
在Go语言中, 字符串不同于其他语言, 例如Java, C ++, python等等。它是一系列可变宽度字符, 其中每个字符都使用UTF-8编码由一个或多个字节表示。你可以使用以下函数列表以不同的方式修剪字符串。所有这些功能都在字符串包下定义, 因此你必须在程序中导入字符串包才能访问这些功能。

func Trim(str string, cutstr string) string

这里, str代表当前字符串, 剪切表示要在给定字符串中修剪的元素。
// Go program to illustrate // how to trim a string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing string // Using shorthand declaration str1 := "!!Welcome to lsbin !!" str2 := "@@This is the tutorial of Golang$$"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1) fmt.Println( "String 2:" , str2)// Trimming the given strings // Using Trim() function res1 := strings.Trim(str1, "!" ) res2 := strings.Trim(str2, "@$" )// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "Result 1: " , res1) fmt.Println( "Result 2:" , res2) }

Strings before trimming:String 1:!!Welcome to lsbin !!String 2: @@This is the tutorial of Golang$$Strings after trimming:Result 1:Welcome to lsbin Result 2: This is the tutorial of Golang

2. TrimLeft:此函数用于修剪字符串的左侧(在函数中指定)Unicode代码点。
func TrimLeft(str string, cutstr string) string

这里, str代表当前字符串, 剪切表示要在给定字符串中修剪的左侧元素。
// Go program to illustrate how to // trim left-hand side elements // from the string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing string // Using shorthand declaration str1 := "!!Welcome to lsbin **" str2 := "@@This is the tutorial of Golang$$"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1) fmt.Println( "String 2:" , str2)// Trimming the given strings // Using TrimLeft() function res1 := strings.TrimLeft(str1, "!*" ) res2 := strings.TrimLeft(str2, "@" )// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "Result 1: " , res1) fmt.Println( "Result 2:" , res2) }

Strings before trimming:String 1:!!Welcome to lsbin **String 2: @@This is the tutorial of Golang$$Strings after trimming:Result 1:Welcome to lsbin **Result 2: This is the tutorial of Golang$$

3. TrimRight:此函数用于修剪字符串的右侧(在函数中指定)Unicode代码点。
func TrimRight(str string, cutstr string) string

这里, str代表当前字符串, 剪切表示要在给定字符串中修剪的右侧元素。
// Go program to illustrate how to // trim right-hand side elements // from the string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing the // string using shorthand declaration str1 := "!!Welcome to lsbin **" str2 := "@@This is the tutorial of Golang$$"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1) fmt.Println( "String 2:" , str2)// Trimming the given strings // Using TrimRight() function res1 := strings.TrimRight(str1, "!*" ) res2 := strings.TrimRight(str2, "$" )// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "Result 1: " , res1) fmt.Println( "Result 2:" , res2) }

Strings before trimming:String 1:!!Welcome to lsbin **String 2: @@This is the tutorial of Golang$$Strings after trimming:Result 1:!!Welcome to lsbin Result 2: @@This is the tutorial of Golang

4. TrimSpace:此函数用于修剪指定字符串中的所有前导和尾随空白。
func TrimSpace(str string) string

// Go program to illustrate how to // trim white space from the string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing string // Using shorthand declaration str1 := "**Welcome to lsbin**" str2 := "##This is the tutorial of Golang##"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println(str1, str2)// Trimming white space from the given strings // Using TrimSpace() function res1 := strings.TrimSpace(str1) res2 := strings.TrimSpace(str2)// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println(res1, res2) }

Strings before trimming:**Welcome to lsbin**##This is the tutorial of Golang##Strings after trimming:**Welcome to lsbin** ##This is the tutorial of Golang##

5. TrimSuffix:此方法用于从给定字符串中修剪尾随后缀字符串。如果给定的字符串不包含指定的后缀字符串, 则此函数将返回原始字符串, 而不进行任何更改。
func TrimSuffix(str, suffstr string) string

这里, str代表原始字串, 后缀代表后缀字符串。
// Go program to illustrate how to // trim a suffix string from the // given string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing string // Using shorthand declaration str1 := "Welcome, lsbin" str2 := "This is the, tutorial of Golang"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1) fmt.Println( "String 2:" , str2)// Trimming suffix string from the given strings // Using TrimSuffix() function res1 := strings.TrimSuffix(str1, "lsbin" ) res2 := strings.TrimSuffix(str2, "Hello" )// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "Result 1: " , res1) fmt.Println( "Result 2:" , res2) }

Strings before trimming:String 1:Welcome, lsbinString 2: This is the, tutorial of GolangStrings after trimming:Result 1:Welcome, Result 2: This is the, tutorial of Golang

6. TrimPrefix:此方法用于从给定字符串中修剪前导前缀字符串。如果给定的字符串不包含指定的前缀字符串, 则此函数将返回原始字符串, 而不进行任何更改。
func TrimPrefix(str, suffstr string) string

这里, str代表原始字串, 后缀代表前缀字符串。
// Go program to illustrate how to // trim the prefix string from the // given string package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings" )// Main method func main() {// Creating and initializing string // Using shorthand declaration str1 := "Welcome, lsbin" str2 := "This is the, tutorial of Golang"// Displaying strings fmt.Println( "Strings before trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1) fmt.Println( "String 2: " , str2)// Trimming prefix string from the given strings // Using TrimPrefix() function res1 := strings.TrimPrefix(str1, "Welcome" ) res2 := strings.TrimPrefix(str2, "Hello" )// Displaying the results fmt.Println( "\nStrings after trimming:" ) fmt.Println( "Result 1: " , res1) fmt.Println( "Result 2: " , res2) }

Strings before trimming:String 1:Welcome, lsbinString 2:This is the, tutorial of GolangStrings after trimming:Result 1:, lsbinResult 2:This is the, tutorial of Golang
