go语言实习文案朋友圈 go语言培训( 二 )

47.You used to be worried, now you are a story, and then you are the past.
从前你是心事,现在你是故事 , 以后你是往事 。
48.I was born to love freedom and no one can restrain me, but I am tired of loneliness, afraid of failure.
天生爱自由无人能束缚,却腻了孤独,怕了辜负 。
49.If you always stay for me for half a minute, how will not see I love you.
若你眉眼为我停留半分怎会看不见我情深如初 。
你在人前故作坚强 , 无人懂你内心软弱地方 。无妨 。待来年花开,笑看春光 。
51.Go straight ahead, do not turn around, let go of everything and pursue your dreams. That's all.
一往直前,不要回头,放下所有,去追逐自己的梦想,就是这样 。
52.Don’t cry because it is over;smile because it happened.
不要因为结束而哭泣;微笑吧,因为你曾经拥有 。
53.I hope there will be a big wind to blow away all my unhappiness.
希望有一场很大的风,吹走我所有的不快乐 。
54.Lire the cat in old alley,I am free,but I have no home.
像旧巷子里的猫 , 我很自由,但没有归宿 。
55.There is always a person, has been living in the bottom of my heart, but disappeared in life.
总会有一个人 , 一直住在心底 , 却消失在生活里 。
56.It is ridiculous that this world is lonely, and the path it has gone through is not to return to its place.
可笑这人世孤苦,所经之途,都不是归处 。
57.The only person you should try to be better than,is who you were yesterday.
你唯一应该超越的,是昨天的自己 。
58.I forgot it,but i still have memories.
我忘记了,但还有回忆 。
59.Do not please the Word, nor comment on right and wrong. Just be yourself and love who are you.
不去讨好世界,也不去评论是非 。做好自己就行,爱谁谁 。
60.I want to spend all my life, but I don't care about a person.
我想浪荡一生 , 却不小心钟情了一个人 。
61.After searching for half a lifetime of spring, you can open your mouth.
寻了半生的春天,你一开口便是了 。
62.The moon does not belong to anyone, but at some point, he really illuminated me.月亮不属于任何一个人 , 但某一刻,他真的照亮过我 。
63.Love you once,I love you twice,I love more than beans and rice.
一见倾心,再见倾情,我爱你,此生不渝 。
64.A man has all his tenderness and kindness,before he becomes a heart of stone.
一个人在变得铁石心肠之前,也曾付出了全部的温柔和善意吧 。
65.Take endeavor as a habit instead of temporary passion.
把努力当成你的习惯 , 而不是一时心血来潮 。
66.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it’s called the present (the gift).
昨天是 历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物 。
67.I also have poetry and distance, but poetry is very bad, far away a dark.
我也有诗和远方,只不过诗很烂 , 远方一片黑暗 。
68.I will not humble to detain you to go out and don't look back.
我再也不会低声下气去挽留你要走就走别回头 。
69.l want to try, lf i work hard, how far can i go.
我想试试,如果我努力 , 我能走到什么程度 。
70.Life ideal, raise a lovely you.
71.When you come with wind and rain, I cannot avoid it. You are out of order for four seasons, and I am ill for a long time.
你来时携带风雨,我避无可避 。你走时乱了四季,我久病难医 。
72.Time is like a shadow, and few people will lower the haed to look on.
