双泳道活动图java代码 双泳池效果图

dom的话设置div的top和bottom属性 , 用setTimeout()或者setInterval()方法
jquery的话就简单了,直接用animate()方法,也是设置top和bottom属性,slideUp()和slideDown()方法也行 。
package Lianliankan;
import javax.swing.*;
【双泳道活动图java代码 双泳池效果图】import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class lianliankan implements ActionListener
JFrame mainFrame; //主面板
Container thisContainer;
JPanel centerPanel,southPanel,northPanel; //子面板
JButton diamondsButton[][] = new JButton[6][5];//游戏按钮数组
JButton exitButton,resetButton,newlyButton; //退出,重列,重新开始按钮
JLabel fractionLable=new JLabel("0"); //分数标签
JButton firstButton,secondButton; //
int grid[][] = new int[8][7];//储存游戏按钮位置
static boolean pressInformation=false; //判断是否有按钮被选中
int x0=0,y0=0,x=0,y=0,fristMsg=0,secondMsg=0,validateLV; //游戏按钮的位置坐标
int i,j,k,n;//消除方法控制
代码(code)是程序员用开发工具所支持的语言写出来的源文件,是一组由字符、符号或信号码元以离散形式表示信息的明确的规则体系 。
对于字符和Unicode数据的位模式的定义,此模式代表特定字母、数字或符号(例如 0x20 代表一个空格,而 0x74 代表字符“t”) 。一些数据类型每个字符使用一个字节;每个字节可以具有 256 个不同的位模式中的一个模式 。
在计算机中,字符由不同的位模式(ON 或 OFF)表示 。每个字节有 8 位,这 8 位可以有 256 种不同的 ON 和 OFF 组合模式 。对于使用 1 个字节存储每个字符的程序,通过给每个位模式指派字符可表示最多 256 个不同的字符 。2 个字节有 16 位,这 16 位可以有 65,536 种唯一的 ON 和 OFF 组合模式 。使用 2 个字节表示每个字符的程序可表示最多 65,536 个字符 。
单字节代码页是字符定义,这些字符映射到每个字节可能有的 256 种位模式中的每一种 。代码页定义大小写字符、数字、符号以及 !、@、#、% 等特殊字符的位模式 。每种欧洲语言(如德语和西班牙语)都有各自的单字节代码页 。
虽然用于表示 A 到 Z 拉丁字母表字符的位模式在所有的代码页中都相同 , 但用于表示重音字符(如"é"和"á")的位模式在不同的代码页中却不同 。如果在运行不同代码页的计算机间交换数据,必须将所有字符数据由发送计算机的代码页转换为接收计算机的代码页 。如果源数据中的扩展字符在接收计算机的代码页中未定义 , 那么数据将丢失 。
如果某个数据库为来自许多不同国家的客户端提供服务,则很难为该数据库选择这样一种代码页,使其包括所有客户端计算机所需的全部扩展字符 。而且,在代码页间不停地转换需要花费大量的处理时间 。
求java小游戏源代码表1. CheckerDrag.java
// CheckerDrag.javaimport java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class CheckerDrag extends java.applet.Applet{// Dimension of checkerboard square.// 棋盘上每个小方格的尺寸final static int SQUAREDIM = 40;// Dimension of checkerboard -- includes black outline.// 棋盘的尺寸 – 包括黑色的轮廓线final static int BOARDDIM = 8 * SQUAREDIM2;// Dimension of checker -- 3/4 the dimension of a square.// 棋子的尺寸 – 方格尺寸的3/4final static int CHECKERDIM = 3 * SQUAREDIM / 4;// Square colors are dark green or white.// 方格的颜色为深绿色或者白色final static Color darkGreen = new Color (0, 128, 0);// Dragging flag -- set to true when user presses mouse button over checker// and cleared to false when user releases mouse button.// 拖动标记 --当用户在棋子上按下鼠标按键时设为true , // 释放鼠标按键时设为falseboolean inDrag = false;// Left coordinate of checkerboard's upper-left corner.// 棋盘左上角的左方向坐标int boardx;// Top coordinate of checkerboard's upper-left corner.//棋盘左上角的上方向坐标int boardy;// Left coordinate of checker rectangle origin (upper-left corner).// 棋子矩形原点(左上角)的左方向坐标int ox;// Top coordinate of checker rectangle origin (upper-left corner).// 棋子矩形原点(左上角)的上方向坐标int oy;// Left displacement between mouse coordinates at time of press and checker// rectangle origin.// 在按键时的鼠标坐标与棋子矩形原点之间的左方向位移int relx;// Top displacement between mouse coordinates at time of press and checker// rectangle origin.// 在按键时的鼠标坐标与棋子矩形原点之间的上方向位移int rely;// Width of applet drawing area.// applet绘图区域的宽度int width;// Height of applet drawing area.// applet绘图区域的高度int height;// Image buffer.// 图像缓冲Image imBuffer;// Graphics context associated with image buffer.// 图像缓冲相关联的图形背景Graphics imG;public void init (){// Obtain the size of the applet's drawing area.// 获取applet绘图区域的尺寸width = getSize ().width;height = getSize ().height;// Create image buffer.// 创建图像缓冲imBuffer = createImage (width, height);// Retrieve graphics context associated with image buffer.// 取出图像缓冲相关联的图形背景imG = imBuffer.getGraphics ();// Initialize checkerboard's origin, so that board is centered.// 初始化棋盘的原点,使棋盘在屏幕上居中boardx = (width - BOARDDIM) / 21;boardy = (height - BOARDDIM) / 21;// Initialize checker's rectangle's starting origin so that checker is// centered in the square located in the top row and second column from// the left.// 初始化棋子矩形的起始原点,使得棋子在第一行左数第二列的方格里居中ox = boardxSQUAREDIM(SQUAREDIM - CHECKERDIM) / 21;oy = boardy(SQUAREDIM - CHECKERDIM) / 21;// Attach a mouse listener to the applet. That listener listens for// mouse-button press and mouse-button release events.// 向applet添加一个用来监听鼠标按键的按下和释放事件的鼠标监听器addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter (){public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e){// Obtain mouse coordinates at time of press.// 获取按键时的鼠标坐标int x = e.getX ();int y = e.getY ();// If mouse is over draggable checker at time// of press (i.e., contains (x, y) returns// true), save distance between current mouse// coordinates and draggable checker origin// (which will always be positive) and set drag// flag to true (to indicate drag in progress).// 在按键时如果鼠标位于可拖动的棋子上方// (也就是contains (x, y)返回true),则保存当前// 鼠标坐标与棋子的原点之间的距离(始终为正值)并且// 将拖动标志设为true(用来表明正处在拖动过程中)if (contains (x, y)){relx = x - ox;rely = y - oy;inDrag = true;}}boolean contains (int x, int y){// Calculate center of draggable checker.// 计算棋子的中心位置int cox = oxCHECKERDIM / 2;int coy = oyCHECKERDIM / 2;// Return true if (x, y) locates with bounds// of draggable checker. CHECKERDIM / 2 is the// radius.// 如果(x, y)仍处于棋子范围内则返回true// CHECKERDIM / 2为半径return (cox - x) * (cox - x)(coy - y) * (coy - y)CHECKERDIM / 2 * CHECKERDIM / 2;}public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e){// When mouse is released, clear inDrag (to// indicate no drag in progress) if inDrag is// already set.// 当鼠标按键被释放时,如果inDrag已经为true,// 则将其置为false(用来表明不在拖动过程中)if (inDrag)inDrag = false;}});// Attach a mouse motion listener to the applet. That listener listens// for mouse drag events.//向applet添加一个用来监听鼠标拖动事件的鼠标运动监听器addMouseMotionListener (new MouseMotionAdapter (){public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent e){if (inDrag){// Calculate draggable checker's new// origin (the upper-left corner of// the checker rectangle).// 计算棋子新的原点(棋子矩形的左上角)int tmpox = e.getX () - relx;int tmpoy = e.getY () - rely;// If the checker is not being moved// (at least partly) off board,// assign the previously calculated// origin (tmpox, tmpoy) as the// permanent origin (ox, oy), and// redraw the display area (with the// draggable checker at the new// coordinates).// 如果棋子(至少是棋子的一部分)没有被// 移出棋盘,则将之前计算的原点// (tmpox, tmpoy)赋值给永久性的原点(ox, oy),// 并且刷新显示区域(此时的棋子已经位于新坐标上)if (tmpoxboardxtmpoyboardytmpoxCHECKERDIMboardxBOARDDIMtmpoyCHECKERDIMboardyBOARDDIM){ox = tmpox;oy = tmpoy;repaint ();}}}});}public void paint (Graphics g){// Paint the checkerboard over which the checker will be dragged.// 在棋子将要被拖动的位置上绘制棋盘paintCheckerBoard (imG, boardx, boardy);// Paint the checker that will be dragged.// 绘制即将被拖动的棋子paintChecker (imG, ox, oy);// Draw contents of image buffer.// 绘制图像缓冲的内容g.drawImage (imBuffer, 0, 0, this);}void paintChecker (Graphics g, int x, int y){// Set checker shadow color.// 设置棋子阴影的颜色g.setColor (Color.black);// Paint checker shadow.// 绘制棋子的阴影g.fillOval (x, y, CHECKERDIM, CHECKERDIM);// Set checker color.// 设置棋子颜色g.setColor (Color.red);// Paint checker.// 绘制棋子g.fillOval (x, y, CHECKERDIM - CHECKERDIM / 13, CHECKERDIM - CHECKERDIM / 13);}void paintCheckerBoard (Graphics g, int x, int y){// Paint checkerboard outline.// 绘制棋盘轮廓线g.setColor (Color.black);g.drawRect (x, y, 8 * SQUAREDIM1, 8 * SQUAREDIM1);// Paint checkerboard.// 绘制棋盘for (int row = 0; row8; row){g.setColor (((row1) != 0) ? darkGreen : Color.white);for (int col = 0; col8; col){g.fillRect (x1col * SQUAREDIM, y1row * SQUAREDIM,SQUAREDIM, SQUAREDIM);g.setColor ((g.getColor () == darkGreen) ? Color.white :darkGreen);}}}// The AWT invokes the update() method in response to the repaint() method// calls that are made as a checker is dragged. The default implementation// of this method, which is inherited from the Container class, clears the// applet's drawing area to the background color prior to calling paint().// This clearing followed by drawing causes flicker. CheckerDrag overrides// update() to prevent the background from being cleared, which eliminates// the flicker.// AWT调用了update()方法来响应拖动棋子时所调用的repaint()方法 。该方法从// Container类继承的默认实现会在调用paint()之前,将applet的绘图区域清除// 为背景色,这种绘制之后的清除就导致了闪烁 。CheckerDrag重写了update()来// 防止背景被清除,从而消除了闪烁 。public void update (Graphics g){paint (g);}}
如何绘制带泳道的UML 活动图首先要明白|uml中活动图双泳道活动图java代码的泳道代表什么意思??
plato中双泳道活动图java代码,用行和列来绘制活动图双泳道活动图java代码的泳道,用列表示不同对象 , 行表示不同活动,你可以参考双泳道活动图java代码他们双泳道活动图java代码的在线帮助,有详细的案例说明 。
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