中国位居世界第一的有什么?( 二 )

There are 5 hydropower stations in the top ten global installed capacity in China, all ranking first in the world.
3. Internet users
China's broadband and mobile Internet users rank first in the world. Among them, there are 172 million broadband Internet users and 751 million mobile Internet users. The Internet penetration rate reached 42.1%.
4. Automobile manufacturing
In 2013, China's automobile production was 19.271,800 vehicles, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years, accounting for 25% of the world's total production, and firmly sitting on the throne of the world's largest automobile production country; 129.25 times that of 149,100 vehicles in 1978.
5. Shipbuilding volume
In 2013, China's shipbuilding volume was 60.21 million tons. Although it was affected by the global shrinkage of European and American markets, it fell 21.4% from the previous year, but it still ranked first in the world, accounting for 41% of the world's total shipbuilding volume.
6. Professor Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, was the first expert in the world to breed indica hybrid rice.
7. The first cotton weaver in the world was Huang Daopo, a cotton textile innovator in the Yuan Dynasty. 1. Comprehensive geographic data: China has the largest population in the world. China has the world's highest peak Mount Everest. China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the highest in the world.
8. Industry: China's steel output is the largest in the world, surpassing the second, third and fourth combined. China's cement output is the largest in the world, accounting for half of the world's total output. China's coal production is the largest in the world, accounting for half of the world. China's textile production is the largest in the world, with a total of four pieces of clothing per person in the world every year. China's shoe production is the largest in the world, with 3 pairs per person in the world every year. China's TV production is the largest in the world. China's output of refrigerators ranks first in the world. China's DVD production ranks first in the world. China's air conditioner production is the largest in the world. China's motorcycle production ranks first in the world. The world's No. 1 consumer country, the world's No. 1 phosphorous country, the world's No. 1 copper consumer, the world's No. 1 shipbuilder, the world's No. 1 furniture exporter, the world's No. 1 machine tool market, the world's No. 1 piano Production and marketing countries III. Agriculture: China has the world's largest amount of grain produced and eaten. China ranks first in meat production and meat eating in the world. China produces fish and eats fish first in the world. China produces the world's largest cotton. China's edible oil production is the largest in the world. The world's largest fishery country The world's largest sheep-raising country The world's largest producer of fruits and vegetables 3. Social development: The number of college students in China is the largest in the world. The number of professors in Chinese universities ranks first in the world. The number of primary and secondary school students in China is the largest in the world. The number of Chinese doctors is the largest in the world.
China has the largest urban population in the world. The number of tall buildings in Chinese cities ranks first in the world. China's city square is number one in the world.
9. The first in history: \"Spring and Autumn\" records the first record of Halley's comet in 613 BC. The earliest astronomical work \"Gan Shi Xing Jing\" appeared in the Warring States period six hundred years earlier than Europe. The Western Han Dynasty record on sunspots is recognized as The earliest record of sunspots. Zhang Heng proposed a scientific explanation for the lunar eclipse. Hua Tuo first invented narcotic and first invented paper. Zu Chongzhi first accurately calculated the circumference of the circle. \"Tang Materia Medica\" is the world's earliest nationally promulgated pharmacopoeia and the earliest discovery of the American continent. V. Others: The largest number of troops The most complete historical documents preserved Chinese is the oldest existing writings The oldest feudal country The Great Wall is the largest in the world The Forbidden City is the world's largest palace in attracting capital and the world's largest investment place.
