
Step1: Turn off the printer
Before you reset your EPSON L1355 printer, you should make sure to turn it off completely. Turning off the printer completely can ensure that none of the current settings remain in the system and that the steps below can be performed without interruption.
Step2: Press and hold the stop button
To reset an Epson L1355 printer, you will need to press and hold the stop button for at least 3 seconds. During this process, you may hear noise coming from the printer as it is trying to reset itself.
Step3: Release the stop button
Once the 3 second time period has elapsed, you can then release the stop button. You should hear a beep sound that signals that the printer reset process has been completed.
Step4: Power on the printer
【爱普生l1355清零】Once the reset process has been completed, you can then power on the printer. It is worth noting that the printer may take a few seconds longer to power on than normal as it is resetting itself.
Step5: Print a test page
Once the printer has been reset, you can then print a test page to ensure that the reset was successful and that the printer is now able to print normally.
Congratulations, you have now successfully reset your Epson L1355 printer.
