English|Alibaba Cloud May Have Major Reshuffle as Many Senior Officials Said to Quit

BEIJING, April 13 (TMTPOST)— Alibaba’s cloud unit seems have a major reshuffle at the management as recent reports said many senior officials are going to leave.
English|Alibaba Cloud May Have Major Reshuffle as Many Senior Officials Said to Quit

Source: Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud, the cloud subsidiary of Alibaba Group, is carrying out a new round of organization restructuring: Ren Geng, president of Alibaba Could China, will resign, succeeded by Huang Haiqing, the vice president of the unit in China, and Guo Jijun, the vice president of Alibaba Group and general manager of sales and ecosystem development of Alibaba Cloud, is right in the resignation procedure, Leiphone learned on Wednesday. The Chinese tech news media outlet also said a number of talents at the middle and top level under leadership of management including Li Feifei, the vice president of Alibaba Group and the president of Database Systems at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, are about to quit in the near term.
The shake-out came as Cai Yinghua, former president of Huawei Enterprise Business Group (EBG) China, joined in Alibaba as one of very few M7-level senior vice presidents who was not promoted from the management but outside the company. It is said that four M6-level senior officials of core businesses including Ren Geng directly reported to Cai when Cai took office at Alibaba Could last month, and Cai, instead of Ren’s successor Huang, would be the immediate supervior of Huo Jia, the new head of Alibaba Could’s architect team and the existing general manager of Solution of Alibaba Cloud China.
【English|Alibaba Cloud May Have Major Reshuffle as Many Senior Officials Said to Quit】The reshuffle was just a beginning as more senior officials would come in when Cai and Huang’s positions at Alibaba Could become consolidated, followed by more restructurings at both the organization and the businesses, Leiphone’s sources expected.
The management turnover seemed natural since it took place as Alibaba’s new fiscal year approaches, and it may be a byproduct of the business adjustment, 21st Century Business Herald, a Chinese business newspaper, cited an insider of the industry. It is noteworthy that the revenue of Alibaba Could posted a 20% year-over-year increase in the fourth quarter of last year, suggesting the lowest quarterly revenue growth since the unit disclosed financial results.
