Canon TS3380 printer clear waste ink
1. 为了清除Canon TS3380打印机的废墨,首先,您需要打开打印机的盖子,检查一下墨水盒是否满了 。
To clear the waste ink from the Canon TS3380 printer, firstly you need to open the lid of the printer and check the ink cartridge to see if it is full.
2. 如果墨水盒已满,您需要将墨水盒拔出来,然后把墨水盒旋转180度,将它放回原位 。
If the ink cartridge is full, then you need to pull it out and rotate it 180 degrees and put it back in its place.
3. 然后,您需要在打印机上找到名为“正确”的按钮,该按钮被设置为开启废墨清理功能 。
Then, you need to locate the button on the printer called “OK” which is set to enable the waste ink cleaning function.
4. 按下“确定”按钮后 , 打印机会弹出废墨清理消息 。
Once you press the “OK” button, a message will pop up on the printer asking you to clean the waste ink.
5. 选择“是”,打印机会开始废墨清理功能,此过程可能持续几分钟 。
【佳能TS3380清除废墨】Select “yes” and the printer will start the waste ink cleaning process which can take a few minutes.
6. 等待直到废墨清理完成 , 您将看到新的墨水盒与空的墨水盒的比较,您可以观察到废墨量的减少 。
Once the waste ink cleaning is complete, you will see a comparison between the new ink cartridge and the empty one and you can observe a decrease in the amount of waste ink.
7. 当您完成废墨清理后,您可以关闭打印机的盖子,避免增加外界的废墨 。
Once you are done with the waste ink cleaning, you can close the lid of the printer to prevent further ink waste from the outside.
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