
在本文中, 我们将学习详细的标志重新包装以及如何使用它。
该标志允许你可视化地分隔模式的逻辑部分并添加注释, 从而使你可以编写看起来更美观, 更易读的正则表达式。
模式中的空格将被忽略, 除非是在字符类中, 或者以未转义的反斜杠开头, 或者在诸如
* ?, (?:或(?P
。当某行包含一个不在字符类中的#且前面没有未转义的反斜杠时, 将从最左端的此类#到该行末尾的所有字符都将被忽略。

# Without Using VERBOSE regex_email = re. compile (r '^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([0-9a-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2, 6})$' , re.IGNORECASE)# Using VERBOSE regex_email = re. compile (r """ ^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)# local Part @# single @ sign ([0-9a-z\.-]+)# Domain name \.# single Dot . ([a-z]{2, 6})$# Top level Domain """ , re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

它作为参数传递给re.compile()即re.compile(正则表达式, re.VERBOSE).re.compile()返回一个正则表达式对象然后与给定的字符串匹配。
让我们考虑一个示例, 在该示例中, 要求用户输入其电子邮件ID, 而我们必须使用RegEx对其进行验证。电子邮件的格式如下:
  • 个人详细信息/本地部分, 例如john123
  • 单身@
  • 域名, 例如gmail / yahoo等
  • 单点(。)
  • 顶级域名, 如.com / .org / .net
Input : expectopatronum@gmail.comOutput : ValidInput : : InvalidThis is invalid because there is @ after the top level domain name.

# Python3 program to show the Implementation of VERBOSE in RegEX import redef validate_email(email):# RegexObject = re.compile( Regular expression, flag ) # Compiles a regular expression pattern into # a regular expression object regex_email = re. compile (r """ ^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)# local Part @# single @ sign ([0-9a-z\.-]+)# Domain name \.# single Dot . ([a-z]{2, 6})$# Top level Domain """ , re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)# RegexObject is matched with the desired # string using fullmatch function # In case a match is found, search() # returns a MatchObject Instance res = regex_email.fullmatch(email)#If match is found, the string is valid if res: print ( "{} is Valid. Details are as follow:" . format (email))#prints first part/personal detail of Email Id print ( "Local:{}" . format ( 1 )))#prints Domain Name of Email Id print ( "Domain:{}" . format ( 2 )))#prints Top Level Domain Name of Email Id print ( "Top Level domain:{}" . format ( 3 ))) print ()else : #If match is not found, string is invalid print ( "{} is Invalid" . format (email))# Driver Code validate_email( "" ) validate_email( "" ) validate_email( "" )

输出如下: is Valid. Details are as follow:Local:expectopatronumDomain:gmailTop Level is is Invalid

首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
