Android CTS(frome google)

少年意气强不羁,虎胁插翼白日飞。这篇文章主要讲述Android CTS(frome google)相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
Compatibility Test SuiteHow does the CTS work?The Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) is a free, commercial-grade test suite, available for  download. The CTS represents the "mechanism" of compatibility.
The CTS runs on a desktop machine and executes test cases directly on attached devices or an emulator. The CTS is a set of unit tests designed to be integrated into the daily workflow (such as via a continuous build system) of the engineers building a device. Its intent is to reveal incompatibilities early on, and ensure that the software remains compatible throughout the development process.
The CTS is an automated testing harness that includes two major software components:

  • The CTS tradefed test harness runs on your desktop machine and manages test execution.
  • Individual test cases are executed on the Device Under Test (DUT). The test cases are written in java as JUnit tests and packaged as android .apk files to run on the actual device target.
The Compatibility Test Suite Verifier (CTS Verifier) is a supplement to the CTS available for  download. CTS Verifier provides tests for APIs and functions that cannot be tested on a stationary device without manual input (e.g. audio quality, accelerometer, etc).
The CTS Verifier is a tool for manual testing and includes the following software components:
  • The CTS verifier app that is executed on the DUT and collects the results.
  • The executable(s) or script(s) that are executed on the desktop machine to provide data or additional control for some test cases in the CTS Verifier app.
Android CTS(frome google)

Figure 1.  How to use CTS
This diagram summarizes CTS workflow. Please refer to the subpages of this section starting with  Setup  for detailed instructions.
Types of test casesThe CTS includes the following types of test cases:
  • Unit tests  test atomic units of code within the Android platform; e.g. a single class, such as java.util.HashMap.
  • Functional tests  test a combination of APIs together in a higher-level use-case.
Future versions of the CTS will include the following types of test cases:
  • Robustness tests  test the durability of the system under stress.
  • Performance tests  test the performance of the system against defined benchmarks, for example rendering frames per second.
Areas coveredThe unit test cases cover the following areas to ensure compatibility:
Signature tests For each Android release, there are XML files describing the signatures of all public APIs contained in the release. The CTS contains a utility to check those API signatures against the APIs available on the device. The results from signature checking are recorded in the test result XML file.
Platform API Tests Test the platform (core libraries and Android Application Framework) APIs as documented in the SDK  Class Index  to ensure API correctness, including correct class, attribute and method signatures, correct method behavior, and negative tests to ensure expected behavior for incorrect parameter handling.
Dalvik Tests The tests focus on testing the Dalvik Executable Format.
Platform Data Model The CTS tests the core platform data model as exposed to application developers through content providers, as documented in the SDK  android.provider  package: contacts, browser, settings, etc.
Platform Intents The CTS tests the core platform intents, as documented in the SDK  Available Intents.
Platform Permissions The CTS tests the core platform permissions, as documented in the SDK  Available Permissions.
Platform Resources The CTS tests for correct handling of the core platform resource types, as documented in the SDK  Available Resource Types. This includes tests for: simple values, drawables, nine-patch, animations, layouts, styles and themes, and loading alternate resources.
    Setting up CTSPhysical environmentWi-Fi and IPv6
CTS tests require a Wi-Fi network that supports IPv6, can treat the Device Under Test (DUT) as an isolated client, and has an internet connection. An isolated client refers to a configuration where the DUT does not have visibility to the broadcast/multinetwork messages on that subnetwork, either by a Wi-Fi AP configuration or by running the DUT on an isolated sub-network without other devices being connected.
If you don‘t have access to a native IPv6 network, an IPv6 carrier network, or a VPN to pass some tests depending on IPv6, you may instead use a Wi-Fi access point and an IPv6 tunnel. See Wikipedia  list of IPv6 tunnel brokers.
Bluetooth LE beacons
If the DUT supports the Bluetooth LE feature, then at least three Bluetooth LE beacons should be placed within five meters of the DUT for Bluetooth LE scan testing. Those beacons can be any kind, do not need to be configured or emit anything specific, and can include iBeacon, Eddystone, or even devices simulating BLE beacons.
Desktop machine setupCTS currently supports 64-bit Linux and Mac OS host machines.
Before running the CTS, make sure you have recent versions of both  Android Debug Bridge (adb)  and  Android Asset Packaging Tool (AAPT)  installed and those tools‘ location added to the system path of your machine.
To install ADB, download the  Android SDK Tools  package for your operating system, open it, and follow the instructions in the included README file. For troubleshooting information, see  Installing the Stand-alone SDK Tools.
Ensure  adb  and  aapt  are in your system path. The following command assumes you‘ve opened the package archive in your home directory:
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/< version>

Note:  Please ensure your starting path and directory name are correct.
Java Development Kit (JDK)
Install the proper version of the Java Development Kit (JDK). See the  JDK requirements.
CTS files
Download  and open the CTS packages matching your devices‘ Android version and all the Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) your devices support.
Download and open the latest version of the  CTS Media Files.
Device detection
Follow the step to  set up your system to detect your device, such as creating a  udev  rules file for Ubuntu Linux.
Android device setupUser builds
A compatible device is defined as a device with a user/release-key signed build, so your device should be running a system image based on the known to be compatible user build (Android 4.0 and later) from  Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers.
Caution:  When used to confirm Android compatibility of your final system image, CTS must be executed on devices with a user build.
Storage requirements
The CTS media stress tests require video clips to be on external storage (/sdcard). Most of the clips are from  Big Buck Bunny  which is copyrighted by the Blender Foundation under the  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
The required space depends on the maximum video playback resolution supported by the device (See section 5 in the compatibility definition document for the platform version of the required resolutions.) Note that the video playback capabilities of the device under test will be checked via the  APIs for earlier versions of Android and the  APIs from Android 5.0.
Here are the storage requirements by maximum video playback resolution:
  • 480x360: 98MB
  • 720x480: 193MB
  • 1280x720: 606MB
  • 1920x1080: 1863MB
Screen and storage
  1. Any device that does not have an embedded screen needs to be connected to a screen.
  2. If the device has a memory card slot, plug in an empty SD card.  Use an SD card that supports Ultra High Speed (UHS) Bus with SDHC or SDXC capacity or one with at least speed class 10 or higher to ensure it can pass the CTS.Warning:  CTS may modify/erase data on the SD card plugged into the device.
  3. If the device has SIM card slots, plug in an activated SIM card to each slot. If the device supports SMS, each SIM card should have its own number field populated.
Developer UICC
In order to run CTS carrier API tests, the device needs to has a SIM card with carrier privilege rules on it. SeePreparing the UICC.
Android device configuration
  1. Factory data reset the device:  Settings > Backup & reset > Factory data resetWarning:  This will erase all user data from the device.
  2. Set your device‘s language to English (United States) from:  Settings > Language & input > Language
  3. Turn on the location setting if there is a GPS or Wi-Fi / Cellular network feature on the device:  Settings > Location > On
  4. Connect to a Wi-Fi network that supports IPv6, can treat the Device Under Test (DUT) as an  isolated client  (see the  Physical Environment  section above), and has an internet connection:  Settings > Wi-Fi
  5. Make sure no lock pattern or password is set on the device:  Settings > Security > Screen lock > None
  6. Enable  USB debugging  on your device:  Settings > Developer options > USB debugging.Note:  On Android 4.2 and later,  Developer options  is hidden by default. To make them available, go toSettings > About phone  and tap  Build number  seven times. Return to the previous screen to find  Developer options. See  Enabling On-device Developer Options  for additional details.
  7. Select:  Settings > Developer options > Stay Awake > On
  8. Select:  Settings > Developer options > Allow mock locations > OnNote:  This mock locations setting is applicable only in Android 5.x and 4.4.x.
  9. Select:  Settings > Developer options > Verify apps over USB > OffNote:  This verify apps step became required in Android 4.2.
  10. Launch the browser and dismiss any startup/setup screen.
  11. Connect the desktop machine that will be used to test the device with a USB cableNote:  When you connect a device running Android 4.2.2 or later to your computer, the system shows a dialog asking whether to accept an RSA key that allows debugging through this computer. Select  Allow USB debugging.
  12. Install and configure helper apps on the device.Note:  For CTS versions 2.1 R2 through 4.2 R4, set up your device (or emulator) to run the accessibility tests with:
    adb install -r android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk
    On the device, enable:  Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility > Delegating Accessibility Service
    Note:  For CTS 2.3 R4 through CTS 6.0 on devices that declare the feature, set up your device to run the device administration tests with:
    adb install -r android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
    On the device, enable only the two  android.deviceadmin.cts.CtsDeviceAdminReceiver*  device administrators under:  Settings > Security > Select device administrators. Make sure theandroid.deviceadmin.cts.CtsDeviceAdminDeactivatedReceiver  and any other preloaded device administrators stay disabled in the same menu.
  13. Copy the CTS media files to the device as follows:Note:  For CTS 2.3 R12 and beyond, if the device supports video codecs, the CTS media files must be copied to the device.
    • Navigate (cd) to the path the media files are downloaded and unzipped to.
    • Change the file permissions:  chmod u+x
    • Run
      • To copy clips up to a resolution of 720x480, run:  ./ 720x480
      • If you are not sure about the maximum resolution, try  ./ all  so that all files are copied.
      • If there are multiple devices under adb, add the -s (serial) option to the end. For example, to copy up to 720x480 to the device with serial 1234567, run:  ./ 720x480 -s 1234567
  Running CTS tests Getting started with CTS tradefedSee the  Trade Federation Overview  for an explanation of the Trade Federation (tradefed or TF for short) continuous test framework.
To run a test plan:
  1. Connect at least one device.
  2. Press the  home  button to set the device to the home screen at the start of CTS.
  3. While a device is running tests, it must not be used for any other tasks and must be kept in a stationary position (to avoid triggering sensor activity) with the cameras pointing at an object that could be focused.
  4. Do not press any keys on the device while the CTS is running. Pressing keys or touching the screen of a test device will interfere with the running tests and may lead to test failures.
  5. Launch the CTS console by running the  cts-tradefed  script from the folder where the CTS package has been unzipped, e.g.  $ ./android-cts/tools/cts-tradefed
  6. You may start the default test plan (containing all of the test packages) by appending:  run cts --plan CTS  (or just  run cts  for v2). This kicks off all the CTS tests required for compatibility. Enter  list plans  to see a list of test plans in the repository. Enter  list packages  to see a list of test packages in the repository. See the CTS command reference or type help for a complete list of supported commands.
  7. Alternately, you may run the CTS plan of your choosing from the command line using:  cts-tradefed run cts --plan< plan_name> Note:  When running Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) CTS only, we recommend you use the  --skip-preconditionsoption to skip the experimental pre-conditions feature that may cause issues for when executing CTS tests.
  8. View test progress and results reported on the console.
  9. If your device is Android 5.0 or later and declares support for an ARM and a x86 ABI, you should run both the ARM and x86 CTS packages.
Using the CTS v1 consoleFor Android 6.0 or earlier, you‘ll use CTS v1.
Selecting plans
The following test plans are available:
  • CTS—all tests required for compatibility.
  • Signature—the signature verification of all public APIs
  • Android—tests for the Android APIs
  • Java—tests for the Java core library
  • VM—tests for ART or Dalvik
  • Performance—performance tests for your implementation
These can be executed with the  run cts  command.
CTS v1 console command reference
Table 1.  This table summarizes the CTS v1 console commands for various uses.
help Display a summary of the most commonly used commands
help all Display the complete list of available commands
exit Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished
run cts Run the specified tests and displays progress information. One of  --plan--package--class  or  --continue-session  needs to be specifiedThe CTS console can accept other commands while tests are in progress
If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will wait for a device to be connected before starting tests
If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will choose a device automatically
--plan < test_plan_name> Run the specified test plan
--package/-p < test_package_name>   [--package/-p < test_package2> ...] Run the specified test packages
--class/-c < class_name> [--method/-m < test_method_name> Run the specified test class and/or method
--continue-session Run all not executed tests from previous CTS session; the sessions testResult.xml will be updated with the new results
--shards  < number_of_shards> Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel
--serial/-s < deviceID> Run CTS on the specific device
-t < class_name> #< test_method_name> Run a specific test method
--force-abi 32|64 On 64-bit devices, run the test against only the 32-bit or 64-bit ABI
list packages List all available test packages in the repository
list plans List all available test plans in the repository
list invocations List ‘run‘ commands currently being executed on devices
list commands List all ‘run‘ commands currently in the queue waiting to be assigned to devices
list results List CTS results currently stored in repository
list devices List currently connected devices and their state 
‘Available‘ devices are functioning, idle devices, available for running tests
‘Unavailable‘ devices are devices visible via adb, but are not responding to adb commands and won‘t be allocated for tests
‘Allocated‘ devices are devices currently running tests
add derivedplan --plan < plan_name>
[pass | fail | timeout | notExecuted]
[--session/-s < session_id> ]
Create a plan derived from given result session; use this option to rerun reports and validate test issues
Using the CTS v2 consoleFor Android 7.0 or later, you‘ll use CTS v2.
Selecting plans
Available test plans include the following:
  • cts—Runs CTS from an pre-existing CTS installation.
  • cts-camera— Runs CTS-camera from a pre-existing CTS installation.
  • cts-java— Runs Core Java Tests from a pre-existing CTS installation.
  • cts-pdk— Runs Tests useful on validating a PDK fusion build.
  • everything— Common config for Compatibility suites.
Other available configurations include the following:
  • basic-reporters— Configuration with basic CTS reporters.
  • collect-tests-only—Runs CTS from a pre-existing CTS installation.
  • common-compatibility-config— Common config for Compatibility suites.
  • cts-filtered-sample— Common config for Compatibility suites.
  • cts-known-failures— Configuration with CTS known failures.
  • cts-preconditions— CTS precondition configs.
  • host— Runs a single host-based test on an existing device.
  • instrument— Runs a single Android instrumentation test on an existing device.
  • native-benchmark— Runs a native stress test on an existing device.
  • native-stress— Runs a native stress test on an existing device.
  • recharge— A fake test that waits for nearly-discharged devices and holds them for charging.
  • testdef— Runs tests contained in test_def.xml files on an existing device.
  • util/wifi— Utility config to configure Wi-Fi on device.
  • util/wipe— Wipes user data on device.
All of these plans and configs can be executed with the  run cts  command.
CTS v2 console command reference
Table 1.  This table summarizes the CTS V2 console commands for various uses.
help Display a summary of the most commonly used commands
help all Display the complete list of available commands
version Show the version.
exit Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished.
run cts Run the default CTS plan (that is, the full CTS invocation).
The CTS console can accept other commands while tests are in progress.
If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will wait for a device to be connected before starting tests.
If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will choose a device automatically.
--plan < test_plan_name> Run the specified test plan.
-- module/-m < test_module_name>   [--module/-m < test_module2> ...] Run the specified test module or modules. For example,  run cts --module CtsGestureTestCases  executes the gesture test module (this can be shortened to  run cts -m Gesture).
run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.GestureTest#testGetStrokes  runs the specific package, class, or test.
-- module/-m < test_module_name> -- test < test_name>   Run the specified module and test. For example,  run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.GestureTest#testGetStrokes  runs the specific package, class, or test.
--retry Retry all tests that failed or were not executed from the previous sessions. Use  list results  to get the session id.
--shards  < number_of_shards> Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel.
--serial/-s < deviceID> Run CTS on the specific device.
--include-filter < module_name>   [--include-filter < module2> ...] Run only with the specified modules.
--exclude-filter < module_name>   [--exclude-filter < module2> ...] Exclude the specified modules from the run.
--log-level-display/-l < log_level> Run with the minimum specified log level displayed to STDOUT. Valid values: [VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT].
--abi < abi_name> Force the test to run on the given ABI, 32 or 64. By default CTS runs a test once for each ABI the device supports.
--logcat--bugreport, and  --screenshoot-on-failure Give more visibility into failures and can help with diagnostics.
--device-token Specifies a given device has the given token eg.  --device-token 1a2b3c4d:sim-card..
--skip-device-info Skips collection of information about the device. Note: do not use this option when running CTS for approval.
--skip-preconditions Bypasses verification and setup of the device‘s configuration, such as pushing media files or checking for Wi-Fi connection.
list modules List all available test modules in the repository.
list plans  or  list configs List all available test plans (configs) in the repository.
list invocations List ‘run‘ commands currently being executed on devices.
list commands List all ‘run‘ commands currently in the queue waiting to be assigned to devices.
list results List CTS results currently stored in repository.
list devices List currently connected devices and their state. 
‘Available‘ devices are functioning, idle devices, available for running tests.
‘Unavailable‘ devices are devices visible via adb, but are not responding to adb commands and won‘t be allocated for tests.
‘Allocated‘ devices are devices currently running tests.
dump logs Dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations.
Interpreting CTS resultsThe CTS test results are placed in the file:
$CTS_ROOT/android-cts/repository/results/< start_time> .zip

If you have built the CTS yourself,  $CTS_ROOT  will resemble the path  out/host/linux-x86/cts  but differ by platform. This reflects the path where you have uncompressed the prebuilt official CTS  downloaded  from this site.
Inside the zip, the testResult.xml file contains the actual results—open this file in any web browser (html5 compatible browser recommended) to view the test results. It will resemble the following screenshots.
Note:  The results are provided to help you ensure the software remains compatible throughout the development process and act as a common format for communicating the compatibility status of your device with other parties.
Android CTS(frome google)


Figure 1.  CTS test summary
If testResult.xml displays a blank page when using the Chrome browser,  change your browser configuration  to enable the  --allow-file-access-from-files  command line flag.
The Device Information section provides details about the device, firmware (make, model, firmware build, platform), and device hardware (screen resolution, keypad, screen type). To access device information, click the link above Test Summary.
The  Test Summary  section provides executed test plan details, like the CTS plan name and execution start and end times. It also presents an aggregate summary of the number of tests that passed, failed, timed out, or could not be executed.
The next section also provides a summary of tests passed per package.
Android CTS(frome google)


Figure 2.  CTS test report
This is followed by details of the the actual tests that were executed. The report lists the test package, test suite, test case, and the executed tests. It shows the result of the test execution—pass, fail, timed out, or not executed. In the event of a test failure details are provided to help diagnose the cause.
Further, the stack trace of the failure is available in the XML file but is not included in the report to ensure brevity—viewing the XML file with a text editor should provide details of the test failure (search for the  < Test>   tag corresponding to the failed test and look within it for the  < StackTrace>   tag).
【Android CTS(frome google)】 
