明文转密文linux命令 linux命令将文件转换编码( 四 )

主要的公钥算法有:RSA、DSA、DH和ECC 。
Openssl中大量用到了回调函数 。回调函数一般定义在数据结构中,是一个函数指针 。通过回调函数,客户可以自行编写函数,让openssl函数来调用它 , 即用户调用openssl提供的函数,openssl函数再回调用户提供的函数 。这样方便了用户对openssl函数操作的控制 。在openssl实现函数中,它一般会实现一个默认的函数来进行处理,如果用户不设置回调函数,则采用它默认的函数 。
{% endtabs %}
古典密码 常用明文转密文linux命令的有凯撒加密等等
要好理解明文转密文linux命令的话 我说一下吧
比如 明文 abcd密钥 5 密文 efgh就是将字母顺序向右移动五位(位移5)
现在用 凯撒密码 加密一句话 i love you
密文为n qtaj dtz
还有一个 反字母表加密
比如 abcdefg加密后为 stuvwyz
Function Caesar(str, offset)
Dim length, char, i
Caesar = ""
length = Len(str)
For i = 1 To length
char = Mid(str, i, 1)
If char = "A" And char = "Z" Then
char = Asc("A") + (Asc(char) - Asc("A") + offset) Mod 26
Caesar = CaesarChr(char)
ElseIf char = "a" And char = "z" Then
char = Asc("a") + (Asc(char) - Asc("a") + offset) Mod 26
Caesar = CaesarChr(char)
Caesar = Caesarchar
End If
End Function
inputbox "密文:","凯撒密码",Caesar("i love you", 5)
'"i love you" 是要加密明文转密文linux命令的字符串明文转密文linux命令;5是字母的位移数
If Input="" Then Wscript.quit
For i = 1 To Len(LCase(Input))
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "a" Then Output = Output"z"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "b" Then Output = Output"y"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "c" Then Output = Output"x"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "d" Then Output = Output"w"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "e" Then Output = Output"v"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "f" Then Output = Output"u"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "g" Then Output = Output"t"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "h" Then Output = Output"s"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "i" Then Output = Output"r"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "j" Then Output = Output"q"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "k" Then Output = Output"p"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "l" Then Output = Output"o"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "m" Then Output = Output"n"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "n" Then Output = Output"m"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "o" Then Output = Output"l"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "p" Then Output = Output"k"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "q" Then Output = Output"j"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "r" Then Output = Output"i"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "s" Then Output = Output"h"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "t" Then Output = Output"g"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "u" Then Output = Output"f"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "v" Then Output = Output"e"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "w" Then Output = Output"d"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "x" Then Output = Output"c"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "y" Then Output = Output"b"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = "z" Then Output = Output"a"
If Mid(LCase(Input), i, 1) = " " Then Output = Output" "
Msgbox Output,0,"反字母表加解密"
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