
1,求用vb写出的烟花代码急急急用ps做好烟花图片,然后加载 。这里有 http://www.pudn.com/downloads145/sourcecode/asm/detail631360.html【烟花代码编程,求用vb写出的烟花代码急急急】
2,c语言放烟花代码 快捷键说明 空格: 播放 / 暂停Esc: 退出全屏 ↑: 音量提高10% ↓: 音量降低10% →: 单次快进5秒 ←: 单次快退5秒按住此处可拖拽 不再出现 可在播放器设置中重新打开小窗播放播放出现小问题,请 刷新尝试
3,编一个鼠标点击放烟花的程序楼上的不对 , , , 晕,,乱来 。把这个文件下下来 。http://myloves.68l.com/yanhua/jhanabi.class,把下面的代码加到你网页下,注意jhanabi.class的路径和网页一个路径的下面就不用改了 。麻烦采纳 , 谢谢!
4,2022年跨年烟花代码可复制烟花代码如下:package love;import java.applet.Applet;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.net.URL;import java.util.Random;烟花@author enjoy@SuppressWarnings("serial")public class Q extends Applet implements Runnable public int speed, variability, Max_Number, Max_Energy, Max_Patch,Max_Length, G;public String sound;private int width, height; private Thread thread = null; private BeaClassDemo bcd[]; public void init()int i;this.setSize(1900, 900); width = getSize().width - 1;height = getSize().height - 1;speed = 1;// 烟花绽放的速度variability = 10;Max_Number = 980;// 可发出烟花的最大数目Max_Energy = width + 50;Max_Patch = 90;// 最大的斑点数Max_Length = 90;// 斑点的最大距离G = 150;// 向地面弯曲的力度bcd = new BeaClassDemo[Max_Number]; for (i = 0; i < Max_Number; i++)bcd[i] = new BeaClassDemo(width, height, G); }public void start() if (thread == null) thread = new Thread(this);thread.start();}}@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public void stop() if (thread != null) thread.stop();thread = null;}}@SuppressWarnings(public void run() int i;int E = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Energy * 3 / 4) + Max_Energy / 4 + 1;int P = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Patch * 3 / 4)// 烟花的斑点数+ Max_Patch / 4 + 1;int L = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Length * 3 / 4)// 烟花可发射出的距离+ Max_Length / 4 + 1;long S = (long) (Math.random() * 10000); boolean sleep; Graphics g = getGraphics();URL u = null;while (true) try thread.sleep(1000 / speed);catch (InterruptedException x) sleep = true;for (i = 0; i < Max_Number; i++)sleep = sleep && bcd[i].sleep;if (sleep && Math.random() * 100 < variability) E = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Energy * 3 / 4) + Max_Energy / 4+ 1;P = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Patch * 3 / 4) + Max_Patch / 4+ 1;L = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Length * 3 / 4) + Max_Length / 4+ 1;S = (long) (Math.random() * 10000);for (i = 0; i < Max_Number; i++) if (bcd[i].sleep && Math.random() * Max_Number * L < 1) bcd[i].init(E, P, L, S);bcd[i].start();bcd[i].show(g);public void paint(Graphics g)g.setColor(Color.black); g.fillRect(0, 0, width + 1, height + 1); class BeaClassDemo public boolean sleep = true;private int energy, patch, length, width, height, G, Xx, Xy, Ex[], Ey[], x,y, Red, Blue, Green, t;private Random random; public BeaClassDemo(int a, int b, int g)width = a;height = b;G = g;public void init(int e, int p, int l, long seed) int i;energy = e;patch = p;length = l;// 创建一个带种子的随机数生成器random = new Random(seed);Ex = new int[patch]; Ey = new int[patch]; Red = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128;Blue = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128;Green = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128;Xx = (int) (Math.random() * width / 2) + width / 4;Xy = (int) (Math.random() * height / 2) + height / 4;for (i = 0; i < patch; i++) Ex[i] = (int) (Math.random() * energy) - energy / 2;Ey[i] = (int) (Math.random() * energy * 7 / 8) - energy / 8;public void startt = 0;sleep = false;public void show(Graphics g)if (!sleep)if (t < length) int i, c;double s;Color color;c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Red;if (c >= 0 && c < 256)Red = c;c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Blue;if (c >= 0 && c < 256)Blue = c;c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Green;if (c >= 0 && c < 256)Green = c;color = new Color(Red, Blue, Green);for (i = 0; i < patch; i++) s = (double) t / 100;x = (int) (Ex[i] * s);y = (int) (Ey[i] * s - G * s * s);g.setColor(color);g.drawLine(Xx + x, Xy - y, Xx + x, Xy - y);if (t >= length / 2) int j;for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) s = (double) ((t - length / 2) * 2 + j) / 100;x = (int) (Ex[i] * s);y = (int) (Ey[i] * s - G * s * s);g.setColor(Color.black);g.drawLine(Xx + x, Xy - y, Xx + x, Xy - y);常用的编程语言 。编程语言一:C语言C语言是世界上最流行、使用最广泛的高级程序设计语言之一 。在操作系统和系统使用程序以及需要对硬件进行操作的场合 , 用C语言明显优于其它高级语言,许多大型应用软件都是用C语言编写的 。编程语言二:javaJava是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台(即JavaSE, JavaEE, JavaME)的总称 。编程语言三:c++C++这个词在中国大陆的程序员圈子中通常被读做“C加加”,而西方的程序员通常读做“C plus plus" , "CPP” 。它是一种使用非常广泛的计算机编程语言 。C++是一种静态数据类型检查的、支持多重编程范式的通用程序设计语言 。5,flash 烟花代码问题 求救把上面的代码换成下面这个试试看:for (i=2; i<70; i++)duplicateMovieClip("ster1", "ster"+i, i); eval("ster"+i)._rotation = random(360); var abc:Number = 40+random(80); eval("ster"+i)._xscale = abc; eval("ster"+i)._yscale = abc;}所有的"ster" add i都换成"ster"+i给你一个网址 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.haoqzone.com%2f" target="_blank">http://www.haoqzone.com/</a>在那里可以找到;6 , 如何用vb编写礼花绽放并写出它的代码先建立一个图片框,一个时钟控件,Interval属性设为100,代码如下:Private Sub Form_Click()Picture1.ScaleMode = 3Picture1.Scale (-3, 3)-(3, -3)Picture1.Line (-0.3, -2)-(0.3, -3), , BFEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Dim i As SinglePicture1.DrawWidth = 2For i = 0.15 To 3 Step 0.001Picture1.PSet (i, Log(i)), RGB(255, 0, 1)NextFor i = 0.15 To 3 Step 0.001Picture1.PSet (i, Log(i)), Form1.BackColorNextFor i = -0.15 To -3 Step -0.001Picture1.PSet (i, Log(-i)), RGB(255, 0, 1)NextFor i = -0.15 To -3 Step -0.001Picture1.PSet (i, Log(-i)), Form1.BackColorNextFor i = -2 To 3 Step 0.001Picture1.PSet (0, i), RGB(255, 0, 0)Next iFor i = -2 To 3 Step 0.001Picture1.PSet (0, i), Form1.BackColorNext iEnd Sub朋友我先问你问题,为什么我的提问不能上传了7,关于VC或者MFC编程环境下烟花绽放程序的C代码可惜一开始没能画成圆,所以整个过程都是菱形32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333262343762的变换,希望大家多多指教,能够想办法把初始状态就围成一个圆.#include "stdlib.h"#include"graphics.h"main()initgraph(&gd,&gr,"");randomize();for(;!kbhit();)y=rand()%300+100;a[0]=x; /*各点坐标的计算,我的烟花图形没能是圆的*/b[0]=y-10;a[1]=a[0]+5;a[2]=a[1]+5;a[3]=a[1];a[4]=a[0];a[5]=a[0]-5;a[6]=a[5]-5;a[7]=a[6]+5;for(j=1;j<5;j++)b[j]=b[j-1]+5;for(j=5;j<8;j++)b[j]=b[j-1]-5;for(j=0;j<6;j++) /*烟花的大小设定*/for(i=0;i<8;i++)c=rand()%13+1; /*各点的颜色随机*/setcolor(c);circle(a[i],b[i],1);}delay(5000);cleardevice();b[0]-=10; /*各点的坐标变换*/a[1]+=5;b[1]-=5;a[2]+=10;a[3]+=5;b[3]+=5;b[4]+=10;a[5]-=5;b[5]+=5;a[6]-=10;a[7]-=5;b[7]-=5;}}getch();closegraph();}用GDI / GDI+自己写算法的话有难度,可以考虑用多张图片动态切换 。很简单,模拟一个粒子系统 。1、初始化各个例子,包括初始角度 , 初始速度等(随即产生) 。2、根据重力,抛物线方程计算下一帧的粒子坐标 。3、绘制 。你好!很简单,模拟一个粒子系统 。1、初始化各个例子,包括初始角度,初始速度等(随即产生) 。2、根据重力,抛物线方程计算下一帧的粒子坐标 。3、绘制 。如有疑问,请追问 。
