1,帮我造句一颗流星从铁青着脸的天空飞了过去,一瞬间,喧腾的人们安静了下来,人们的思想好像凝成了一个人的一样 , 又好像是那流星的长长“尾巴”在诱惑着人们许愿 , 大家都许了个愿望 , 隐秘着,藏在心里 。其实流星许愿这种事是不符合科学伦理的 , 这只是人们的痴想罢了.
2,帮我造句谢谢很简单的呀,第一个容许某人做某事!突然发现4个句子,每个句子写2个杂会有12句呢?My father allow me to play computer games.my mother allow me to play basketall.He ask me to bring the book to her home.SHE ask me to look after his son.The little girl is afraid to go to sleep alone without a lit light.She was too afraid to look at my eyes straight.He is busy doing his homework.He is busy reading his book.
3 , 帮我文言文翻译是日,与母出游,见幼童于地哭 。问何为之?曰失路 。吾怜之,征母之义 。助之寻亲 。渐亲得 , 吾与之别 。助人者,己乐 。TodayIwentoutwithmymom.Wesawalittleboysitontheground.Iaskedhimwhyhewascrying.Hesaidhelosehisway.Ithoughthewasverypoor.So,Wehelpedhimfindhismom.Thenwefoundhismom.Wosaidgoodbyetothem. Take pleasure in helping people.Ifeltveryhappy!【帮我,帮我造句】
4,帮我英语翻译1 School teachers and students one by the welcome. 2 students and teachers are very much with the author I want to meet and listen to her speech on this book. 3 Literary Arts Festival in March will be the first held in three weeks. 4 the cost of this trip by the school itself楼主要有别的不懂的问题可以随时+Q问我?。ǖ阄颐挚赐防锏氖志褪俏襋不懂的我顺便说下)!1 be popular with teachers and students2 both teachers and students are looking forward to meet the author of the bookandinvite him to give a speech on it.3 literary arts festival will be held from the 3th week ofMarch 4 the cost of this tripwill be taken by the school1 by the school teachers and students.Two teachers and students to meet with the author very much, and listen to the speech she.3 literary arts festival will be from March 3 weeks.4 the expenses for the school trip.1 by the school teachers and students.2 teachers and students to meet with the author very much, and listen to the speech she.3 literary arts festival will be from March 3 weeks.4 the expenses for the school trip.
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