

Look up to the starry sky, just as its name implies is looked up at the sky deeper point is the courage to pursue, don"t give up. But some people think that if you look up at the starry sky and there is no concern to the feet that walk down, rather than looking down at the foot go so that you won"t be hurt. The German philosopher Hagel said: "only those who always lie in the pit never looked at the sky, will not fall into the pit." So we should always look up to the starry sky.
"People go to high, water flows downwards", everyone will have such effort is often and success together. The great men of history hero was successful, because they have ambitious ideal pursuit. Like the Han Emperor Liu Bang, if he does not know how to look up to the starry sky, Xiang Yu forced himself, if he could not pursue how unified the world, how will be from a small booth to become a king.
Look up at the starry sky is a prerequisite for success. Look up at the starry sky is like to build a skyscraper in the foundation, is the first complete is a must have; look up at the starry sky is like being manipulated compass, dominate his guide us direction. When I face in life we have to know how to smile, face life with a smile makes us more vigor to our stubborn in the face of the sad fate of resistance, so that we in the face of the passage of time when still young face life mentality.
I"m not sure the pursuit will succeed but I"m sure no pursuit is not successful. There is no free lunch, those who desire to others to find himself a little not seek opportunities for people who are not likely to succeed. Only from no successful people fail, he didn"t have no failure is not to lose, but you do not know what the result will be. Look up to the starry sky, people always think that the sky is mysterious and beautiful, the stars twinkle outline our vision, but the stars are not we want to fly on the space people know that only dust and particles. We only see the surface of things don"t know it"s true.
Look up at the starry sky is that we should have a positive and progressive spirit, to do anything at all to learn not to give up the march forward courageously.
仰望星空,顾名思义是抬头看着天空更深一点勇气去追求,不要放弃 。但有些人认为,如果你仰望星空,没有关注走的脚,而不是俯视脚下去,这样你就不会受到伤害 。德国哲学家黑格尔说:“只有那些总是躺在坑里从来没有看了看天空,不会落入坑 。“所以我们应该仰望星空 。
“人去高,水往低处流”,每个人都会有这样的努力是经常在一起和成功 。历史的伟人英雄是成功的,因为他们有雄心勃勃的理想追求 。像汉族皇帝刘邦,如果他不知道如何仰望星空,项羽强迫自己,如果他不能追求统一的世界,如何能够从一个小展台成为国王 。
仰望星空是成功的先决条件 。仰望星空是喜欢建造摩天大厦的基础,是第一个完整是必须,仰望星空是被操纵的指南针,主宰他的指引我们方向 。当我面对生活我们必须知道如何微笑,微笑着面对人生让我们更活力顽固面对的悲惨命运的阻力,这样我们在面对时间的流逝,当仍然年轻的心态面对人生 。
我不确定追求会成功但我确信没有追求成功 。天下没有免费的午餐,那些渴望别人发现自己有点不寻求机会的人不可能成功 。只有从没有成功的人失败了,他没有不失败是不输,但是你不知道结果会是什么 。仰望星空,人们总是认为天空是神秘而美丽,星星闪烁概述我们的愿景,但星星不是我们想飞上太空的人知道,只有尘埃和微粒 。我们只看到表面的东西不知道这是真的 。
【镇江高三英语作文】仰望星空,我们应该有一个积极和进步的精神,做任何事都不要放弃学习勇敢地前进 。
However hard the situation is, we shouldn"t lose our heart, because we have our dreams. Our dreams are always glorious. We also have enthusiasm that will make our dreams come true. But we must have the willingness to work hard, since if we work hard, some miracles will happen. Nothing good will happen without our hard work.
不管情况多么艰难,我们都不应该迷失自己,因为我们还有梦想 。我们的梦想总是光荣的 。我们也有能使我们梦想成真的热情 。但我们必须要有努力工作的意愿,因为如果我们努力工作,会有奇迹发生的 。如果不如理工作就不会有好的事情发生 。
What"s more, when we are unhappy, we can think about our dreams, so that we will be more enthusiastic. When we are defeated, we should stand up and say," I"m not a failure." Please remember, “ Anything is possible to a man who has a strong determination.”
更重要的是,在我们不快心的时候 , 我们可以想一想我们的梦想,这样我们就会更加充满热情 。在我们失败的时候,我们应该站起来说,“我不是一个失败者” 。请记住,“对于一个有决心的人一切皆有可能 。”
