php遍历get数据 php怎么遍历数据库里的数据( 三 )

function rewind() {
$this-point = 0;
function current() {
return $this-data[$this-point];
function key() {
return $this-point;
function next() {
function valid() {
return isset($this-data[$this-point]);
$it = new TestIterator;
foreach($it as $key = $value) {
echo $key, $value;
echo "\n";
[php] view plaincopy
$it = new TestIterator;
while ($it-valid()){
$key = $it-key();
$value =$it-current();
echo "$key=$value";
[php] view plaincopy
* CListIterator class file.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @link
* @copyright Copyright ? 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CListIterator implements an interator for {@link CList}.
* It allows CList to return a new iterator for traversing the items in the list.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Id$
* @package system.collections
* @since 1.0
class CListIterator implements Iterator
* @var array the data to be iterated through
private $_d;
* @var integer index of the current item
private $_i;
【php遍历get数据 php怎么遍历数据库里的数据】* @var integer count of the data items
private $_c;
* Constructor.
* @param array $data the data to be iterated through
public function __construct($data)
* Rewinds internal array pointer.
* This method is required by the interface Iterator.
public function rewind()
* Returns the key of the current array item.
* This method is required by the interface Iterator.
* @return integer the key of the current array item
public function key()
return $this-_i;
* Returns the current array item.
* This method is required by the interface Iterator.
* @return mixed the current array item
public function current()
return $this-_d[$this-_i];
* Moves the internal pointer to the next array item.
* This method is required by the interface Iterator.
public function next()
* Returns whether there is an item at current position.
* This method is required by the interface Iterator.
* @return boolean
public function valid()
return $this-_i$this-_c;
php数组遍历取值问题echo get_all($arr);function get_all($arr){ $count = count($arr); for($i=0;$i$count;$i++){ if(is_array($arr[$i])){//判断是否为数组get_all($arr[$i]); }else{ echo $arr[$i]; } } }
php 遍历结果集 为什么取不到值有几种可能,你可以通过以下方式一一排除:
1.$rx_pro=$db-get_results('select * from'.TB_PREFIX.'product wherecategoryId=10');这一行并没有从数据库中取出数据,你可以在下方输入:print_r($rx_pro);来看看到底有没有得到 。
2. 确定数据库中已经存在数据,如果没有数据 , 当然得不到值 。要添加一些再测试,或者是没有满足categoryId字段为10的行 。
3. 另外 , 你确定$db这个类中的get_results方法是取得多行数据的?会不会是只取一行?如果这样,得到的count就不是二维数组了,你好好检查一下,你可以print_r一下结果看看 。
