
让给定的字符串为" banana"。

0 banana5 a1 ananaSort the Suffixes3 ana2 nana----------------> 1 anana3 anaalphabetically0 banana4 na4 na5 a2 nana

" banana"的后缀数组:
后缀[] = {5, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2}
构建后缀数组后, 我们可以使用它来有效地搜索文本中的模式。例如, 我们可以使用Binary Search查找模式(讨论了相同的完整代码这里)
花费O(m * Logn)时间, 其中m是要搜索的模式的长度, n是文本的长度。借助LCP阵列, 我们可以搜索O(m + Log n)时间中的模式。例如, 如果我们的任务是在"香蕉"中搜索" ana", 则m = 3, n = 5。
LCP数组是大小为n的数组(如后缀数组)。值lcp [i]表示后缀[i]和后缀[i + 1]互不相同的后缀的最长公共前缀的长度。后缀[n-1]未定义, 因为其后没有后缀。
txt[0..n-1] = "banana"suffix[]= {5, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2| lcp[]= {1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0}Suffixes represented by suffix array in order are:{"a", "ana", "anana", "banana", "na", "nana"}lcp[0] = Longest Common Prefix of "a" and "ana"= 1lcp[1] = Longest Common Prefix of "ana" and "anana" = 3lcp[2] = Longest Common Prefix of "anana" and "banana" = 0lcp[3] = Longest Common Prefix of "banana" and "na" = 0lcp[4] = Longest Common Prefix of "na" and "nana" = 2lcp[5] = Longest Common Prefix of "nana" and None = 0

2)使用已经构造的后缀数组以计算LCP值。 (Kasai算法)。
有一些算法可以在O(n)时间内构造后缀数组, 因此我们总是可以在O(n)时间内构造LCP数组。但是在下面的实现中, 将讨论O(n Log n)算法。
令以txt [i [开头的后缀lcp为k。如果k大于0, 则从txt [i + 1]开始的后缀的lcp至少为k-1。原因是, 字符的相对顺序保持不变。如果我们从两个后缀中删除第一个字符, 我们知道至少将匹配k个字符。例如, 对于子字符串" ana", lcp为3, 因此对于字符串" na", lcp至少为2。这个为证明。
以下是Kasai算法的C ++实现。
// C++ program for building LCP array for given text #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Structure to store information of a suffix struct suffix { int index; // To store original index int rank[2]; // To store ranks and next rank pair }; // A comparison function used by sort() to compare two suffixes // Compares two pairs, returns 1 if first pair is smaller int cmp( struct suffix a, struct suffix b) { return (a.rank[0] == b.rank[0])? (a.rank[1] < b.rank[1] ?1: 0): (a.rank[0] < b.rank[0] ?1: 0); }// This is the main function that takes a string 'txt' of size n as an // argument, builds and return the suffix array for the given string vector< int > buildSuffixArray(string txt, int n) { // A structure to store suffixes and their indexes struct suffix suffixes[n]; // Store suffixes and their indexes in an array of structures. // The structure is needed to sort the suffixes alphabatically // and maintain their old indexes while sorting for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) { suffixes[i].index = i; suffixes[i].rank[0] = txt[i] - 'a' ; suffixes[i].rank[1] = ((i+1) < n)? (txt[i + 1] - 'a' ): -1; }// Sort the suffixes using the comparison function // defined above. sort(suffixes, suffixes+n, cmp); // At his point, all suffixes are sorted according to first // 2 characters.Let us sort suffixes according to first 4 // characters, then first 8 and so on int ind[n]; // This array is needed to get the index in suffixes[] // from original index.This mapping is needed to get // next suffix. for ( int k = 4; k < 2*n; k = k*2) { // Assigning rank and index values to first suffix int rank = 0; int prev_rank = suffixes[0].rank[0]; suffixes[0].rank[0] = rank; ind[suffixes[0].index] = 0; // Assigning rank to suffixes for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // If first rank and next ranks are same as that of previous // suffix in array, assign the same new rank to this suffix if (suffixes[i].rank[0] == prev_rank & & suffixes[i].rank[1] == suffixes[i-1].rank[1]) { prev_rank = suffixes[i].rank[0]; suffixes[i].rank[0] = rank; } else // Otherwise increment rank and assign { prev_rank = suffixes[i].rank[0]; suffixes[i].rank[0] = ++rank; } ind[suffixes[i].index] = i; }// Assign next rank to every suffix for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int nextindex = suffixes[i].index + k/2; suffixes[i].rank[1] = (nextindex < n)? suffixes[ind[nextindex]].rank[0]: -1; }// Sort the suffixes according to first k characters sort(suffixes, suffixes+n, cmp); }// Store indexes of all sorted suffixes in the suffix array vector< int > suffixArr; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) suffixArr.push_back(suffixes[i].index); // Return the suffix array returnsuffixArr; }/* To construct and return LCP */ vector< int > kasai(string txt, vector< int > suffixArr) { int n = suffixArr.size(); // To store LCP array vector< int > lcp(n, 0); // An auxiliary array to store inverse of suffix array // elements. For example if suffixArr[0] is 5, the // invSuff[5] would store 0.This is used to get next // suffix string from suffix array. vector< int > invSuff(n, 0); // Fill values in invSuff[] for ( int i=0; i < n; i++) invSuff[suffixArr[i]] = i; // Initialize length of previous LCP int k = 0; // Process all suffixes one by one starting from // first suffix in txt[] for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) { /* If the current suffix is at n-1, then we don’t have next substring to consider. So lcp is not defined for this substring, we put zero. */ if (invSuff[i] == n-1) { k = 0; continue ; }/* j contains index of the next substring to be consideredto compare with the present substring, i.e., next string in suffix array */ int j = suffixArr[invSuff[i]+1]; // Directly start matching from k'th index as // at-least k-1 characters will match while (i+k< n & & j+k< n & & txt[i+k]==txt[j+k]) k++; lcp[invSuff[i]] = k; // lcp for the present suffix.// Deleting the starting character from the string. if (k> 0) k--; }// return the constructed lcp array return lcp; }// Utility function to print an array void printArr(vector< int > arr, int n) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout < < arr[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; }// Driver program int main() { string str = "banana" ; vector< int > suffixArr = buildSuffixArray(str, str.length()); int n = suffixArr.size(); cout < < "Suffix Array : \n" ; printArr(suffixArr, n); vector< int > lcp = kasai(str, suffixArr); cout < < "\nLCP Array : \n" ; printArr(lcp, n); return 0; }

Suffix Array : 5 3 1 0 4 2 LCP Array : 1 3 0 0 2 0

txt[]= "banana", suffix[]= {5, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2| Suffix array represents{"a", "ana", "anana", "banana", "na", "nana"}Inverse Suffix Array would be invSuff[] = {3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 0}

我们首先计算文本中第一个后缀的LCP, 即"香蕉"。我们需要后缀数组中的下一个后缀来计算LCP(请记住, lcp [i]被定义为后缀[i]和后缀[i + 1]的最长公共前缀)。要在suffixArr []中找到下一个后缀, 我们使用SuffInv []。下一个后缀是" na"。由于" banana"和" na"之间没有通用前缀, 因此" banana"的LCP值为0, 并且在后缀数组中位于索引3, 因此我们填充lcp [3]为0。
接下来, 我们计算第二个后缀的LCP安娜娜"。后缀数组中" anana"的下一个后缀是" banana"。由于没有公共前缀, 因此" anana"的LCP的值为0, 并且在后缀数组的索引2处, 因此我们填充lcp [2]为0。
接下来, 我们计算第三个后缀的LCP娜娜"。由于没有下一个后缀, 因此未定义" nana"的LCP值。我们填写lcp [5]为0。
文本中的下一个后缀是" ana"。下一个后缀"安娜后缀数组中的""是" anana"。由于存在长度为3的公共前缀, 因此" ana"的LCP值为3。我们填充lcp [1]如3。
现在, 我们在文本中的下一个后缀lcpna"。这是Kasai算法使用的技巧, 因为先前的LCP值为3, 所以LCP值必须至少为2。由于" na"后没有字符, 因此LCP的最终值为2。lcp [4]如2。
文字的下一个后缀是"一种"。 LCP值必须至少为1, 因为先前的值为2。由于在" a"之后没有字符, 因此LCP的最终值为1。lcp [0]如1。
我们很快将在LCP阵列的帮助下讨论搜索的实现, 以及LCP阵列如何帮助将时间复杂度降低到O(m + Log n)。
【kasai从后缀数组构造LCP数组的算法】本文作者:Prakhar Agrawal。如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请发表评论。
