vb.net动态添加控件 vba 窗体中动态添加的控件( 三 )

RadioButton Name = RadioButton
RadioButton Size = New System Drawing Size( )
RadioButton TabIndex =
RadioButton Text = 一楼
RadioButton BackColor = System Drawing SystemColors Control
RadioButton Location = New System Drawing Point( )
RadioButton Name = RadioButton
RadioButton Size = New System Drawing Size( )
RadioButton TabIndex =
RadioButton Text = 四楼
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
GroupBox Controls Add(RadioButton )
End Sub
把上一页的代码复制添加后 把控件初始化过程InitializeControl()过程添加到Form 的New构造函数中 如下图二所示
图二 在New构造函数中添加过程InitializeControl()
现在按F 运行 Form 的窗体控件布局(如下图三所示)是不是和我们手工布局的图一的布局是一样的呢vb.net动态添加控件?
如何在vb.net里面动态添加控件Private WithEvents NewTextBox As TextBox
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If NewTextBox Is Nothing Then
Set NewTextBox = Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "cmdNew", Form1)
NewTextBox.Move 200, 200
NewTextBox.Width = Form1.Width - 450
NewTextBox.Height = Form1.Height - 1400
NewTextBox.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If NewTextBox Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
Controls.Remove NewTextBox
Set NewTextBox = Nothing
End If
End Sub
AddHandler 控件.事件名,addressof 事件过程
RemoveHandler 这个是取消绑定
没发现自动生存的事件过程后面还有一个Hander button1.Click之类的,这就是所谓事件句柄 。反而跟过程名没关系,改成阿猫阿狗也可以 。
例外也可以像 Private WithEventsobj as ControlClass 这么声明控件变量,估计像vb6那样会在下拉列表中列出事件系列 。
哎呀,说了半天跑题了 。ff不存在嘛多半不是它的作用域范围内,应该把ff变量定义在类中 , 而不是类中的某个过程中 。
最好把代码添多一点,把ff部分也添出来看看 。
VB.NET 用二维数组的方式动态加控制 例如在窗体上动态添加GroupBox,然后再在GroupBox里动态添加控件下面这段代码完成,在窗体上用语句添加2个 GroupBox控件,且在每个GroupBox控件中添加4个 RadioButton 控件 。
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim MyGroupBox(2) As GroupBox
For i = 1 To 2
MyGroupBox(i) = New GroupBox
MyGroupBox(i).Height = 240
MyGroupBox(i).Width = 600
MyGroupBox(i).Top = (i - 1) * (240 + 20) + 20
MyGroupBox(i).Left = 20
MyGroupBox(i).Text = "GroupBox"CStr(i)
Dim MyRadioButton1(4) As RadioButton
Dim MyRadioButton2(4) As RadioButton
For i = 1 To 4
MyRadioButton1(i) = New RadioButton
