
2 , sotong onstil这个单词SOTONG是马来文,是章鱼的意思,英文是Calamari/////后面那个就不懂了是英文么... 任何辞典都查不到这个单词
3,庝这个字念什么第一个答案是对的,读tong四声的时候是“痛”所以有词语“疼痛”so第一个答案是对的,念teng第二声读音 tóng, 笔划 8 部首 广 部首笔划 3 基本意思解释 庝 tóng 深屋 。屋内发出的响声 。屋架 。笔画数:8; 部首:广; 笔顺编号:41335444tongtóngteng 第二声
4,sotong是什么意思乌贼,也可以用来形容人像sotong 。Sotong , 是乌贼的意思,但,在新加坡 , 是等于blur blur、大头虾的意思Sotong,是乌贼的意思,时常弄不见东西,再不是的话,就是忘记东西,或是忘记摆在哪里之类的 。。印尼语是墨鱼sotong 是苏 东的意思,Sotong Ball苏东丸 也有“苏东”的意思是“红烧”的意思 。我是英语专业的,我是第一个哦!给我分哦!5,东方神起这个组合是哪一年哪一月哪一日成立的第一次亮相是在2003年12月26日SBS电视台BoA和布兰妮新年“special show”上 , 正式出道的时间是2004年2月7日,录制电视节目MBC-TV《音乐大本营》,宣布出道 。组合是在练习生时就已经定下的人选,本来应该是允浩,在中,昌珉,俊秀和SJ中的银赫5个人出道,但临时又改变由有天顶替银赫.SO,就有了现在的东方神起. 东方神起是由U-know、Hero、Xiah、Micky 、Max五名成员组成的组合 。东方神起的英文 缩写是:TVXQ,原本是Tong Vfang Xien Qi组合中最先露面的成员是郑允浩,他于2002年5月13日首次来中国,之后以伴舞身份多次参加SM的演出 。他那邻家男孩般的亲切感与帅气的舞姿深深吸引了大批哈韩族,且为尚未出道的他赢得了极高的关注度 。2003年12月26日,在中韩两国Fans的苦苦期盼中,东方神起终于站到了广大歌迷面前 , 且一出道就与小天后BoA同台演出,足见公司对他们的重视程度 。从1999年到2003年,一共准备了五年的时间东方神起才诞生 。好似武侠漫画的“东方神起”组合名称 , 包含着“代表韩国在全亚洲及世界都名声震撼”的意义 。因为他们的目标不仅是国内,而是全亚洲,所以在准备期这段时间 , 他们进行了跳舞、发声等训练,以及中文、日文等语言方面的各种训练 。加上成员个个都是实力超凡的新人,每一个人的个性又十分鲜明,因此与国内任何一个组合都无法作比较的 。东方神起的每个成员都是主唱,因为每个人都具有卓越的歌唱实力、Rap实力以及舞蹈实力,所以无法划分谁是主唱 。第一次亮相是在2003年12月26日SBS电视台BoA和布兰妮新年“special show”上,正式出道的时间是2004年2月7日,录制电视节目MBC-TV《音乐大本营》,宣布出道 。2003年12月26日第一次演出 2004年2月6日出道 。第一次登台是2003年12月26日,但官方正式宣布出道是在2004年2月6日韩国出道时间 6,胸有成竹的 英文100 percent surefully confident汉语成语,成竹:完整的竹子;胸:心里 。原指画竹子要在心里有一幅竹子的形象 。后比喻做事之前早有通盘的考虑和谋划 。出自:宋·苏轼《文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记》:“故画竹,必先得成竹于胸中 。”Having Had Ready Plans Or Desingns In Ones Mind In the song Dynasty (960-1279),there wasa scholar whose name was Wen Tong and who styled himself Yuke. He was not only admired byothersfor his great learning, but also enjoyed widespread renown for his bamboo drawing. Every daythere were always quite a few peoply who called at his house to ask for one of his bamboodrawings. As a matter of fact,there were quite a few painters contemporary withhim who coulddraw bamboos fairly well. But how did it happen that Wen Tong drew better than anybody else?Of this point Su Shi and Chao Buzhi, buth of whom were Wen Tongs goodfriends, gave vividexplanations in their respective poetic and prose works. Actually, WenTong loved bamboos somuch that he had grown various bamboos everywhere around his house. No matter what season itwas and no matter whether it was sunny or rainy, he used to go tothe bamboo forest to observehow they were growing. He pondered over the lenght and breadthof the bamboo poles as well asthe shapes and colours of the leaves. Whenever he had gained a new understanding, he went backto his study, spread a piece of paper and prepareed someink by rubbing an ink stick on anink slab, and drew what was in his mind on the paper.Through accumulation over a long periodof time, the images of the bamboo in differentseasons, under different weather conditions andat different moments were deeply imprintedin his mind. So whenever he stood before the paperand picked up a painting brush withconcentrated attention, the various forms of the bamboowhich he had observed at ordinarytimes at once rose before his eyes. And so every time hewas drawing bamboos he appearedconfident and at ease, and all the bamboos he had painted werevery vivid and true to lift.When people spoke highly of his paintings, he always saidmodestly that he had just put theimages of the bamboo imprinted in his mind on the paper.A young man wanted to learn bamboodrawing; when he knew that Chao Buzhi had made a profoundstudy of Wen Tongs art of drawing,he went to Chao Buzhi for instruction. Chao Buzhi wrote apoem to him. In the poem, there arethe following two lines: When Yuke was painting thebamboos, He bad their images ready in hisbosom. Later people have summarized the lines as " having had the images of the bamboo readyin ones bosom," which means having had ready plansor designs in ones mind before doing acertain job so that its success is guaranteed. It isalso used go mean being calm and cool-headed in dealing with things. This story comes froman article writted by Su Shi concerningWen Yukes art of bamboo drawing.
