

高分英语作文1:Little s*p*se in life One day, his father"s f*end b*ught a pear. Zheng asked his father to pick his own f*m the youngest s*n younger b*thers. The younger b*ther went first and picked the largest one.
Zheng picked up the s*llest pear and said, "when I was young, I should eat the s*ll pear, and the rest big pear will be given to it." listening to his father"s s*p*se, he asked, "that b*ther is also younger than you." Rong said: "since I am my b*ther My b*ther is younger than me, so I should let him ".
一天,**朋友带来了一个梨,郑叫*从最小*七个弟弟开始自己挑 , 弟弟先去,挑一个最大*,而郑拿起最小*梨说:“我小*时候 , 应该是吃小梨,剩下*大梨*就给它”听*说一个很惊喜*惊喜,问:“那*也比你小啊”戎说:“既然我是我*,我弟弟比我小,所以我应该让他” 。
万能作文模板2:生活中*小惊喜When Valentine"s day comes, couples like to share their sweet moments and post photos online. Young couples will do a va*ety of **ntic things to s*p*se each other, and the relationship of the older generation has left a deep impression on me. The **ntic film "New York, I love you" is *de by a few short sto*es about an old couple who walk to the beach.
On the *ad, women complain about men on *ny s*ll issues, but the men end up with little quarrel. When they ar*ve at their destination, they suddenly enjoy the sunset hand in hand. What a lovely story it is that it is so close to real life, Just like the final outcome of each couple, most young people are chasing **ntic moments, which *kes them very excited.
But the essence of life is composed of some s*ll p*blems. When *o people understand each other and find a way to deal with conflicts, their *r*age can last for a long time. S*p*se is the flavor of daily life, and when it happens on a special day, there are some Meaningful.
当情人节到来*时候 , 情侣们喜欢分享他们*甜蜜时刻,并把照片发布在网上 。年轻*情侣们会做各种浪漫*事情来给对方惊喜,而老一代*关系给我留下了深刻*印象 。浪漫*《纽约 , 我爱你》,这部*是由几个短篇故事拍摄*关于一对老夫妇,他们走到海滩上,在路上 , *在许多小问题上抱怨男人,但男人们最终几乎没有争吵 , 当他们到达目*地时,他们突然手拉手欣赏*落,多么可爱*故事,它是如此接近现实生活,就像每一对恋人最后*结局一样,大多数年轻人都在追逐浪漫*时刻,这让他们很兴奋,但生活**质是由一些小问题组成*,当两个人互相体谅 , 找到处理矛盾*方法时,他们*婚姻可以长久地延续下去,惊喜是*常生活中*味道,当它发生在特殊**子里是有意义* 。
满分英语范文3:生活中*小惊喜Dear Susan, we are holding a s*p*se party for Xiaoming"s birthday. We would like to invite you to the party we want to give him. So please keep quiet.
We will meet in the student club this F*day afternoon. After the *ning class, we will prepare a s*ll gift for him. When he comes, we will prepare a s*ll gift for him Candle, sing happy birthday together, then the cake will be cut, sing and play s.
I"m glad to see how excited he is. I"m s*e you"ll have a good time at the party. I wish you, Li Hua http://gaokokoolearncom/.
亲爱*苏珊 , 我们正在为小明*生*举办一个惊喜派对,我们想邀请你参加我们想给他一个惊喜*派对,所以请大家保持安静 , *周五下午在学生俱乐部聚会,晚上*课程结束后,我们每个人都会准备一份小礼物,当他来*时候 , 我们会为他准备一份小礼物给他点蜡烛,一起唱生*快乐,然后蛋糕会切好,唱歌,玩游戏我很高兴看到他有多兴奋我相信你会在派对上玩得很开心 , 也祝你,李华http://gaokokoolearncom/ 。
