vb.net 编写一个函数注意:参数为动态数组;
Private Function MyF(ByRef d() As Integer)
ReDim d(4, 13) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim MyNum(4) As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
MyNum(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To 4
For j = 1 To 13
n = Int(Rnd * 41)
Do While MyNum(n) = 13
n = Int(Rnd * 41)
d(i, j) = n
MyNum(n) = MyNum(n)1
Next j
Next i
End Function
vb.net中的mid()用法VB.NET编程Mid函数一般用于返回原字符串中子串 , 比如说:
Dim MyString, FirstWord, LastWord, MidWords
MyString = "Mid Function Demo" 建立一个字符串 。
FirstWord = Mid(MyString, 1, 3) ' 返回 "Mid" 。
LastWord = Mid(MyString, 14, 4) ' 返回 "Demo" 。
MidMidWords = Mid(MyString, 5) ' 返回 "Funcion
具体函数说明如下:返回 Variant (String),其中包含字符串中指定数量vb.net函数写法的字符 。
Mid(string, start[, length])
string 必要参数 。字符串表达式,从中返回字符 。如果 string 包含 Null,将返回 Nullvb.net函数写法;
start 必要参数 。为 Long 。string 中被取出部分的字符位置 。如果 start 超过 string 的字符数 , VB.NET Mid函数返回零长度字符串 ("");
length 可选参数;为 Variant (Long) 。要返回的字符数 。如果省略或 length 超过文本的字符数(包括 start 处的字符) , 将返回字符串中从 start 到尾端的所有字符 。
Public Class Form1
Public Sub BubbleSort(ByVal arr() As Integer) '冒泡法排序
Dim temp As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
For i = 0 To arr.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
For j = i1 To arr.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
If arr(i)arr(j) Then
temp = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(i)
arr(i) = temp
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click '调用
Dim arr() As Integer = {55, 22, 33, 11, 77, 88}
BubbleSort(arr) '调用排序过程
For i = 0 To arr.GetUpperBound(0) - 1 '显示排序后结果
End Sub
End Class
如何用 VB 或 VB.Net 来撰写 ASP 的 Server.URLencode 函数请参考底下做法:VB.Net 程式码如下 :Public Function URLEncode(ByRef strEnc As String) As StringDim strTmp2, strChar, strTmp, strRet As StringDim lngLoop As IntegerFor lngLoop = 0 To strEnc.Length - 1strChar = strEnc.Substring(lngLoop, 1)Select Case Asc(strChar)Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122strRet = strCharCase 32strRet = " "Case ElsestrTmp = Hex(Asc(strChar))If strTmp.Length4 Then strTmp = strTmp.Substring(4)strRet = "%"strTmp.Substring(0, 2)If strTmp.Length2 ThenstrTmp2 = strTmp.Substring(2)strRet = IIf(IsNumeric(strTmp.Substring(2, 1)), Chr(Val("H"strTmp2)), "%"strTmp2)End IfEnd SelectNextURLEncode = strRetEnd Function或Public Function URLenc(ByVal strEnc As String) As StringDim lngLoop, lngAsc As LongDim strChr As StringFor lngLoop = 0 To strEnc.Length - 1strChr = strEnc.Substring(lngLoop, 1)If Math.Abs(Asc(strChr))255 ThenURLenc = strChrElselngAsc = Asc(strChr)If lngAsc0 Then lngAsc = lngAsc65536URLenc = "%"Hex((lngAsc And -256) \ 255)"%"Hex(lngAsc And 255)End IfNextEnd Function呼叫:MessageBox.Show(URLEncode("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !"))MessageBox.Show(URLenc("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !"))结果显示 :眏钕繷 PowerHammer !眏钕繷 PowerHammer !================================================================VB6 程式码如下 :Public Function URLEncode(strEnc As String) As StringDim strChar As String, strTmp As String, strTmp2 As String, strRet As StringDim lngLoop As LongFor lngLoop = 1 To Len(strEnc)strChar = Mid(strEnc, lngLoop, 1)Select Case Asc(strChar)Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122strRet = strRetstrCharCase 32strRet = strRet" "Case ElsestrTmp = Format(Hex(Asc(strChar)), "00")strRet = strRet"%"Left(strTmp, 2)strTmp2 = Mid(strTmp, 3, 2)If Len(strTmp)3 ThenstrRet = strRetIIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strTmp, 3, 1)), Chr(Val("H"strTmp2)), "%"strTmp2)End IfEnd SelectNextURLEncode = strRetEnd Function或Public Function URLenc(strEnc As String) As StringDim lngLoop As Long, lngAsc As LongDim strChr As StringFor lngLoop = 1 To Len(strEnc)strChr = Mid(strEnc, lngLoop, 1)If Abs(Asc(strChr))255 ThenURLenc = URLencstrChrElselngAsc = Asc(strChr)If lngAsc0 Then lngAsc = lngAsc65536URLenc = URLenc"%"Hex((lngAsc And -256) \ 255)"%"Hex(lngAsc And 255)End IfNextEnd Function呼叫:MsgBox URLEncode("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !")MsgBox URLenc("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !")结果显示 :眏钕繷 PowerHammer !眏钕繷 PowerHammer !================================================================ASP 程式码如下(多此一举,因为ASP本来就有Server.URLencode) :Public Function URLEncode(strEnc)Dim strChr, intAsc, strTmp, strTmp2, strRet, lngLoopFor lngLoop = 1 To Len(strEnc)strChr = Mid(strEnc, lngLoop, 1)intAsc = Asc(strChr)If ((intAsc58) And (intAsc47)) Or ((intAsc91) And (intAsc64)) Or ((intAsc123) And (intAsc96)) ThenstrRet = strRetstrChrElseIf intAsc = 32 ThenstrRet = strRet" "ElsestrTmp = Hex(Asc(strChr))strRet = strRet"%"Right("00"Left(strTmp, 2), 2)strTmp2 = Mid(strTmp, 3, 2)If Len(strTmp)3 ThenIf IsNumeric(Mid(strTmp, 3, 1)) ThenstrRet = strRetChr(CInt("H"strTmp2))ElsestrRet = strRet"%"strTmp2End IfEnd IfEnd IfNextURLEncode = strRetEnd Function或Public Function URLenc(strEnc)Dim lngLoop, lngAsc, strChrFor lngLoop = 1 To Len(strEnc)strChr = Mid(strEnc, lngLoop, 1)If Abs(Asc(strChr))255 ThenURLenc = URLencstrChrElselngAsc = Asc(strChr)If lngAsc0 Then lngAsc = lngAsc65536URLenc = URLenc"%"Hex((lngAsc And -256) \ 255)"%"Hex(lngAsc And 255)End IfNextEnd Function呼叫:Response.write URLEncode("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !")Response.write URLenc("强力鎯头 PowerHammer !")结果显示 :眏钕繷 PowerHammer !眏钕繷 PowerHammer !
如何正确理解VB.NET函数调用1. Shared FunctionSystem.Runtime.
2. MessageBoxA(ByVal hwnd As Integer,
ByVal text As String, ByVal
lpcaption As String, ByVal
wtype As Integer) As Integer
3. End Function
System是Net语言中的一个族,System.Runtime.InteropServices是system中的一个类 。System.Runtime.InteropServices.DLLimpor是其中的一个方法 。调用DLL的API
接口,这个的意思就是vb6的lib"user32", share是共享的意思,例如:
1. Public Class classA
2. Shared FunctionSystem.Runtime.
MessageBoxA(ByVal h As Integer,
ByVal m As String, ByVal c As
String, ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
3. End Function
4. End Class
你可以这样调用 classA.MessageboxA 但是如果没有这个share 在class后打点就没有MessageboxA的成员出现了 ,现在你就象以前一样的使用他吧 。
其实上面这个VB.NET函数调用方法并不正确,vb.net函数写法我们仍旧要使用API声明 , 只是换了一各形式
system.WinForms.MessageBox.Show("对话内容写在这里", "标题写在这里", messagebox.OK BitOr messagebox.IconAsterisk)
这就是面向对象,你已经完成了所有的任务 。不需要任何的API声明 。不需要写多余的代码 。
1. messagebox.IconAsterisk=惊叹号图标
2. messagebox.IconError=错误图标
3. messagebox.IconExclamation=警告图标
4. messagebox.IconHand=错误图标
5. messagebox.IconInformation=提示图标
所经点NET就是打点到达,在族后面打点,在类后面打点 , 在对象后面打点 。第二个问题就是类与类之间相互的关系,Net在网上处理人与人的关系,在程序语言中处理类与类的关系 。倒底是加不加share,倒底是类后面打点,还是Dim成一个对象(把他当一个变量吧)再说,是等于class,还是New class.是dim xxx as class=new class 还是dim xxx as new class
就是这样VB.NET函数调用将更简单 , 不须要研究一些很难的东西 。
【vb.net函数写法 vbnet format函数用法】关于vb.net函数写法和vbnet format函数用法的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站 。
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