无论你是刚刚踏入成年期的学生成年人,还是已经步入社会的成年人,第一次做饭都是一个难忘的经历 。我依稀记得第一次做饭的场景,那是在我还是个少年的时候,母亲有事外出,家里只剩下我一个人,必须得自己煮饭吃 。当时的我还只是个萌新,对于做饭一窍不通,就算被妈妈批评过无数次也只是别人的经验教训,还没有真正体验过自己做饭的滋味 。所以,那一次的做饭经历成为我记忆深刻的第一次 。
今天,我学会了做菜 。我学做了一道简单又好吃的菜,叫做鸡蛋炒西红柿 。
首先,我在超市买了几个新鲜的西红柿和几个鸡蛋 。回到家里,我先把西红柿切成小块,把鸡蛋打入碗里 。接着,我把锅放在火上,加入了一点油 。我把西红柿放入锅中翻煎,直到变软 。最后,我把打好的鸡蛋倒入锅中,快速翻炒,直到蛋熟透 。
炒好之后,我把锅从火上拿下,见到鸡蛋炒西红柿已经变得颜色鲜亮,香气扑鼻 。我尝了一口,发现味道非常好 。我感到非常开心,因为我学会了做这道菜 。
从今天开始,我要多多学习做菜,丰富自己的生活 。

第一次做饭作文300字 第一次做饭作文400字

Learning to Cook
Today, I learned how to cook. I learned to make a simple and delicious dish, called scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
First, I bought several fresh tomatoes and eggs at the supermarket. When I got home, I cut the tomatoes into*** all pieces and beat the eggs into a bowl. Then, I put a pan on the fire and added a little oil. I put the tomatoes in the pan and fried them until they became soft. Finally, I poured the beaten eggs into the pan and quickly scrambled them until they were cooked through.
After frying, I took the pan off the fire and saw that the scrambled eggs with tomatoes had become bright in color and fragrant. I tasted it and found that it was very delicious. I was very happy because I learned to make this dish.
【第一次做饭作文300字 第一次做饭作文400字】From now on, I will learn to cook more and more, to enrich my life.
