
ftp_put()函数是PHP中的内置函数, 用于将文件上传到FTP服务器。

ftp_put( $ftp_connection, $remote_file_path, $local_file_path, $mode, $start_position );

  • $ ftp_connection:它是必填参数。它指定用于上传文件的现有FTP连接。
  • $ remote_file_path:它是必填参数。它指定了远程服务器(即FTP服务器)中要上传文件的路径。
  • $ local_file_path:它是必填参数。它指定要在FTP服务器中上载文件的路径。
  • $模式:它是必填参数。它指定传输模式。该参数的值为FTP_ASCII或FTP_BINARY。
  • $ start_position:它是可选参数。它指定了远程文件中开始上传到的位置。
返回值:成功返回True, 失败返回False。
  • 此功能在PHP 4.0.0和更高版本上可用。
  • 以下示例无法在在线IDE上运行。因此, 请尝试使用适当的ftp服务器名称在某些PHP托管服务器或localhost中运行。
< ?php// Connect to FTP server $ftp_server = "localhost" ; // Use correct ftp username $ftp_username = "user" ; // Use correct ftp password corresponding // to the ftp username $ftp_userpass = "user" ; // File name or path to upload to ftp server $file = "filetoupload.txt" ; // Establishing ftp connection $ftp_connection = ftp_connect( $ftp_server ) or die ( "Could not connect to $ftp_server" ); if ( $ftp_connection ) { echo "Successfully connected to the ftp server!" ; // Logging in to established connection with // ftp username password $login = ftp_login( $ftp_connection , $ftp_username , $ftp_userpass ); // Checking whether logged in successfully or not if ( $login ) { echo "< br> logged in successfully!" ; if (ftp_put( $ftp_connection , "uploadedfile_name_in_server.txt" , $file , FTP_ASCII)) { echo "< br> Uploaded successful $file." ; } else { echo "< br> Error while uploading $file." ; }} else { echo "< br> login failed!" ; }// Closeing theconnection if (ftp_close( $ftp_connection )) { echo "< br> Connection closed Successfully!" ; } } ?>

Successfully connected to the ftp server!logged in successfully!Uploaded successful filetoupload.txt.Connection closed Successfully!

范例2:使用端口号21连接到ftp服务器, 然后上传文件。
< ?php// Connect to FTP server// Server name $ftp_server = "localhost" ; // Use correct ftp username $ftp_username = "user" ; // Use correct ftp password corresponding // to the ftp username $ftp_userpass = "user" ; // File name or path to upload to ftp server $file = "filetoupload.txt" ; // Establishing ftp connection $ftp_connection = ftp_connect( $ftp_server , 21) or die ( "Could not connect to $ftp_server" ); if ( $ftp_connection ) { echo "Successfully connected to the ftp server!" ; // Logging in to established connection with // ftp username password $login = ftp_login( $ftp_connection , $ftp_username , $ftp_userpass ); if ( $login ) {// Checking whether logged in successfully or not echo "< br> logged in successfully!" ; if (ftp_put( $ftp_connection , "uploadedfile_name_in_server.txt" , $file , FTP_ASCII)) { echo "< br> Uploaded successful $file." ; } else { echo "< br> Error while uploading $file." ; } } else { echo "< br> login failed!" ; }// Echo ftp_get_option($ftp_connection, 1); // Closeingconnection if (ftp_close( $ftp_connection )) { echo "< br> Connection closed Successfully!" ; } }?>

Successfully connected to the ftp server!logged in successfully!Uploaded successful filetoupload.txt.Connection closed Successfully!

