go语言爱好者47期 go语言怎么样( 四 )

B2版:1.spread 2.abroad 3.culture 4.crops 5.capital 6.communicate 7.exhibition 8.breathe 9.produces 10.destroyed 11.listening 12.go 13.wash 14.interested;interesting 15.to clean 16.the longest 17.not to swinm 18.taste 19.helping 20.dangerous 21-25.CBCDB 26-30.BBBCB 31-35.DCACA 36.Why not go…? 37….comes from… 38….How can I get to the…? 39.Turn left at the third turning. 40.We had a good time… 41.Jack runs faster than any other student in his class. 42.Lucy,please pass that book to me. 43.Maybe he is studying in the library now. 44….one another. 45…is keen on… 46….with mountains… 47.Did kings and queens ues to live in… 48.People don’t grow crops such as wheat or grain. 49.Why is the … becoming worse and worse? 50.What do you mean by saying that? 51.How can I get to 52.How far 53.had better 54.Which bus 55.You’re welcome 56.noise pollution 57.In my opinion 58.Anything else 59.Why not 60.right now
B3版:1-5.BADCA 6-10.CDCBA 11-15.CACBB 16-20.ABCCD 21.All the students of our class. 22.They are helping the workers with their work. 23.She is cleaning a blue truck. 24.They are putting the boxes on a brown truck and a black truck.. 25.Yes,it is. 26.help 27.join 28.know 29.What’s 30.old 31.address 32.about 33.is 34.out 35.welcome
B4版:阅读训练营:1-5.TTFTT 6-10.ACBDD任务阅读:1.He lives on xinhua Road in Beijing,China. 2.Biology 3.Mr Huang. 4.Because his home is very far from the school. 5.On September 20th.完形小测:1.is coming 2.will have 3.will ask 4.work 5.sounds 6.shopping 7.play computer games 8.will be 9.don’t have 10.change
B1版:1.unteresting 2.wet 3.die 4.lying 5.explain 6.politely 7.successfully 8.cheerful 9.ourselves 10.slipped 11.balance 12.lying 13.exit 14.drums 15.iron 16.allow 17.dead 18.book 19.blind 20.bored 21.lively 22.foolish 23.lead 24.fire alarm 25.lie 26.express 27.generous 28.concern 29.encourages 30.batteries 31.pain 32.location 33.convenient 34.disability 35.movement 36.balance 37.describe 38.patient 39.barking 40.connect 41.armchair 42.electricity 43.grin 44.seems 45.terribly 46.explanation 47.slamming 48.scratching 49.suggestion 50.speaker 51.cheerful 52.politely 53.lying 54.heater 55.uninteresting 56.in a way 57.went off 58.at last 59.Look out 60.as usual 61.belong to 62.showed up 63.change;into 64.feel like 65.lean out of
B2版:1.exists 2.amusement 3.characters 4.founded 5.contain 6.balance 7.dead 8.allow 9.gentle 10.seemed 11.safety 12.explain 13.belong 14.more convenient 15.barking 16.Look at 17.look;up 18.look after 19.died of 20.died out 21-25.DCBDD 26-30.ACDCA 31-35.CADBC 36….is well-known for… 37.Our school has over two thousand students. 38.Chinese is easier than English. 39….bought…for me… 40.Can you tell me the way to the …? 41.This car is mine. 42.It seemed that my teacher knew that thing. 43….didn’t work. 44.If there is no water,people will die soon. 45.The clerk took me to the … 46.He lay down in the bed and fell asleep soon. 47.Just at that time,the fire alarm went off. 48.It is time to go to bed,and we had better stop talking. 49.My parents never allow me to go home late. 50.She listens to the teacher as carefully as possible in class. 51.on 52.Hurry up 53.Be careful 54.yet 55.is crossing 56.Watch out 57.Thank goodness 58.Let’s 59.Not at all 60.must
B3版:1-5.DACDD 6-10.BDCDB 11-15.BDDCB 16-20.TFFFT 21.A 22.lots of 23.cook well 24.B 25.student;goes swimming 26.waiter 27.giving 28.because 29.cold 30.about 31.kind 32.him 33.else 34.Why 35.don’t
B4版:阅读训练营:1-5.BACBC 6-10.BACBD任务阅读:1.Because it was the weekend. 2.Two. 3.The color and size. 4.Sharks and whales. 5.He felt quite afraid. 6.at 4o’clock in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. 7.walk in quietly 8.speak loudly 9.litter the floor 10.smoke here 11.borrow books without a library card 12.keep the books for two weeks 13.renew it完形小测:1-5.CDADC 6-10.DCDBD
B1版:1.What is Mark doing in the yard? 2.How much orange juice did you buy just now? 3.How long did it take you to work out the problem? 4.How do you like communicating with your pen friends? 5.How often does your grandfather go out for a walk? 6.How far do you walk to go to school every day? 7.How many books does your father have on his bookshelf? 8.No,you needn’t. 9.Can you tell me the way to the hospital? 10.Whose is the pen? 11.My hometown is famous for apples and vegetables. 12.That pair of shoes doesn’t belong to me. 13.Lucy had a good time in her uncle’s home yesterday. 14.Why don’t you try to shop on the Internet?It is very convenient. 15.Now many students can’t take care of themselves. 16.The Students Union provides the students with all kinds of help. 17.Kevin went into the classroom with an egg in his hand. 18.People found that lost child in a cave at last. 19.Could you tell me the way to the Office Building? 20.I don’t feel like explaining it to you again. 21.used to live 22.go abroad 23.give out;in danger 24.in order of 25.as boring as 26.went off 27.in a way 28.hate going 29.am;interested in 30.showed up 31.These events will help you better understand France and French people. 32.Hainan Island is a beautiful city with coasts on three sides. 33.People can learn about the history of Tibet from these pictures. 34.Scientists are only now beginning to understand trees. 35.Can you tell me the location of the phone office? 36.Please take a message for him when you see him. 37.We can use water to do all kinds of thing. 38.Tom looks foolish by doing that thing. 39.I never find it interesting to play comouter games. 40.That dog keeps barking all day and night. 41.enjoyed ourselves 42.at the same time 43.What;look like 44.What’s the matter 45.What about
