Canon iP1180 software reset
1. Download the Canon iP1180 driver for your printer. You can get this driver from the Canon website, or from other websites such as Printer Drivers Download.
2. Install the driver, following the instructions provided with each download.
3. Choose the “Software” tab from the printer’s main menu.
【佳能ip1180软件清零】4. Click on the “Software Reset” button.
5. Follow the instructions in the software reset dialog box.
6. Wait for the reset to finish and then select “Finish”.
7. Select “OK” to restart the printer.
8. Print a test page to verify that the reset was successful.
By resetting your Canon iP1180 printer, your printer will be back to the factory default settings. This should solve any printing, scanning or connectivity issues that you may be having. If you are still having issues, please contact a Canon certified service centre.
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