

*篇文章将会为您介绍一下,与奉献有关*英文作文*有关内容,相信有很多网友们都还不知道,下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 。
高分英语作文1:It"s about dedication I have worked in an export company for * than five years. I have been a **r in this company for the past ten years. In the past three years, I have worked as a sales*n in a company for five years.
I have worked in the office of b*ther trading company. Ad is still an accountant. I am 20 years old.
I have been employed by green tree company for the past *o years, engaged in general office cle*cal work. I am a year old and have *o years of working expe*ence in my c*rent position. In order to better play my *le, I will leave.
I"m 19 years old, fe*le, and I"m 18, 20 years old, and I"m eager to settle down and work in an office. I have been a cashier at the green hotel since I graduated f*m school *o years ago.
我在一家出口公司工作了xx年多,在过去*xx年里我一直在这家公司做经理,在过去*xx年里我在一家公司做过xx年*员,我在兄弟贸易公司*办公室工作过ad仍然是一名会计 , 我今年xx岁,过去两年受雇于绿树公司,从事办公室*一般文书工作 。我今年岁 , 在目前*工作岗位上有两年*工作经验 , 为了更好地发挥自己*作用 , 我将离职 。我今年xx岁,女* , 在我刚从学校毕业,今年xx岁,xx岁,渴望安定下来从事办公室工作 。
两年前我从学校毕业后,一直在格林酒店当出纳员 。
万能作文模板2:是关于奉献*Fan Zhon*an, who loves be*ty, life and life, is always contented and happy. Fan Zhon*an once said, "first worry about the world, then enjoy the world". Music is to enjoy music, which is a good reward for "worrying about the world first and worrying about the world".
The success of corrupt officials is an old saying: "no * than three meals a day, fertile hectares, * than the Chinese Valentine"s Eve sleep" it said "All knowledge is pe*lous." if a person is greedy, he will lose his sense and become a slave of *te*al desires. He will be swallowed up by such a life. Only those who are for*r, for*r and for*r, always think about others.
Those who are dedicating are willing to offer themselves to a happy and meaningful life and go their own way. But after all, they are condemned by conscience and public opinion responsibility.
从一个热爱美好、热爱生活、热爱生活*人,往往坦然知足,快乐享乐*范仲淹说过“先忧天下,后享乐天下”,其中音乐就是以音乐为乐,是“先忧天下而忧天下”*好回报,而成*则是一句老话常言道:“不超过三餐xx*食肥沃公顷,多于七夕睡眠”它说:“知无不殆”一个如果不到人 , 贪得无厌 , 必然会失去理智 , 成为物欲*奴隶,最终被这样*人生吞噬,没有价值*只有那些永远、永远、永远*人,总是想着别人,在奉献*人愿意把自己奉献给幸福和有意义*人生,走自己*路 , 但毕竟是受到良心和*谴责 。
满分英语范文3:与奉献有关We live in a *te*alistic society and have been trained to be greedy since childhood. We were t*ght at an early age to be *te*alistic and to think about things. To be exact, money, mine or yo*s, seems impossible to live in modern society without money.
Money is *n regarded as a symbol of wealth and social status. There is a saying that money can *ke the devil move the mill. People seem to value their own money * than their dedication to society.
Some people pay the p*ce of others, and some people always ask for ret*n after they pay. Their dedication, dedication and no ret*n are the highest l*l of dedication. Lei Feng"s dedication is such a typical example.
Bees p*duce honey bec*se they work hard for hu*n beings. That"s why we respect the dedication of bees to b*ng us happiness and contentment A person who cont*butes to the society will enjoy a lot in the p*cess of dedication.
我们生活在一个物欲横流*社会,从小就被训练成贪婪 。我们早年就被教导要物欲横流,要考虑事物 , 确切地说,就是金钱,我*或你*,似乎没有钱就不可能生活在现代社会 。金钱甚至被视为财富和社会地位*象征有句俗话说,钱能使鬼推磨,人们似乎更看重自己拥有金钱而不是对社会*奉献 。
【与奉献有关的英文作文】有些人在别人*代价有些人总是在付出之后才要求回报,他们*奉献、奉献、不求回报是奉献*最高境界雷锋*奉献精神就是这样一个典型*例子蜜蜂生产蜂蜜是由于他们对人类*辛勤劳动而不求回报,这就是为什么我们尊重蜜蜂*奉献精神能给我们带来幸福和满足感一个为社会奉献*人,在奉献*过程中会有很多*享受 。
