Canon G2400 waste inks reset
1. Turn on the power switch of printer to OFF.
2. Press and hold the Resume/Cancel button then press the Power button. (Do not release the Resume/Cancel button.)
3. When the Power led is lit, release the Resume/Cancel button.
4. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button twice.
5. When the Power led is lit, release the Resume/Cancel button.
6. The Power led will lit orange and the Alarm led will lit green.
7. Press the Resume/Cancel button four times. (Each time the Alarm led will blink orange, green and orange.)
8. After the fourth time, the Alarm led will stop blinking and the Power led will be lit green.
【佳能g2400废墨清零】9. Turn the printer’s power off and then on again.
10. The printer is now reset and ready for use.
Follow this procedure for resetting the Canon G2400 waste inks.
It is important to note that resetting the waste inks is only a temporary solution and should be performed once every 30 days. If the issue persists after resetting, please contact Canon for further assistance.
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