
Epson Clear is a powerful software tool that can be used to reset your Epson printer to factory settings. It will reinstall the original Epson printer driver, reset all settings to the factory default, and remove any extraneous programs or extra drivers. You may also choose to reinstall an updated version of the printer driver if necessary.
Epson Clear is also useful for resetting additional printers that have been connected to the main Epson printer. This could be useful if you have multiple printers on the same network, or if simply need to reset multiple printer settings.
There are two ways to utilize the Epson Clear tool. The first is to use the “System Restore” function. System Restore will take the computer back to a point in time where the current settings were working just fine. If you believe something has gone wrong since then, you can go back to that point. The second option is to use the “Reset Printer” function. This will completely restore the printer to factory default settings.
If you are going to use the System Restore function, then you will need to be careful. Make sure you back up any files or settings that you have created since that time. Ensure that the restore point you are choosing is from a time when you know your printer was working correctly.
When resetting with the “Reset Printer” option, you will have the opportunity to remove any unwanted programs and additional drivers. This is especially useful if you have installed extra programs or software since the last time you used your printer.
Once you have chosen a restore point or reset the printer, you will need to restart the computer. Once the computer has rebooted, the printer should now be reset to its factory settings.
【爱普生清零file】Using Epson Clear is a great way to restore your Epson printer back to its original settings. It can save you time, hassle, and money if you ever need to do a complete reset on your printer.
