没组词没收可以吗 没组词mo组词( 三 )

ac方向com(together,大家) mod(mode模式)ation(名词后缀)这是词根记忆的方式,但我觉得上面那个更好玩也更容易记】
n.住处; 办公处; 停留处; 住宿; 膳宿; 和解; 调解; 调和;
They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels.

Hari Seldon did not make an impressive appearance at this time.
Hari Seldon的露面并没有给人以深刻印象
Like the Emperor Cleon I, he was thirty- two years old, but he was only 1.73 meters tall.
和国王Cleon一世一样,他32岁,仅1.73米高 。
His face was*** ooth and cheerful, his hair dark brown, almost black, and his clothing had unmistakable touch of provinciality about it.
*** ooth,光滑的,
cheerful 快乐的,兴高采烈的,
就字面意思就是他的脸是光滑的,且快乐的,有两种延伸的,一种是光采照人,这样与前面意思不搭,因为前面说是unimpressive appearance,另一种是皮光肉滑,我又觉得这个带了点贬义
To anyone in later times who knew of Hari Seldon only as a legendary demigod,
Hari Seldon在后代中,可是被传为半神的人物 。
n.次神; 半神半人; 尊为神明的统治者; 被神化的人物;
it would seem almost sacrilegious for him not to have white hair, not to have an old lined face, a quiet*** ile radiating wisdom, not to be seated in a wheelchair.
Even then , in advanced old age, his eyes had been cheerful, however. There was that.
即使到那是,老态龙钟的他,眼睛里依然闪耀着光彩 。那是后话
And his eyes were particularly cheerful now, for his paper had been given at the Decennial Convention.
It had even aroused some interest in a distant sort of way
and old Osterfith had nodded his head at home and had said,
" Ingenious, young man. Most ingenious."
Which, coming from Osterfith, was satisfactory. Most satisfactory.
But now there was a new and quite unexpected-development
and Seldon wasn't sure whether if should increase his cheer and intensify his satisfaction or not.
He stared at the tall young man in uniform- the Spaceship-and-Sun neatly placed on the left side of his tunic.
"Lieutenant Alban Wells,", said the officer of the Emperor's Guard before putting away his identification."Will you come with me now, sir?"
“我是Alban Wells上尉”,皇家卫队长官在收回他的身份证件前说道,“能马上和我一起走吗,先生?”
