关于友谊的英语作文精选10篇( 四 )

Friendships are relaxed ,  loyal relationships that involve intimacy,munication, and empathy 。Friendship is a relief 。Friends relate 。Friendship is an in-depth,relaxed relationship!
It is an in-depth relationship bining trust, support,munication, loyalty,understanding ,  empathy,and intimacy 。
These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave 。Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship 。Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end 。It was fun but when you got home,home was wonderful 。Your feeling was "I"m home 。I can relax now 。"
That"s what a friendship should be 。You go out into the world and do your best 。You have your ups and downs,your problems and triumphs ,  your fun and tribulations 。You charm and you perform 。
Then you e "home" to a friend 。You can relax ,  put up your feet; you are relieved 。If you still have to be charming andor performing,it"s not a relief 。Friendship is a fy situation like home 。You get home, kick off your shoes,relax and sigh, "Ahh ,  home 。"
Friendship is essential for the existence of society 。People live in munities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature 。The successful acplishment of any task calls for support from many people 。It"s the friends who are willing to help us 。Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts 。
In the widest sense ,  all people are friends 。People live in a mon society,co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time 。From this respective ,  anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree 。And it"s this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though petition is universal 。
A friend in need is a friend indeed 。Unfortunately,people are so plex in the modern society due to various reasons 。Sometimes,we don"t really know who are our real friends 。Adversity is the touchstone of friendship 。That is to say, in hard times,it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not 。No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you 。
友谊是社会存在的必需品 。人们住在社区里,工作在公司里因而能够保护自我不受自然的伤害 。成功完成任何任务需要很多人的支持 。是朋友愿意给我们供给帮忙 。友谊是和谐力量的一项保证 。
从最广泛的意义上将,所有人都是朋友 。人们居住在同一个社会,总会直接或间接地相互帮忙合作 。从这方面来讲,任何人都能够成为别人某种程度上的朋友 。正是这种友谊让社会和谐,尽管竞争是普遍的 。
患难见真情 。不幸的是,由于各种各样的原因 , 现代社会的人们是如此复杂 。有时候 , 我们真的不明白谁是我们真正的朋友 。逆境是友谊的试金石 。也就是说,在困难的时候 , 我们很容易测试友谊是真是假 。不管发生什么事,一个真正的朋友永远不会让你独自一人,而是永远与你同在 。
