
先决条件: Python GUI – Tkinter
【创建用于使用Python下载YouTube视频的GUI】YouTube是一个非常受欢迎的视频共享网站。从YouTube下载视频/播放列表是一项繁琐的任务。通过Downloader下载该视频或尝试从随机网站下载该视频, 这会增加舔你个人数据的风险。使用Python Tkinter包, 此任务非常简单, 高效, 安全。几乎没有群码可以为你下载视频。为此, 有两个Python库–Tkinter和pytube.
pytube是一个轻量级, 易于使用, 无依赖的Python库, 用于从web.pytube下载视频, 而不是自动配置的库。你需要先安装它, 然后才能使用它。当你拥有pip时, 安装pytube很容易。在终端或命令提示符中, 键入以下命令以安装pytube。
如果你使用的是Mac OS X或Linux, 则以下两个命令之一可能会为你工作:

pip安装pytube git clone git://github.com/NFicano/pytube.git pytube | cd pytube | python setup.py安装
pip install pytube3

Tkinter是Python与Tk GUI工具包的绑定。它是Tk GUI工具包的标准Python界面, 或者简单地说Tkinter用作Python图形用户界面。 Tkinter是本机库, 使用时无需外部安装, 只需导入即可。
# Importing necessary packages import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * from pytube import YouTube from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog# Defining CreateWidgets() function # to create necessary tkinter widgets def Widgets(): link_label = Label(root, text = "YouTube link:" , bg = "#E8D579" ) link_label.grid(row = 1 , column = 0 , pady = 5 , padx = 5 )root.linkText = Entry(root, width = 55 , textvariable = video_Link) root.linkText.grid(row = 1 , column = 1 , pady = 5 , padx = 5 , columnspan = 2 )destination_label = Label(root, text = "Destination:" , bg = "#E8D579" ) destination_label.grid(row = 2 , column = 0 , pady = 5 , padx = 5 )root.destinationText = Entry(root, width = 40 , textvariable = download_Path) root.destinationText.grid(row = 2 , column = 1 , pady = 5 , padx = 5 )browse_B = Button(root, text = "Browse" , command = Browse, width = 10 , bg = "#05E8E0" ) browse_B.grid(row = 2 , column = 2 , pady = 1 , padx = 1 )Download_B = Button(root, text = "Download" , command = Download, width = 20 , bg = "#05E8E0" ) Download_B.grid(row = 3 , column = 1 , pady = 3 , padx = 3 )# Defining Browse() to select a # destination folder to save the videodef Browse(): # Presenting user with a pop-up for # directory selection. initialdir # argument is optional Retrieving the # user-input destination directory and # storing it in downloadDirectory download_Directory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir = "YOUR DIRECTORY PATH" )# Displaying the directory in the directory # textbox download_Path. set (download_Directory)# Defining Download() to download the video def Download():# getting user-input Youtube Link Youtube_link = video_Link.get()# select the optimal location for # saving file's download_Folder = download_Path.get()# Creating object of YouTube() getVideo = YouTube(Youtube_link)# Getting all the available streams of the # youtube video and selecting the first # from the videoStream = getVideo.streams.first()# Downloading the video to destination # directory videoStream.download(download_Folder)# Displaying the message messagebox.showinfo( "SUCCESSFULLY" , "DOWNLOADED AND SAVED IN\n" + download_Folder)# Creating object of tk class root = tk.Tk()# Setting the title, background color # and size of the tkinter window and # disabling the resizing property root.geometry( "600x120" ) root.resizable( False , False ) root.title( "YouTube_Video_Downloader" ) root.config(background = "#000000" )# Creating the tkinter Variables video_Link = StringVar() download_Path = StringVar()# Calling the Widgets() function Widgets()# Defining infinite loop to run # application root.mainloop()


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