java本地语音识别代码 java语音处理( 三 )

public static final int ERROR_NO_LICENSE= 10110;/* 0x277E */
public static final int ERROR_NOT_INIT= 10111;/* 0x277F */
public static final int ERROR_NULL_HANDLE= 10112;/* 0x2780 */
public static final int ERROR_OVERFLOW= 10113;/* 0x2781 */
public static final int ERROR_TIME_OUT= 10114;/* 0x2782 */
public static final int ERROR_OPEN_FILE= 10115;/* 0x2783 */
public static final int ERROR_NOT_FOUND= 10116;/* 0x2784 */
public static final int ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_BUFFER= 10117;/* 0x2785 */
public static final int ERROR_NO_DATA=;/* 0x2786 */
public static final int ERROR_NO_MORE_DATA=;/* 0x2787 */
public static final int ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_DATA=;/* 0x2788 */
public static final int ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST= 10121;/* 0x2789 */
public static final int ERROR_LOAD_MODULE= 10122;/* 0x278A */
public static final int ERROR_BUSY= 10123;/* 0x278B */
public static final int ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG= 10124;/* 0x278C */
public static final int ERROR_VERSION_CHECK= 10125;/* 0x278D */
public static final int ERROR_CANCELED= 10126;/* 0x278E */
public static final int ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE= 10127;/* 0x278F */
public static final int ERROR_CONFIG_INITIALIZE= 10128;/* 0x2790 */
public static final int ERROR_CREATE_HANDLE= 10129;/* 0x2791 */
public static final int ERROR_CODING_LIB_NOT_LOAD= 10130;/* 0x2792 */
/* Error codes of network 10200(0x27D8)*/
public static final int ERROR_NET_GENERAL= 10200;/* 0x27D8 */
public static final int ERROR_NET_OPENSOCK= 10201;/* 0x27D9 *//* Open socket */
public static final int ERROR_NET_CONNECTSOCK= 10202;/* 0x27DA *//* Connect socket */
public static final int ERROR_NET_ACCEPTSOCK = 10203;/* 0x27DB *//* Accept socket */
public static final int ERROR_NET_SENDSOCK= 10204;/* 0x27DC *//* Send socket data */
public static final int ERROR_NET_RECVSOCK= 10205;/* 0x27DD *//* Recv socket data */
public static final int ERROR_NET_INVALIDSOCK= 10206;/* 0x27DE *//* Invalid socket handle */
public static final int ERROR_NET_BADADDRESS = 10207;/* 0x27EF *//* Bad network address */
public static final int ERROR_NET_BINDSEQUENCE= 10208;/* 0x27E0 *//* Bind after listen/connect */
public static final int ERROR_NET_NOTOPENSOCK= 10209;/* 0x27E1 *//* Socket is not opened */
public static final int ERROR_NET_NOTBIND= 10210;/* 0x27E2 *//* Socket is not bind to an address */
public static final int ERROR_NET_NOTLISTEN= 10211;/* 0x27E3 *//* Socket is not listening */
public static final int ERROR_NET_CONNECTCLOSE= 10212;/* 0x27E4 *//* The other side of connection is closed */
public static final int ERROR_NET_NOTDGRAMSOCK= 10213;/* 0x27E5 *//* The socket is not datagram type */
public static final int ERROR_NET_DNS= 10214;/* 0x27E6 *//* domain name is invalid or dns server does not function well */
/* Error codes of mssp message 10300(0x283C) */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_GENERAL= 10300;/* 0x283C */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_PARSE_ERROR= 10301;/* 0x283D */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_BUILD_ERROR= 10302;/* 0x283E */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_PARAM_ERROR= 10303;/* 0x283F */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY= 10304;/* 0x2840 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE= 10305;/* 0x2841 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH= 10306;/* 0x2842 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODE= 10307;/* 0x2843 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_INVALID_KEY= 10308;/* 0x2844 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_KEY_EMPTY= 10309;/* 0x2845 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_SESSION_ID_EMPTY= 10310;/* 0x2846 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_LOGIN_ID_EMPTY= 10311;/* 0x2847 */
public static final int ERROR_MSG_SYNC_ID_EMPTY= 10312;/* 0x2848 */
