重阳节的习俗英语作文 重阳节的习俗英语作文怎么做

重阳节的习俗英语作文 重阳节的习俗英语作文怎么做


重阳节的习俗英语作文 重阳节的习俗英语作文怎么做

1、Climbing Mountains登高
The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing. So people, both ancient and present, love to go sightseeing this month.
阴历9月这天,正值秋高气爽,适合旅行观光 。所以,一到金秋九月,不论男女老少,都喜欢在此时旅行登高 。
2、Apart from expelling bad luck and disasters, climbing mounting also indicates “climbing to a higher position”, and it is also an important reason why ancient people pay much attention about this custom. Another reason that climbing mountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that is has a meaning of “climb to a longevous life”. Also for this reason people believe that climbing mountains can make people live a more longevous life.
登高可以驱除霉运 , 还意指“晋升高位” 。这也是古人为什么很重视这一传统习俗 。登高之所以受人重视,特别受老人重视,是因为人们认为登高还意寓“登顶长寿” 。除此之外,人们还相信登山能使人健康长寿 。
【重阳节的习俗英语作文 重阳节的习俗英语作文怎么做】3、It is really refreshing to climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this bright and clear time in autumn. Climbing mountains on Double Ninth Festival was already prevailing in the Tang Dynasty, and a lot of poems were devoted to this custom.
在九月登高既是件惬意放松的事,又是件可以欣赏到自然之美的幸事 。重阳节登高,在唐代就开始盛行了,古时也有很多跟重阳登高有关的诗歌 。
