scratch12月一级真题,2012 12月 n1真题亲子供注意子供

1,2012 12月 n1真题亲子供注意子供因为思っても属于结尾词啊 , 还有だが和っても的意思重复了 。如果例题是子供のため( )、その気持ちはなかなか伝わらない 。(前半句加上去有点矛盾,所以省略)的话可以使用至于に和を子供のために(xxxxを)思って使用に的时候,子供のため是补语,这句话会变成没有宾语 , 所以不能使用 。子供のためを思って使用を的时候,「ため」为宾语,所以正确 。搜一下:2012 12月 n1真题:亲が子供を注意するのは、子供のため( )のことなのだが、その気持ちはな
2 , scratch1级考试难吗scratch1级考试不难 。scratch编程的理念非常先进,这家的教学方针很有想法,刚开始接触这个的时候 , 会感觉到这个很简单,深入了解之后 , 就会发觉这个没那么简单,很多人都想来试试这个 。scratch编程最能够让受益的就是思维能力了 , 这个锻炼思维能力非常强大,能够让思维能力有突飞猛进的进步,很多人不相信这个 , 试过之后都会被这个所征服下去,考试的时候就不会再怕考试 。
3,请问一下各位高手我今年12月份考日语1级还有三个月不知道怎么系统复习吧~单词每天都要坚持背的~根据自己的记忆力水平定个量 比如一天50个左右 完全掌握它们 隔天再复习 毕竟一级要求词汇量毕比较大的~ 然后就是相近意思的词自己多归类比较比较 找一找它们的细微差别~ 词汇就是坚持~ 尽量边听边记忆语法可以买一些参考书 我们用的是完全掌握系列3本 红绿黄的那个~ 语法琐碎一些 要完全吃透的话可能要下一些功夫 建议每记忆一个语法点的时候背一个例句 或者自己造一个句子 这样印象会比较深刻 还有就是要在文章中多多熟悉语法 可能文章中有不会的词或语法 所以要及时的总结下来及时记忆 听力的话也要坚持每天听一点 不用过多 半小时一个小时都是可以的 但是一定要达到一定的程度 比如反复再听的时候里面的生词都能听出来 第二天再听还可以听出来 这样就算有效果了~ 坚持听~ 把每套真题听力里面不懂的单词都吃透 听懂 这样听力就没多大问题了~ 最后就是做真题~ 一定要计时做!真题至少考前一个半月要开始做了~!可以根据自己的掌握程度来安排的~ 做完一套不要急着做下一套 把前一套全部弄明白 每个单词都搞明白 每个语法都弄懂 这样就差不多了~ 最最后的一两个星期要把真题再反复按时做一遍 如果你时间充裕的话可以多做几遍 别觉得麻烦 这样可以查漏补缺 慢慢你就会明白日本人的思维习惯了~因为一级考试是在一点半 如果你怕困的话 可以每次做真题的时候就选在一点半开始 这样应该会比较快适应当天考试的环境~ 个人的一点小建议 希望对你有用~~ 祝你成功!加油?。?【scratch12月一级真题,2012 12月 n1真题亲子供注意子供】
4,2019年12月大学英语四级真题长阅读第一套2019年12月14日,大学英语四级笔试考试已经结束,各位考生对本次四级考试的做题感觉如何呢? 文都四六级 英语老师在考后及时为大家整理2019年12月大学英语四级真题长阅读(第一套),希望大家都能够顺利通过本次四级考试 。Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.A South Korean city designed for the future takes on a life of its ownA) Getting around a city is one thing — and then theres the matter of getting from one city to another. One vision of the perfect city of the future: a place that offers easy access to air travel.In 2011, a University of North Carolina business professor named John Kasarda published a book called Aerotropolis: The Way Well Live Next. Kasarda says future cities should be built intentionally around or near airports. The idea, as he has put it, is to offer businesses “rapid, long-distance connectivity on a massive scale.”B) “The 18th century really was a waterborne (水运的) century, the 19th century a rail century. the 20th century a highway, car, truck century一and the 21st century will increasingly be an aviation century, as the globe becomes increasingly connected by air,” Kasarda says. Songdo, a city built from scratch in South Korea, is one of Kasardas prime examples. It has existed for just a few years.“ From the get-go, it was designed on the basis of connectivity and competitiveness,”says Kasada. “The government built the bridge directly from the airport to the Songdo International Business District. And the surface infrastructure was built in tandem with the new airport .”C) Songdo is a stones throw from South Koreas Incheon Airport, its main international hub (枢纽). But it takes a lot more than a nearby airport to be a city of the future. Just building a place as an “international business district” doesnt mean it will become one. Park Yeon Soo conceived (构想) this city of the future back in 1986. He considers Songdo his baby. “I am a visionary,” he says. Thirty years after he imagined the city, Parks baby is close to 70 percent built, with 36.000 people living in the business district and 90,000 residents in greater Songdo. Its about an hour outside Seoul, built on reclaimed tidal flats along the Yellow Sea, Theres a Coast Guard building and a tall trade tower, as well as a park, golf course and university.D) Chances are youve actually seen this place. Songdo appears in the most famous music video ever to come ou of South Korea. “Gangnam Style” refers to the fashionable Gangnam district in Seoul. But some of the video was filmed in Songdo.“I dont know if you remember, there was a scene in a subway station. That was not Gangnam. That was actually Songdo,” says Jung Won Son, a professor of urban development at Londons Bartlett School of Planning, “Part of the reason to shoot there is that its new and nice.”E) The city was supposed to be a hub for global companies, with employees from all over the world. But hats not how it has turned out. Songdos reputation is as a futuristic ghost town. But the reality is more complicated. A bridge with big, light-blue loops leads into the business district. In the center of the main road, theres a long line of flags of the world. On the corner, theres a Starbucks and a 7-Eleven--all of the international brands that you see all over the world nowadays.F) The city is not empty. There are mothers pushing strollers, old women with walkers -- even in the middle of the day. when its 90 degrees out. Byun Young-Jin chairs the Songdo real estate association and started selling property here when the first phase of the city opened in 2005. He says demand has boomed in the past couple of years. Most of his clients are Korean. In fact, the developer says, 99 percent of the homes here are sold to Koreans. Young families move here because the schools are great. And thats the problem: Songdo has become a popular Korean city 一more popular as a residential area than a business one. Its not yet the futuristic international business hub that planners imagined. “Its a great place to live. And its becoming a great place to work,” says Scott Summers, the vice president of Gale International, the developer of the city. The floor-to-ceiling windows of his companys offices overlook Songdo Central Park, with a canal full of kayaks and paddle boats. Shimmering (闪烁的)glass towers line the canals edge.G) “Whats happened is, because we focused on creating that quality of life first, which enabled the residents to live here, what has probably missed the mark is for companies to locate here,” he says. “There needs to be strong economic incentives.” The city is still unfinished, and it feels a bit like a theme park. It doesnt feel all that futuristic. Theres a high-tech underground trash disposal system. Buildings are environmentally friendly. Everybodys television set is connected to a system that streams personalized language or exercise classes.H) But Star Trek this is not. And to some of the residents, Songdo feels hollow. “Im, like, in prison for weekdays. Thats what we call it in the workplace,” says a woman in her 20s. She doesnt want to use her name for fear of being fired from her job. She goes back to Seoul every weekend. “I say Im prison-breaking on Friday nights.” But she has to make the prison break in her own car. Theres no high-speed train connecting Songdo to Seoul, just over 20 miles away.I) The man who first imagined Songdo feels frustrated. too. Park says he built South Korea a luxury vehicle, “like Mercedes or BMW. Its a good car now. But were waiting for a good driver to accelerate.”But there are lots of other good cars out there, too. The world is dotted with futuristic, high-tech cities trying to attract the biggest international companiesJ) Songdos backers contend that its still early, and business space is filling up—about 70 percent of finished offices are now occupied. Brent Ryan, who teaches urban design at MIT, says Songdo proves a universal principle. “There have been a lot of utopian (乌托邦的) cities in history. And the reason we dont know about a lot of them is that a lot of them have vanished entirely.” In other words, when it comes to cities—or anything else—it is hard to predict the future.36. Songdos popularity lies more in its quality of life than its business attraction.37. The man who conceives Songdo feels disappointed because it has fallen short of his expectations.38. A scene in a popular South Korean music video was shot in Songdo.39. Songdo still lacks the financial stimulus for businesses to set up shop there.40. Airplanes will increasingly become the chief means of transportation, according to a professor.41. Songdo has ended up different from the city it was supposed to be.42. Some of the people who work in Songdo complain about boredom in the workplace.43. A business professor says that a future city should have easy access to international transportation.44. Acording to an urban design professor, it is difficult for city designers to foresee what happen in the future.45. Park Yeon So. Who envisioned Songdo, feels a parental connection with the city.以上就是文都四六级英语老师为大家整理的2019年12月大学英语四级真题长阅读(第一套),希望大家都能够顺利通过此次的四级考试!5,抢答BEC英语四级每年6月份和12月份的上午考 英语六级每年6月份和12月份的下午考 英语四,六级是一天考的,只是分上下午 导游证一般分为国导证,省导证,地方导游证,这几个证,从先往后先难后易 。国导证最难考,不过国导考到手了在全国所有的地方都是通用的,报名和考试时间一般由各省结合自身情况自定 。报名一般在每年的六月至九月,考试一般在10月至12月间 BEC是12月1日考试,口语考试不一定 , 抽签决定的 翻译证书分3中,不知道你要考哪一中 国家人事部颁发的全国翻译专业资格证书分为:一级(高)、二级(中)、三级(低) 。11月份考试 上海外语口译岗位资格证书分为:中级、高级 。3月和9月考试 教育部的翻译证书考试11月份经济科学出版社的BEC课本,练习册和考试用书 。我就是用了这些书学的 。做真题 并把真题完全搞懂,滚瓜烂熟,一定过~~ 我是考过的,经验之谈 , 不需要买太多书,真题足以~~国家教委考试中心已在全国40多个大中城市设立了BEC考点,由当地高等学校承办 。各地考生可注意本地区考点的信息 。参加BEC考试不需要任何特殊资格,任何人都可持中华人民共和国居民身份证报名;五身份证者可持护照、军人身份证等其它有效身份证件报名,也可持工作证和单位介绍信报名 。BEC考试报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学生、待业人员等)均可持本人身份证到当地考点报名 。而且任何时间都可以报名,上半年报名截止时间为3月20日,下半年报名截止时间为9月17日 。目前BEC考试在全国27个省自治区、直辖市36个城市共设有个58个考点 。每次报名收费(含口试费)如下:BEC1约290元人民币 , BEC2约370元人民币,BEC3约490元人民币 。考试时间为每年5月的第三个周六(BEC3)、第四个周六(BEC1)、6月第一个周六(BEC2)、11月第四个周六(BEC3)、12月第一个周六(BEC1)、第二个周六(BEC2) 。口试时间在笔试后一个半月左右 。笔试前两个月开始报名 。书籍方面 , 在新华书店有BEC中级高级书及配套练习,听力,你可以买到的 。6,2010年12月日语能力一级真题2010年12月5日 日本语能力试験 N1 问题集 问题一_________の言叶の読み方として最もよいものを、1?2?3?4から一つ选びなさい 。①话が本筋からそれてしまった 。1 もとすじ 2 もときん 3 ほんすじ 4 ほんきん②友人にピアノの伴奏を頼まれた 。1 はんそう 2ばんそう 3はんそ 4ばんそ③名探侦の推理で事件は无事に解决した 。1しんり 2すいり 3どうり 4ろんり④先日の会议では、极めて重要な问题が话し合われた 。1きわめて 2あらためて 3つとめて 4つきつめて⑤もう少しアイディアを练ってからお话しします 。1けずって 2つのって 3ほって 4ねって⑥靴のひもを缔める1からめた 2ゆるめた 3はめた 4しめた问题ニ ( )に入れるのに最もよいものを1?2?3?4から一つ选びなさい 。⑦各国のテレビがそのニュースを( )1投じた 2配送した 3报じた 4配布した⑧森林伐采が环境に( )影响は大きい 。1及ぼす 2授ける 3费やす 4掲げる⑨吉田さんは弁护士として20年もの( )を积んできた 。1ベテラン 2ポジション 3ステータス 4キャリア⑩この小说の主人公は歴史( )の人物をモデルにしている 。1上 2面 3侧 4内?交渉が( )进み、无事に契约することができた 。1 しとやかに 2 しなやかに 3円滑に 4 急性に?次の大会に向けて、チームの( )を强めよう 。1 ?2 结束 3亲密 4紧密?その企业は巨大な资本を( )に、海外の市场に进出した 。1背景 2根源 3后援 4発端问题三 _________の言叶に意味が最も近いものを、1?2?3?4から一つ选びなさい 。?今回の研修会は、出席者がまばらだった 。1多かった 2 少なかった 3 まじめだった 4 ふまじめだった?昨日は一日中どんよりした天気だった 。1 昙っていて暗かった 2 晴れていて明るかった3 风が吹いて凉しかった 4 雨が降って蒸し暑かった?父は毎朝、丹念に新闻に目を通す 。1 ぼうっと 2 ちらっと 3じっくりと 4ざっと?最近、仕事がはかどっている 。1予想外に遅れている 2 顺调に进んでいる3徐々に减っている 4 急激に増えている?検讨の结果、この计画は见合わせることになりました 。1承诺する 2実施する 3変更する 4中止する?激しい雨のため、やむをえず试合は延期することになった 。1 しかたなく 2 まもなく 3思いがけなく 4 限りなく问题四 次の言叶の使い方としてもっともよいものを、1?2?3?4から一つ选びなさい 。? 调达1新しい事业のために、资金を调达しなければならない 。2インターネットで奨学金の申请方法を调达した 。3希望の职种に就くためには、早めに必要な资格を调达したほうがいい 。4环境问题にたいする各国の若者の意识を调达した 。21 细心1初めて一人で海外旅行をしたとき、细心の思いをした 。2この二つの言叶は似ているが、细心のところでは意味が异なる 。3美术馆の运搬には、细心の注意を払う必要がある 。4イベントの概要は伺いましたが、细心の说明はまだです 。22 意地1彼は何がやりたいのか、意地がはっきりしない 。2そう意地を张らずに、素直に谢ったほうがいいよ 。3会议で、この调査の意地を说明した 。4わが社は顾客の意地に沿った商品开発を目指している 。23 めきめき1あの人は発言するたびに意见がめきめきかわる 。2入院して、健康のありがたみをめきめきかんじた 。3远虑しないで、めきめき召しあがってくださいね 。4水泳教室に通ったおかげで、めきめき上达した 。24 目先1 田中さんはつい目先に帰ってしまいましたよ 。2 あのモデルのファッションは流行の目先を行っている 。3 目先の利益を追うのではなく、会社の将来を考えるべきだ 。4 决胜戦を目先に控え、选手はだいぶ紧张しているようだ 。25 见落とす1 人が困っているのを见落とすわけにはいかない 。2 飞行机に
