
Canon Printer 245 Waste Ink Reset – 700 Characters
步骤 1:关闭打印机
1. Turn off the printer
步骤 2:按住Power(电源)和Stop(停止)键
2. Hold down the Power and Stop buttons
步骤 3:同时释放Power(电源)键,而去按住Stop(停止)键
3. While releasing the Power button, keep pressing the Stop button
步骤 4:释放Stop(停止)键并按住Resume(恢复)键
4. Release the Stop button and press and hold the Resume button
步骤 5:再次释放Resume(恢复)键,指示灯将闪烁
5. Release the Resume button again and the indicator light will blink
步骤 6:按住Power(电源)键
6. Press and hold the Power button
【佳能打印机245废墨清零】步骤 7:释放Power(电源)键,打印机将打印出一页废墨重置报告
7. Release the Power button and the printer will print a Waste Ink Reset report
