pollution作文6篇( 二 )

健康 , 包围,烟雾,除了气体、杂质,吸收,有毒的,努力,昏了过去
我们都明白清洁空气对于健康是很重要的 。无论你去哪里,无论你做什么,你总是被海洋包围的气体,我们称之为空气 。如果空气中有杂质,它们可能会被我们的身体吸收,使人生病 。我们需要清洁的空气,但不幸的是,空气污染是目前全球,尤其是在城市 。
许多大城市都无污染 。我们的城市有很多工厂,我们需要食物,衣服和其他东西 。每年这些工厂倒成百上千万吨的烟雾进入空气 。燃烧煤炭的发电厂和房屋也大大加重空气污染 。除此之外,在城市有更多的汽车 。一旦在街上,他们将在新鲜空气和有毒气体代替它 。
我们的国家正努力预防和控制空气污染 。只要每个公民也意识到它的重要性,使加入的努力,这一天很快就会到来 , 当人们将只在清洁空气 。然后,阳光将不再是黑烟,烟灰 。
拯救我们的城市Saving Our City
The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today 。There are wastes,air pollution and so on 。What can we do to save our city? About the wastes,we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags 。About the air pollution,we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead 。I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city 。
如今城市的环境变得越来越糟 。有垃圾和空气污染等问题 。我们应当如何保护我们的城市?关于垃圾,我们应当进行垃圾分类,看看它们是不是能够回收利用;使用环保购物袋来代替塑料袋 。关于空气污染,我们应当走路或者骑自行车去学校;我们还应当要求家人尽量少使用汽车,用地铁或者公交车代替 。我期望每个人都能看到环境问题,尽量来拯救我们的城市 。
As we all know,pollution is harmful to living beings 。There are many different types of pollutions in this world 。For instance,water pollution, air pollution ,  noise pollution and so on 。Water pollution cause many kinds of disease that have negative effects on human beings, sometimes the diseases will take people"s life away 。Dirty air will increase the rate of getting lung cancer 。While the noise pollution will cause insomnia 。People"s health condition will be damaged 。
In my humble opinion,people should take measures to control the pollution 。Recently, not only the government,but also inpidual has taken part in the action of protecting the environment 。This is a good sign 。Rivers are being cleaned ,  air is purified,and the people e to realize that the importance of protecting the environment 。
However,this is not enough,the problems are still exist 。Not all of them have been solved 。Some factories are still pouring dirty water into the rivers or give off the toxic gas into the sky 。We should know that protecting the environment needs everybody"s effort 。
我们都明白,污染对生物有很大危害 。在这个世界上 , 有许多不一样类型的污染 。例如:水污染,空气污染 , 噪音污染等等 。水污染会使人们生病 , 甚至死亡 。脏空气会使患肺癌的几率上升 。而噪音污染会让人失眠 。人们的健康水平会下降 。
【pollution作文6篇】在我看来,人们应当采取措施去保护环境 。最近,不仅仅仅是政府部门,个人也参与到环保中去 。这是个好现象 。河流干净了,空气清新了,人们也意识到环保的重要性 。
然而,这些还远远不够 。问题依旧存在 。不是所有的问题都得到了解决 。一些工厂依旧往河流里面排放污水,向天空排放有毒气体 。我们应当谨记环境保护需要每个人的努力 。
