oracle怎么用命令 oracle怎么用命令备份xml

干货-Oracle里的常用命令本文转自oracle怎么用命令:51Testing软件测试网 。()
1.forcing log switches
sql alter system switch logfile;
2.forcing checkpoints
sql alter system checkpoint;
3.adding online redo log groups
sql alter database add logfile [group 4]
sql ('/disk3/log4a.rdo','/disk4/log4b.rdo') size 1m;
4.adding online redo log members
sql alter database add logfile member
sql '/disk3/log1b.rdo' to group 1,
sql '/disk4/log2b.rdo' to group 2;
5.changes the name of the online redo logfile
sql alter database rename file 'c:/oracle/oradata/oradb/redo01.log'
sql to 'c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log';
6.drop online redo log groups
sql alter database drop logfile group 3;
7.drop online redo log members
sql alter database drop logfile member 'c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log';
8.clearing online redo log files
sql alter database clear [unarchived] logfile 'c:/oracle/log2a.rdo';
9.using logminer analyzing redo logfiles
a. in the init.ora specify utl_file_dir = ' '
b. sql execute'oradb.ora','c:\oracle\oradb\log');
c. sql execute dbms_logmnr_add_logfile('c:\oracle\oradata\oradb\redo01.log',
d. sql execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile('c:\oracle\oradata\oradb\redo02.log',
sql dbms_logmnr.addfile);
e. sql execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(dictfilename='c:\oracle\oradb\log\oradb.ora');
f. sql select * from v$logmnr_contents(v$logmnr_dictionary,v$logmnr_parameters
sql v$logmnr_logs);
g. sql execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr;
1.create tablespaces
sql create tablespace tablespace_name datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\file1.dbf' size 100m,
sql 'c:\oracle\oradata\file2.dbf' size 100m minimum extent 550k [logging/nologging]
sql default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0)
sql [online/offline] [permanent/temporary] [extent_management_clause]
2.locally managed tablespace
sql create tablespace user_data datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\user_data01.dbf'
sql size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
3.temporary tablespace
sql create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'c:\oracle\oradata\temp01.dbf'
sql size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
4.change the storage setting
sql alter tablespace app_data minimum extent 2m;
sql alter tablespace app_data default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999);
5.taking tablespace offline or online
sql alter tablespace app_data offline;
sql alter tablespace app_data online;
6.read_only tablespace
sql alter tablespace app_data read only|write;
7.droping tablespace
sql drop tablespace app_data including contents;
8.enableing automatic extension of data files
sql alter tablespace app_data add datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data01.dbf' size 200m
sql autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m;
9.change the size fo data files manually
sql alter database datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf' resize 200m;
10.Moving data files: alter tablespace
sql alter tablespace app_data rename datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf'
sql to 'c:\oracle\app_data.dbf';
11.moving data files:alter database
sql alter database rename file 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf'
sql to 'c:\oracle\app_data.dbf';
1.create a table
sql create table table_name (column datatype,column datatype]....)
sql tablespace tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [pctused integer]
sql [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50)
sql [logging|nologging] [cache|nocache]
2.copy an existing table
sql create table table_name [logging|nologging] as subquery
3.create temporary table
sql create global temporary table xay_temp as select * from xay;
on commit preserve rows/on commit delete rows
4.pctfree = (average row size - initial row size) *100 /average row size
pctused = 100-pctfree- (average row size*100/available data space)
5.change storage and block utilization parameter
sql alter table table_name pctfree=30 pctused=50 storage(next 500k
sql minextents 2 maxextents 100);
6.manually allocating extents
sql alter table table_name allocate extent(size 500k datafile 'c:/oracle/data.dbf');
7.move tablespace
sql alter table employee move tablespace users;
8.deallocate of unused space
sql alter table table_name deallocate unused [keep integer]
9.truncate a table
sql truncate table table_name;
10.drop a table
sql drop table table_name [cascade constraints];
11.drop a column
sql alter table table_name drop column comments cascade constraints checkpoint 1000;
alter table table_name drop columns continue;
12.mark a column as unused
sql alter table table_name set unused column comments cascade constraints;
alter table table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000;
alter table orders drop columns continue checkpoint 1000
data_dictionary : dba_unused_col_tabs
1.creating function-based indexes
sql create index summit.item_quantity on summit.item(quantity-quantity_shipped);
2.create a B-tree index
sql create [unique] index index_name on table_name(column,.. asc/desc) tablespace
sql tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql [logging | nologging] [nosort] storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0
sql maxextents 50);
3.pctfree(index)=(maximum number of rows-initial number of rows)*
100/maximum number of rows
4.creating reverse key indexes
sql create unique index xay_id on xay(a) reverse pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k
sql next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50) tablespace indx;
5.create bitmap index
sql create bitmap index xay_id on xay(a) pctfree 30 storage( initial 200k next 200k
sql pctincrease 0 maxextents 50) tablespace indx;
6.change storage parameter of index
sql alter index xay_id storage (next 400k maxextents 100);
7.allocating index space
sql alter index xay_id allocate extent(size 200k datafile 'c:/oracle/index.dbf');
8.alter index xay_id deallocate unused;
1.define constraints as immediate or deferred
sql alter session set constraint[s] = immediate/deferred/default;
set constraint[s] constraint_name/all immediate/deferred;
2. sql drop table table_name cascade constraints
sql drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents cascade constraints
3. define constraints while create a table
sql create table xay(id number(7) constraint xay_id primary key deferrable
sql using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace indx);
primary key/unique/references table(column)/check
4.enable constraints
sql alter table xay enable novalidate constraint xay_id;
5.enable constraints
sql alter table xay enable validate constraint xay_id;
1.loading data using direct_load insert
sql insert /* append */ into emp nologging
sql select * from emp_old;
2.parallel direct-load insert
sql alter session enable parallel dml;
sql insert /* parallel(emp,2) */ into emp nologging
sql select * from emp_old;
3.using sql*loader
sql sqlldr scott/tiger \
sql control = ulcase6.ctl \
sql log = ulcase6.log direct=true
第七章:reorganizing data
1.using expoty
$exp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=c:\emp.dmp log=exp.log compress=n direct=y
2.using import
$imp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=emp.dmp log=imp.log ignore=y
3.transporting a tablespace
sqlalter tablespace sales_ts read only;
$exp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y tablespace=sales_ts
triggers=n constraints=n
$copy datafile
$imp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y datafiles=(/disk1/sles01.dbf,/disk2
sql alter tablespace sales_ts read write;
4.checking transport set
sql DBMS_tts.transport_set_check(ts_list ='sales_ts' ..,incl_constraints=true);
在表transport_set_violations 中查看
sql dbms_tts.isselfcontained 为true 是oracle怎么用命令,表示自包含
第八章:managing password security and resources
1.controlling account lock and password
sql alter user juncky identified by oracle account unlock;
2.user_provided password function
sql function_name(userid in varchar2(30),password in varchar2(30),
old_password in varchar2(30)) return boolean
3.create a profile : password setting
sql create profile grace_5 limit failed_login_attempts 3
sql password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30
sqlpassword_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function
sql password_grace_time 5;
4.altering a profile
sql alter profile default failed_login_attempts 3
sql password_life_time 60 password_grace_time 10;
5.drop a profile
sql drop profile grace_5 [cascade];
6.create a profile : resource limit
sql create profile developer_prof limit sessions_per_user 2
sql cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;
7. view = resource_cost : alter resource cost
8. enable resource limits
sql alter system set resource_limit=true;
第九章:Managing users
1.create a user: database authentication
sql create user juncky identified by oracle default tablespace users
sql temporary tablespace temp quota 10m on data password expire
sql [account lock|unlock] [profile profilename|default];
2.change user quota on tablespace
sql alter user juncky quota 0 on users;
3.drop a user
sql drop user juncky [cascade];
4. monitor user
view: dba_users , dba_ts_quotas
第十章:managing privileges
1.system privileges: view = system_privilege_map ,dba_sys_privs,session_privs
2.grant system privilege
sql grant create session,create table to managers;
sql grant create session to scott with admin option;
with admin option can grant or revoke privilege from any user or role;
3.sysdba and sysoper privileges:
sysoper: startup,shutdown,alter database open|mount,alter database backup controlfile,
alter tablespace begin/end backup,recover database
alter database archivelog,restricted session
sysdba: sysoper privileges with admin option,create database,recover database until
4.password file members: view:= v$pwfile_users
5.O7_dictionary_accessibility =true restriction access to view or tables in other schema
6.revoke system privilege
sql revoke create table from karen;
sql revoke create session from scott;
7.grant object privilege
sql grant execute on dbms_pipe to public;
sql grant update(first_name,salary) on employee to karen with grant option;
8.display object privilege : view = dba_tab_privs, dba_col_privs
9.revoke object privilege
sql revoke execute on dbms_pipe from scott [cascade constraints];
10.audit record view := sys.aud$
11. protecting the audit trail
sql audit delete on sys.aud$ by access;
12.statement auditing
sql audit user;
13.privilege auditing
sql audit select any table by summit by access;
14.schema object auditing
sql audit lock on summit.employee by access whenever successful;
15.view audit option : view= all_def_audit_opts,dba_stmt_audit_opts,
16.view audit result: view= dba_audit_trail,dba_audit_exists,dba_audit_object,
第十一章: manager role
1.create roles
sql create role sales_clerk;
sql create role hr_clerk identified by bonus;
sql create role hr_manager identified externally;
2.modify role
sql alter role sales_clerk identified by commission;
sql alter role hr_clerk identified externally;
sql alter role hr_manager not identified;
3.assigning roles
sql grant sales_clerk to scott;
sql grant hr_clerk to hr_manager;
sql grant hr_manager to scott with admin option;
4.establish default role
sql alter user scott default role hr_clerk,sales_clerk;
sql alter user scott default role all;
sql alter user scott default role all except hr_clerk;
sql alter user scott default role none;
5.enable and disable roles
sql set role hr_clerk;
sql set role sales_clerk identified by commission;
sql set role all except sales_clerk;
sql set role none;
6.remove role from user
sql revoke sales_clerk from scott;
sql revoke hr_manager from public;
7.remove role
sql drop role hr_manager;
8.display role information
view: =dba_roles,dba_role_privs,role_role_privs,dba_sys_privs,
1. v$sga,v$instance,v$process,v$bgprocess,v$database,v$datafile,v$sgastat
2. Rman need set dbwr_IO_slaves or backup_tape_IO_slaves and large_pool_size
3. Monitoring Parallel Rollback
v$fast_start_servers , v$fast_start_transactions
4.perform a closed database backup (noarchivelog)
shutdown immediate
cp files /backup/
5.restore to a different location
connect system/manager as sysdba
startup mount
alter database rename file '/disk1/../user.dbf' to '/disk2/../user.dbf';
alter database open;
6.recover syntax
--recover a mounted database
recover database;
recover datafile '/disk1/data/df2.dbf';
alter database recover database;
--recover an opened database
recover tablespace user_data;
recover datafile 2;
alter database recover datafile 2; to apply redo log files automatically
set autorecovery on
recover automatic datafile 4;
8.complete recovery:
--method 1(mounted databae)
copy c:\backup\user.dbf c:\oradata\user.dbf
startup mount
recover datafile 'c:\oradata\user.dbf;
alter database open;
--method 2(opened database,initially opened,not system or rollback datafile)
copy c:\backup\user.dbf c:\oradata\user.dbf (alter tablespace offline)
recover datafile 'c:\oradata\user.dbf' or
recover tablespace user_data;
alter database datafile 'c:\oradata\user.dbf' online or
alter tablespace user_data online;
--method 3(opened database,initially closed not system or rollback datafile)
startup mount
alter database datafile 'c:\oradata\user.dbf' offline;
alter database open
copy c:\backup\user.dbf d:\oradata\user.dbf
alter database rename file 'c:\oradata\user.dbf' to 'd:\oradata\user.dbf'
recover datafile 'e:\oradata\user.dbf' or recover tablespace user_data;
alter tablespace user_data online;
--method 4(loss of data file with no backup and have all archive log)
alter tablespace user_data offline immediate;
alter database create datafile 'd:\oradata\user.dbf' as 'c:\oradata\user.dbf''
recover tablespace user_data;
alter tablespace user_data online
5.perform an open database backup
alter tablespace user_data begin backup;
copy files /backup/
alter database datafile '/c:/../data.dbf' end backup;
alter system switch logfile;
6.backup a control file
alter database backup controlfile to 'control1.bkp';
alter database backup controlfile to trace;
7.recovery (noarchivelog mode)
shutdown abort
cp files
8.recovery of file in backup mode
alter database datafile 2 end backup;
9.clearing redo log file
alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1;
alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1 unrecoverable datafile;
10.redo log recovery
alter database add logfile group 3 'c:\oradata\redo03.log' size 1000k;
alter database drop logfile group 1;
alter database open;
or cp c:\oradata\redo02.log' c:\oradata\redo01.log
alter database clear logfile 'c:\oradata\log01.log';
Oracle数据库基本常用命令汇总以下是对Oracle中的数据库基本常用命令进行了总结介绍 需要的朋友可以过来参考下
得到数据库名和创建日期SELECT name created log_mode open_mode FROM v$database;
ORACLE数据库的计算机的主机名 ORACLE数据库的实例名及ORACLE数据库管理系统的版本信息SELECT host_name instance_name version FROM v$instance;
为了知道oracle数据库版本的一些特殊信息select * from v$version;
获取控制文件名字select * from v$controlfile;
得到Oracle数据库的重做日志配置信息SELECT group# members bytes status archived FROM v$log; select GROUP# MEMBER from v$logfile;
获取oracle的每个重做日志(成员)文件所存放的具 *** 置select * from v$logfile;
知道ORACLE数据库的备份和恢复策略和归档文件的具 *** 置archive log list
知道ORACLE数据库中到底有多少表空间以及每个表空间的状态select tablespace_name block_size status contents logging from dba_tablespaces; select tablespace_name status from dba_tablespaces;
知道每个表空间存在哪个磁盘上以及文件的名字等信息SELECT file_id file_name tablespace_name status bytes from dba_data_files; select file_name tablespace_name from dba_data_files;
知道Oracle数据库系统上到底有多少用户和都是什么时候创建的select username created from dba_users; select username DEFAULT_TABLESPACE from dba_users;
复制代码代码如下: select * from v$archived select * from v$archived_log select * from v$backup select * from v$database select * from v$datafile select * from v$log select * from v$logfile select * from v$loghist select * from v$tablespace select * from v$tempfile
控制文件由两大部份组成 可重用的部份和不可重用的部分 可重用的部分的大小可用 CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME 参数来控制 该参数的默认值为 天 即可重用的部份的内容保留 天 一周之后这部份的内容可能被覆盖 可重用的部份是供恢复管理器来使用的 这部份的内容 可以自动扩展 Oracle数据库管理员可以使用CREAT DATABASE或 CREAT CONTROLFILE语句中的下列关键字(参数)来间接影响不可重用的部份的大小
查看控制文件的配置SELECT type record_size records_total records_usedFROM v$controlfile_record_section;
如果您的显示被分成了两部分 您需要使用类似于set pagesize 的SQL*Plus命令先格式化输出 有关的格式化输出命令有以下这些record_size为每个记录的字节数 records_total 为该段所分配的记录个数 records_used 为该段所使用的记录个数
知道控制文件中的所有数据文件(DATAFILE) 表空间(TABLESPACE) 和重做日志(REDO LOG)所使用的记录情况SELECT type record_size records_total records_used FROMv$controlfile_record_section WHERE type IN ( ‘DATAFILE ‘TABLESPACE ‘REDO LOG );
获取控制文件名字select value from v$parameter where name = control_files ; 或者 select * from v$controlfile
a 利用数据字典v$controlfile来获取现有控制文件名字
b 正常关闭Oracle数据库
c 将新的控制文件名添加到参数文件的CONTROL_FILES参数中
d 使用操作系统的复制命令将现有控制文件复制到指定位置
e 重新启动Oracle数据库
f 利用数据字典v$controlfile来验证新的控制文件名字是否正确
g 如果有误重做上述操作 如果无误删除无用的旧控制文件
注 如果您使用了服务器初始化参数文件(SPFILE) 您不能关闭Oracle数据库而且应该在第 步使用alter system set control_files的Oracle命令来改变控制文件的位置
复制代码代码如下: SQL alter system set control_files = ‘D:\Disk \CONTROL CTL ‘D:\Disk \CONTROL CTL ‘D:\Disk \CONTROL CTL SCOPE=SPFILE;
由于控制文件是一个极其种要的文件 除了以上所说的将控制文件的多个副本存在不同的硬盘上的保护措施外 在数据库的结构变化之后 您应立即对控制文件进行备份 可以用Oracle命令来对控制文件进行备份 alter database backup controlfile to ‘D:\backup\control bak ;
您也可将备份到一个追踪文件中 该追踪文件包含有重建控制文件所需的SQL语句 可使用以下SQL语句来产生这一追踪文件 alter database backup controlfile to trace;
ywxy/ywxy@ORCL 是用户名/密码@数据库名
file=d:/daochu1.dmp 是导出的路径
ywxy/ywxy@ORCL 是用户名/密码@数据库名
file=d:/daochu1.dmp 是导出的路径
ywxy/ywxy@ORCL 是用户名/密码@数据库名
file=d:/daochu1.dmp 是导出的路径
tables=C_ZX_QYJC 是导出的表名字oracle怎么用命令,多个表名则(table1,table2)形式
1、FULLoracle怎么用命令,用于导出整个数据库oracle怎么用命令,在ROWS=N一起使用时,可以导出整个数据库的结构 。
2、OWNER和TABLE,这两个选项用于定义EXP的对象 。OWNER定义导出指定用户的对象,TABLE指定EXP的table名称 。
⒊BUFFER和FEEDBACK , 在导出比较多的数据时,考虑设置这两个参数 。
⒋FILE和LOG,这两个参数分别指定备份的DMP名称和LOG名称,包括文件名和目录 。
⒌COMPRESS参数不压缩导出数据的内容 。用来控制导出对象的storage语句如何产生 。默认值为Y,使用默认值,对象的存储语句的initextent等于当前导出对象的extent的总和 。推荐使用COMPRESS=N 。
⒍FILESIZE该选项在8i中可用 。如果导出的dmp文件过大时,最好使用FILESIZE参数,限制文件大小不要超过2G 。
【oracle怎么用命令 oracle怎么用命令备份xml】关于oracle怎么用命令和oracle怎么用命令备份xml的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站 。
