
1,小米3英语单词怎么拼Millet 3是Millet 3【小米翻译,小米3英语单词怎么拼】
2,小米 英文用做名字好像是“Xiao Mi""Rice"是饭的意思!smallricesammyMillet
4,翻译汉或英语1,at the start或者at the begin2,turn right3,have fun或have a good time 或enjoy oneself4,在...中间5,去1.在........开头 in the beginning of ... 2.向右转 turn right3 .玩得愉快have a good time 4.between......and...... 在什么之间5.the wayto通往什么的道路,或者方法in the beginning of turn left enjoy yourself在...的中间通往...的路/方法at the beginning of ……turn righthave fun在……之间解决……的办法;去……的路上at the beginning ofturn righthave fun在……之间到……的路at the beginning ofturn rightenjoy oneself 在之间去的路上 5,馄饨粽子面条汤圆小米粥的英文怎么说馄饨wonton 和汤圆 sweet dumpling 没有固定说法,一般都可以叫dumpling 粽子么 rice dumpling 小米粥 millet congee 面条 noodles放汤圆可以的 。不要放梨!小米性温,梨性偏凉,有清肺滋阴的功效,两者不合互相抵消,而且放梨后小米粥容易“泄汤”,粥不黏糊影响口感 。梨可以单独熬制梨水(加冰糖),清肺利咽 。包子 stuff-steam bun 馒头 steam bun 面条 noodle 饺子 dumpling 油条 deep-fried twisted dough sticks 豆浆 soya-bean milkdumpling soup,apyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves,noodle,sweet dumpling,millet grueldumpling won ton粽子:glutinous rice dumpling面条:boiled rice dumpling小米粥:noddles汤圆馄饨6,中文翻译英语 人工翻译we show great pity to you that this product is not available now. you can take another style.this is the picture of the product,you can choose one you like and inform me the color&size.please reply as soon as possible in case i can send out in time.几点说明:1. 顾客首先关心的是他自己的钱 。所以要先告诉他退钱 , 然后他才会有心情听你说继续合作的事 。所以我把你关于合作的话挪到后面去了 。2. 一件衣服英文是 a piece of clothing 。3. ”我想与你做交易”和”希望你和我做交易”给对方的感觉不一样 。美国人喜欢说”希望你继续选择和我们做交易” , 把主动权交到对方手中 。这才是有信誉的公司的风度 。first let me apologize for the mistakes on items p135 and p129. because we were out of stocks for this style i had to purchase both items from other suppliers. it had escaped my attention that the sizes were not standard. i also failed to discover the problem with the embroidered one. i will take full responsibility for these mistakes and will give you full refunds on both items.you should have already received the previous shipments for your order of 21 pieces of clothing. the other 11 pieces i have also shipped in three separate packages. please watch for their arrivals.the goodwill and trust that we have built over time are very important to me. i sincerely hope that you will continue to do business with us. i promise that such mistakes will not happen again, and guarantee that our merchandise will make you a satisfied client.dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that we have no stock for this product, kindly advise you to choose other styles. Attached pls. find pictures, you may choose one you like and tell me the color and size, pls. reply me asap. I will send you at once.Sorry, this product is temporarily out of stock, you can choose another style.Here are the pictures of the product you can choose from, plese tell me the color and size you preferred.After I received your rely I will send it right to you.Sorry, this product is now in stock, you can choose other styles.This is the product pictures you can choose one thing you like design, color, size and tell me.Please reply me as soon as possible. My good for your timely delivery
