1,using是什么意思using是use的进行时态,可以翻译为“使用中” 。使用中的意思用,利用
2,帮我翻译成汉语使用任何金钱是可得到的在最有针对性和有效的方法,我认为它是只强调的情况下发生的与挑战,现在全球基金与美国的双边援助的艾滋病毒在最有针对性和有效的方法下使用任何的货币都是行得通的,这样的方法在我看来只是强调现时存在的处境,那就是全球基金的挑战和美国的艾滋病双边援助的趋平现状 。【using 翻译,using是什么意思】
3 , c里的USING语句是什么意思using 引入名称空间或者使用非托管资源其中引入名称空间通俗的说就是我们程序中最顶部的代码如:using System;楼主取的例子应该是使用非托管资源,我们一般使用的是托管资源 , 不用后系统会自动释放内存,而有些我们自己定义的非托管资源就需要我们手动的去释放空间就对于你上面这句话而言,因为数据库open之后 , 最后一定要close,即在代码最后写conn.close();但是用了using语句后,当执行完using语句中的代码,退出using语句时,close()方法会自动帮你执行,把数据库连接关闭 。方便了代码的书写和以免程序员忘记关掉数据库连接 。使用using语句最终生成的其实是一个try, finally代码块 , 在finally代码块里释放资源 。要求是:为 using 语句提供的对象必须实现 IDisposable 接口 。此接口提供了 Dispose 方法,该方法将释放此对象的资源 。你的问题其实可以这样解释:在using中其实打开了一个数据库连接 , 然后从数据库中读取了某些数据,最后不管读取是否成功,都应该把这个数据库连接关闭掉 。传统的写法应该是在try块里打开连接并且读?。?在finally块中把连接关闭掉,而由于你的sdr对象实现了IDisposable接口,所以C#允许你用using语句来代替这种写法 , 其实这就是一种语法糖,一种简便写法而已 。当程序运行完这个代码块(超出大括号的范围)后,sdr就会被自动关闭掉 。C#程序员参考using语句请参见C#关键字|using指令|实现Finalize和Dispose以清理非托管资源using语句定义一个范围 , 在此范围的末尾将处理对象 。using(expression|typeidentifier=initializer)statement其中:expression希望在退出using语句时调用Dispose的表达式 。typeidentifier的类型 。identifiertype类型的名称或标识符 。定义一个以上type类型的identifier是可以的 。在每一个identifier=initializer的前边都有一个逗号 。initializer创建对象的表达式 。statement嵌入的语句或要执行的语句 。备注在using语句中创建一个实例,确保退出using语句时在对象上调用Dispose 。当到达using语句的末尾,或者如果在语句结束之前引发异常并且控制离开语句块,都可以退出using语句 。实例化的对象必须实现System.IDisposable接口 。1.using语句:定义一个范围,将在此范围之外释放一个或多个对象 。2.语法:using (font font1 = new font("arial", 10.0f))}3.c# 通过 .net framework 公共语言运行库 (clr) 自动释放用于存储不再需要的对象的内存 。内存的释放具有不确定性;一旦 clr 决定执行垃圾回收,就会释放内存 。但是,通常最好尽快释放诸如文件句柄和网络连接这样的有限资源 。4.using 语句允许程序员指定使用资源的对象应当何时释放资源 。为 using 语句提供的对象必须实现 idisposable接口 。此接口提供了 dispose 方法,该方法将释放此对象的资源 。5.可以在到达 using 语句的末尾时,或者在该语句结束之前引发了异常并且控制权离开语句块时,退出 using 语句 。
4,英语翻译啊急急急1. People with their bodies in different parts of the job 2. Architecture of workers hand job 3. Sports athletes major job with his arm 4. Teachers want to use its brain, mouth, said with a glance, using hearing 5. Perfume manufacturers must have a good sense of smell 6. Cook a good taste 7. Firemen must have a good sense of smell1. People with their bodies in different parts for working2. Architecture of workers hand job 3. Sports athletes major job with his arm 4. Teachers want to use its brain, mouth, said with a glance, using hearing 5. Perfume manufacturers must have a good sense of smell 6. Cook a good taste 7. Firefighters must have a good sense of smell1. People with their bodies in different parts of the job 2. Architecture of workers hand job 3. Sports athletes major job with his arm 4. Teachers want to use its brain, mouth, said with a glance, using hearing 5. Perfume manufacturers must have a good sense of smell 6. Cook a good taste 7. Firemen must have a good sense of smell1 people in different parts of the body2 construction workers work with our hands3 athletes with arms work mainly4 the brain, eyes and mouth, use with ears5. Perfume makers must have a good sense of smell6 chef should have good taste7. Firefighters must have a good sense of smell参考翻译:1.人们用身体的不同部位工作People work with different parts of their body2.建筑工人用手工作construction workers work with their hands3.体育运动员主要用胳膊工作athletes work with arms mostly4.老师用脑想,用嘴说,用眼看,用耳听teachers use brains to think,mouths to speak and ears to listen5.香水制造商必须有良好的嗅觉Perfume makers must have a good sense of smell.6.厨师要有良好的味觉Chefs need good sense of tastes7.消防员必须有良好的嗅觉Firefighters must have a good sense of smell.5,翻译翻译你用www.chazidian.com/翻译,或者用360浏览器的右上角,点“翻译” 。这样要翻译的话就不用提问题这么麻烦了 。360浏览器翻译是:Based on the introduction of the euphemism the source, role and its role in business English is discussed on the basis of its plays in our daily communication the taboo, manners, and disguise and its business English plays to alleviate the negotiations both sides negotiate atmosphere, maintain friendly relations of self-respect and the function; Concentrated discusses the lexical use nouns, verbs, adverb; Use of the past tense, syntactic aspects passive, subjunctive mood; Use of negative tone weakening in rhetoric, certainly the technique of expression of the tone weakening. Finally in using the euphemism involved should note era, register, and cultural differences.望采纳~~Based on the introduction of the euphemism the source, role and its role in business English is discussed on the basis of its plays in our daily communication the taboo, manners, and disguise and its business English plays to alleviate the negotiations both sides negotiate atmosphere, maintain friendly relations of self-respect and the function; Concentrated discusses the lexical use nouns, verbs, adverb; Use of the past tense, syntactic aspects passive, subjunctive mood; Use of negative tone weakening in rhetoric, certainly the technique of expression of the tone weakening. Finally in using the euphemism involved should note era, register, and cultural differences试试网上翻译如何?额,这个太多了点吧This paper describes the source of euphemisms, and its role in business English, based on the daily communication discusses the play in the shy, polite, cover, and negotiations in business English play to ease the climate for negotiations The two sides face to maintain and establish friendly relations function; focused on the use of their vocabulary nouns, verbs, adverbs; syntactical use the past tense, passive voice, subjunctive mood; negative tone of the use of rhetoric weakening weakening in positive terms expression. Finally, the use of euphemisms involved should pay attention to the times, register, cultural differences and other issues我 对你 无语?/、
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