vb.net的随机3个数字 , 然后排序一下给你一个最简单的冒泡排序代码:
将三个数放到一个数组中 。
dim flag as Boolean,temp as Integer
for i = 0 to 2
flag = true
for j = 2 to 1
if a(j)a(j-1) then
temp = a(j-1)
a(j-1) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
flag = false
end if
next j
if flag then Exit For
next i
vb.net datagridview控件 如何点击列头进行排序的时候 第一次点击为降序 求助各路大神DataGridView.Sort(this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1, ListSortDirection.Descending);降序
DataGridView.Sort(this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1, ListSortDirection.Ascending);升序
VB.net 数组怎么按任意元素的顺序排序输出你直接传一个数组进去vb.net队列排序 , 而且是一个结构体数组vb.net队列排序,array.sort怎么知道根据结构中的哪一个属性进行排序vb.net队列排序?放一个c#的代码你看看vb.net队列排序,VB和C#很相似的
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
People[] p = new People[3]
new People{name="张三"},
new People{name="李四"},
new People{name="张二名"}
//重点传一个实现了IComparer接口的类进去 , 告诉Array.Sort怎么排序
Array.Sort(p, new PeopleCompare());
foreach (var item in p)
public struct People
public string name { get; set; }
public class PeopleCompare : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
People p1 = (People)x ;
People p2 = (People)y;
return p1.name.CompareTo(p2.name);
vb.net 如何对数据库查询结果记录集排序?加了单引号就是一个常量字符串了,对于每一行都是一样的
像这种放在最前面的字段,order by 1 就可以了
VB.NET数组的排序法?如果你是从vb6刚过渡上vb 。net,建议还是用冒泡排序法,容易理解 。
如果你正努力学习vb 。net的方法,推荐一个例子如下:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class SamplesArray
Public Class myReverserClass
Implements IComparer
' Calls CaseInsensitiveComparer.Compare with the parameters reversed.
Function Compare(x As Object, y As Object) As Integer _
Implements IComparer.Compare
Return New CaseInsensitiveComparer().Compare(y, x)
End Function 'IComparer.Compare
End Class 'myReverserClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Creates and initializes a new Array and a new custom comparer.
Dim myArr As [String]() ={"The", "QUICK", "BROWN", "FOX", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"}
Dim myComparer = New myReverserClass()
' Displays the values of the Array.
Console.WriteLine("The Array initially contains the following values:")
' Sorts a section of the Array using the default comparer.
Array.Sort(myArr, 1, 3)
Console.WriteLine("After sorting a section of the Array using the default comparer:")
' Sorts a section of the Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer.
Array.Sort(myArr, 1, 3, myComparer)
Console.WriteLine("After sorting a section of the Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer:")
' Sorts the entire Array using the default comparer.
Console.WriteLine("After sorting the entire Array using the default comparer:")
' Sorts the entire Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer.
Array.Sort(myArr, myComparer)
Console.WriteLine("After sorting the entire Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer:")
End Sub 'Main
Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(myArr() As [String])
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myArr.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] : {1}", i, myArr(i))
Next i
End Sub 'PrintIndexAndValues
End Class 'SamplesArray
'This code produces the following output.
'The Array initially contains the following values:
'[0] : The
'[1] : QUICK
'[2] : BROWN
'[3] : FOX
'[4] : jumps
'[5] : over
'[6] : the
'[7] : lazy
'[8] : dog
'After sorting a section of the Array using the default comparer:
'[0] : The
'[1] : BROWN
'[2] : FOX
'[3] : QUICK
'[4] : jumps
'[5] : over
'[6] : the
'[7] : lazy
'[8] : dog
'After sorting a section of the Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer:
'[0] : The
'[1] : QUICK
'[2] : FOX
'[3] : BROWN
'[4] : jumps
'[5] : over
'[6] : the
'[7] : lazy
'[8] : dog
'After sorting the entire Array using the default comparer:
'[0] : BROWN
'[1] : dog
'[2] : FOX
'[3] : jumps
'[4] : lazy
'[5] : over
'[6] : QUICK
'[7] : the
'[8] : The
'After sorting the entire Array using the reverse case-insensitive comparer:
'[0] : the
'[1] : The
'[2] : QUICK
'[3] : over
'[4] : lazy
'[5] : jumps
'[6] : FOX
'[7] : dog
'[8] : BROWN
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