新年决定的英语作文怎么写 新年决定的英语作文范例

新年决定的英语作文怎么写 新年决定的英语作文范例

新年决定*英语作文怎么写?相信有很多网友们都还不知道,下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 。
高分英语作文1:New year"s resolution *my new year"s resolution* it"s hard to finish my new year"s resolution first. I have to study hard bec*se I want to get good grades. Mathe*ti* is not very good, so I will practice three times a week.
I want to exercise *. I will go swimming and running. I will eat * vegetables and fruits to keep healthy.
I also want to learn a new language bec*se I want to be a translator when I g*w up favo*ite. Next year I"ll work hard and I"ll try my best to do these things.
(我*新年决心) 我*新年决心很难先完成,我要努力学*后想成为一名翻译法语是我*最爱 。明年我会努力工作 , 我会尽我所能去做这些事情 。
万能作文模板2:新年决心A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can"t * but think about the plan for the next year as before. Well said: a good start is half the success, so I decided that I should work when others are still relaxed, and then, at the beginning, I"m faster than others, of co*se, I"ll get better results than others, But what I really decided to do was that I had to *ke use of the time I could spare. Although it seemed impossible, I would try my best to realize my plan.
The result will p*ve that my Sp*ng Festival is special. My uncle and my *nt come back f*m Shanghai. My family are very happy to spend the Sp*ng Festival with them, which is the most exciting festival of all festivals.
On the first day of the new year, we went to visit relatives in the afternoon. We went shopping on Jiefang Road. My uncle bought some jays CDs.
He loved jays music very much. There were so *ny people. The *ad was * active than at any time of the year.
The next day and the third day, we had a wonderful weekend in the country. The trees are much bigger than the city, and the ani*ls are * be*tiful. We all had a good time.
I had an interesting Sp*ng Festival. How about you.
新*xx年,一个新*开始 , 当我站在新*xx年*边缘时,我会不由自主地像以前一样思考下xx年*计划说得好:开局不错是成**一半,所以我决定我应该在其他人还在放松*时候工作,然后,在开始*时候,我比其他人快,当然我也会比其他人取得更好*结果,但是我真正决定做*是,我必须利用我能腾出*时间,尽管这似乎是不可能*,但是我会尽我所能实现我*计划,结果将证明我*春天春节是特别*,我*叔叔和我*阿姨从上海回来我们全家都很高兴和他们一起过春节,这是所有节*中最激动人心*一个节* 。新年第一天,我们下午去探亲,我们去解放路购物我叔叔买了几张Jays CD , 他非常喜欢Jays*音乐有那么多人这条路比xx年中*任何时候都活跃 。第二天和第三天,我们在乡下度过了一个美好*周末 。
树比城里大得多,动物也比城里漂亮 。我们都过得很愉快 。我过了一个有趣*春节,你呢 。
满分英语范文3:新年决定*New Year"s resolution* today is the first day of the new year, so yesterday is the last day. Ha ha, it seems that almost *ryone is busy new year"s resolutions or sum**es. But I am confused and can"t remember that *rything is w*tten in months, so I only regard the past as a year.
When I learned *o toes, I won a lawsuit in my volunteer * career *although it is not* It was a real recovery, but in my lifetime I found my first job and met a person I mistakenly thought was the *ght person. After I was inj*ed, I knew him very well and decided to give up my dream of going to the United States for f*ther study. Maybe the list should be infinite.
But now, my memory is limited, bec*se the past is n*r equal to the fut*e, so let it go and look forward to a better one The b*ght fut*e will be a better choice to simplify and be nat*al, which I have been p*suing for *ny years. I will try my best to *intain this lifestyle. I will try to be happy *ry day, just as I have been thinking about my * and *iling all the time.
No *tter what happens, this is an overall concept of my life. More specifically, I have *de the following plans within the whole The year to do it: it"s been a long time since the last exercise. Exercise is not only a way to lose weight, but * importantly, in order to keep fit, I *y do some exercise with a few f*ends on weekends, or go to the *m to learn body mechani* or yoga *keeping weight no * than kg is my goal, keep learning English, bec*se the dream of becoming a lawyer seems very close to me.
Why is an English teacher like Vincent so old Teachers can"t work harder and harder. In my job, a good start is half of my first step into society. I don"t just want a job.
