

I am particularly happy today, bec*se today it"s snowing!
I get up a mother let me put on * clothes, I h**edly put clothes ready to go downstairs, as soon as I go downstairs to play up! I pack a lot of snowballs, mom went downstairs to buy food after, I picked up a package of snowballs threw in the past, mother not only don"t know is I th*w, also back to *ile to me. Such as mom go not too far away f*m me, I th*w it again, this time mom discovered, I quickly ran away. See mom gas head like a blaze, a good l*gh at me! After a while, my Cousins, together we pack a lot of snow, and the *o different big snowball into the snow*n"s head, not a snow*n heap was set up in a moment. And then we play the snow battle, each of us take th*w snowball teach parents, *s also picked up a snowball th*wing to the top of the head to us and feet. We also play with little cousin skating, s*ll cousin almost under a c*ss fork, fortunately, we *ed her to get up.
It"s snowing, we play really happy!
我一起床*就让我多穿点衣服,我赶紧把衣服穿好准备下楼,我一下楼就玩了起来!我包了许多雪球,*下楼买菜经过*时候,我拿起一个包好*雪球扔了过去 , *不但不知道是我扔*,还回头对我笑 。等*走到离我不算太远*地方,我又扔了一次,这回被*发现了,我就赶紧跑走了 。看到*气*头上像冒火,把我逗得哈哈大笑!不一会儿 , 我*表弟们来了,我们一起包了好多雪球,又把两个不一样大*雪球做成了雪人*身子和头,不一会儿就把一个雪人堆好了 。接着我们又打起了雪仗,我们每个人都拿雪球向家长们扔去,大人们也拿起雪球向我们头*上方和脚下扔来 。我们还和小表妹*滑冰,小表妹差点就下了一个横叉,幸好我们把她扶了起来 。
"It"s snowing!" I shouted in s*p*se, large tracts of goose feather snow down, ah! Looking good! The tree, on the *of, the car is white.
Snow f*m aluminium leis*ely in the sky, like the white butterfly fluttered in the wind. You look! Snow girl footp*nt has covered th*ughout the world - pale green lawn snowflakes, f*m a distance, just like a sea of silver: of wild flowers in the s*ll and exquisite, some snow coming into a s*ll water *lets, as if in the blossom of each white crystal diamonds, dress up the flowers; Trees covered with silver, dancing in the breeze slowly with a big b*ly fig*e, is a winter dance.
O*ginally quiet garden, has now been hila*ous, lively and lovely children happy f*lic on the lawn, some collection white; Is going to *ke a lovely snow*n; Some be*tiful snowflakes f*m time to time picked up f*m the g*und, rub and *ke it a light snow ball, to cast the companions: some accidentally fell covered with the snow, in a swagge*ng winsome snow*n, how interesting sight!
What a big snow, I like snow!
“下雪了!”我惊喜地大叫 , 大片大片鹅毛般*雪落了下来,啊!真好看呀!树上、汽车上、楼顶上都白茫茫*一片 。
雪花从银灰*天空悠悠地飘下 , 像满天白**蝴蝶在迎风飘舞 。你瞧!雪花姑**足迹已经遍布整个世界——嫩绿**坪上铺满了雪花,远远望去,宛如一片银白**海洋:在那些小巧玲珑*野花身上 , 有*雪花即将化为小水珠,仿佛是在*中镶嵌上*一颗颗洁白晶莹*钻石,装扮着花儿;披上了银装*树木 , 在徐徐吹来*微风中舞动着高大魁梧*身姿,正在跳一支冬**舞 。
原*冷清*花园 , 现在已经热闹起来:活泼可爱*孩子们在*地上欢乐*.嬉戏——有*收集洁白*雪花;准备做一个可爱*小雪人;有*不时从地上拾起美丽*雪花,揉一揉,做成一个小雪球,向同伴身上投支:有*不小心摔了一跤身上沾满了雪花:成一个神气十足*可爱无*雪人 , 多么生动有趣*景象啊!
First Snow 第一场雪
The first fall of snow is not only an *nt but it is a *gical *nt. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yo*self in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found?
【六年级下雪的英语日记】The very stealth, the ee*e quietness, of the thing *kes it * *gical. Ifall the snow fell at once in one shatte*ng crash, awakening us in the middle of the night the *nt would be *bbed of its wonder. But it flutters down, soundless, ho* after ho* while we are asleep. Outside the closed c*tains of the bed*om a vast tran*br*tion scene is takiag place, just as if a my*ad elves and b*wnies were at work, and we t*n and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it. And then, what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house continent. Even the inside, which has not been touched, seems different, *ry *om appea*ng s*ller and cosier, just as if some power were trying to t*n it into a woodcutter"s hut or a snug logcabin. Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening l*l, and the village beyond is no longer yo* own familiar cluster of *ofs but a village in an old Ger*n fairy-tale. You would not be s*p*sed to learn that all the people there, the speetacled postmistress, the cobbler, the retired school *ster, and the rest, had suffered a change too and had become queer elvish beings, p*veyors of invisible caps and *gic shoes. You yo*selves do not feel quite the same people you were yesterday. How could you not when so much has been changed? There is a c*ious stir, a little shiver of excite-ment, t*ubling the house, not unlike the feeling there is ab*ad when a jo*ney has to be *de. The children, of co*se, are all exc*ent but *n the *s hang about and talk to one another longer than usual before setting down to the day"s work. Nobody can resist the windows. It is like being on board a ship.
