go语言爱好者47期 go语言怎么样( 五 )

B2版:1.foolish 2.explanation 3.barking 4.dull 5.uninteresting 6.concern 7.accepted 8.similar 9.harbour 10.suggestions 11.expressing 12.properly 13.cheerful 14.lively 15.slamming 16.more;than 17.more than 18.in a way 19.on the way 20.By the way 21-25.ACCBC 26-30.ABBBA 31-35.CACBA 36.How far 37.had better not 38.Would;like 39.Why not give 40.What does;look like 41.Let’s go for a snack somewhere. 42.We can use electricity to do all kinds of things. 43.Her grandmother feels like listening to music. 44.My father hates being interrupted when he is sleeping. 45.He says that new computers are not as good as the old ones. 46-50.CEADB 51.What 52.am looking for 53.what kind of 54.but 55.have a look 56.What color 57.What about 58.How much 59.will take 60.Best wishes
B3版:1-5.ADCCB 6-10.BADBC 11-15.BACDC 16-20.FFTFT 21.It’s September 30. 22.Seven days. 23.By plane. 24.They did some sightseeing and took a lot of pictures. 25.The main problem is that so many people come out to travel. 26.letter 27.without 28.computer 29.slower 30.in seconds 31.easy 32.any 33.receive 34.in 35.seeing
B4版:阅读训练营:A.1-5.FTTFT.B.1-5.CBDEA任务阅读:1.They’re talking about their dream jobs. 2.He is going to be a writer. 3.He likes reading and writing. 4.Yes,because he wants to be a policeman and fight with the bad people. 5.She thinks it will be exciting.1-4.DBAC完形小测:1-5.ABACD 6-10.BCCAD
B1版:1.The;an 2./ 3.The;the 4.an 5.an;the 6./ 7./;/ 8.the;/ 9.an;the 10.the;/ 11.is flying 12.are playing 13.is reading 14.is making 15.is raining 16.are;getting 17.are enjoying 18.is cooking 19.are leaving 20.are watching 21.borrowed 22.is knocking 23.is landing 24.think 25.travels 26-30.BCCBC 31-35.CCADA 36.in front of 37.on 38.under 39.in 40.next to 41.on 42.on 43.above 44.in 45.beside 46-50.BAACB 51-55.CDBAC
B2版:1.Wheat 2.concert 3.communicate 4.fit 5.natural 6.produce 7.advertisement 8.destroyed 9.fierce 10.roof 11.is giving out 12.in order of 13.cut down 14.communicate with 15.stopped;from 16.fight against 17.was based on 18.in danger 19.is dying out 20.is famous for 21-25.BBACA 26-30.BDCDA 31-35.DACAC 36.What are the boys doing in the room? 37.Where does the little boy often play football after school? 38.Where did you get the information about the disaster areas? 39.Don’t talk in class. 40.Tom didn’t watch TV last night. 41.He doesn’t have anything interesting to tell us. 42.Tom is keen on playing football. 43.Why not read more in your spare time? 44.She has a bike.But this is not her bike.Hers is over there. 45.Mr Green entered the room with a cup of tea in his hand. 46.am collecting;about 47.one of;mountains 48.are;useful for 49.More and more 50.the same;as 51.put the rubbish into the rubbish bins 52.stop using the plastic bags 53.producing waste gas 54.plant trees 55.cutting down trees
B3版:1-5.CDCBA 6-10.CBADB 11-15.ACDBD 16-20.TFFTF 21.It’s usually fine. 22.He likes traveling. 23.He plans to go to Beijing. 24.He will get back to New York on the last day of August. 25.He will watch the Olympic Games,visit some places of interest and go shopping. 26.during 27.doing 28.your 29.enjoy 30.be 31.easier 32.tired 33.hour’s 34.anything 35.stopping
B4版:阅读训练营:1-5.TFFTF 6-10.DABCD任务阅读:11.22‰ 12.8‰ 13.30‰ 14.40‰ 15.12‰完形小测:16-20.DBACC 21-25.DDBBC
B1版:1-5.IEABH 6-10.FCGJD 11-15.CAEDB 16-20.EADBC 21.Excuse 22.way 23.take 24.on 25.turn 26.How far 27.had better 28.Which 29.Where 30.welcome 31.he is not in 32.That’s too bad 33.Can I take a message 34.Tell him not to be late 35.Thanks a lot 36.What about you? 37.How shall we get there? 38.When shall we meet? 39.Why not meet a little earlier? 40.Where shall we meet? 41.What’s the matter 42.But 43.worse and worse 44.had better 45.at once
B2版:1.lay 2.batteries 3.politely 4.asleep 5.uninteresting 6.concern 7. accept 8.explanation 9.ironing 10.almost 11.barking 12.book 13.balance 14.sense 15.disability 16.hot 17.cheerful 18.dull 19.similar 20.foolish 21-25.BDADB 26-30.BAACA 31-35.BABCA 36-40.DEACB 41.Can you tell me the way to your school? 42.The computer doesn’t work. 43.A UFO showed up in the sky just now. 44.I feel like drinking a cup of coffee now. 45.Wendy lent her new bike to me. 46-50.BECDA 51.What’s the matter 52.It is raining 53.Why don’t you 54.feel like 55.had better
