
在Java中, null与java.lang.NullPointerException相关联。由于它是java.lang包中的类, 因此当我们尝试执行一些带有或不带有null的操作时有时会调用它, 有时我们甚至不知道它的发生位置。
1. null区分大小写:在Java中, null是文字, 因为关键字是区分大小写在Java中, 我们不能像在C语言中那样写NULL或0。

public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception { // compile-time error : can't find symbol 'NULL' Object obj = NULL; //runs successfully Object obj1 = null ; } }

5: error: cannot find symbol can't find symbol 'NULL'^variable NULL class Test1 error

public class Test { private static Object obj; public static void main(String args[]) { // it will print null; System.out.println( "Value of object obj is : " + obj); } }

Value of object obj is : null

与常见的误解不同, null不是Object也不不是类型。它只是一个特殊值, 可以分配给任何引用类型, 也可以将强制类型转换为任何类型
// null can be assigned to StringString str = null; // you can assign null to Integer alsoInteger itr = null; // null can also be assigned to DoubleDouble dbl = null; // null can be type cast to StringString myStr = (String) null; // it can also be type casted to IntegerInteger myItr = (Integer) null; // yes it's possible, no errorDouble myDbl = (Double) null;

4.自动装箱和拆箱:在自动装箱和拆箱操作期间, 如果将空值分配给原始装箱的数据类型, 则编译器仅引发Nullpointer异常错误。
public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception { //An integer can be null, so this is fine Integer i = null ; //Unboxing null to integer throws NullpointerException int a = i; } }

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat Test.main(Test.java:6)

5. instanceof运算符:
java instanceof运算符用于测试对象是否是指定类型(类, 子类或接口)的实例。在运行时, 如果Expression的值不为null, 则instanceof运算符的结果为true。
这是instanceof操作的重要属性, 使其对于类型转换检查很有用。
public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception { Integer i = null ; Integer j = 10 ; //prints false System.out.println(i instanceof Integer); //Compiles successfully System.out.println(j instanceof Integer); } }

false true

6.静态方法与非静态方法:我们不能对具有空值的引用变量调用非静态方法, 它将抛出NullPointerException, 但我们可以对具有空值的引用变量调用静态方法。由于静态方法是使用静态绑定进行绑定的, 因此它们不会引发Null指针异常。
public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { Test obj= null ; obj.staticMethod(); obj.nonStaticMethod(); }private static void staticMethod() { //Can be called by null reference System.out.println( "static method, can be called by null reference" ); }private void nonStaticMethod() { //Can not be called by null reference System.out.print( " Non-static method- " ); System.out.println( "cannot be called by null reference" ); }}

static method, can be called by null referenceException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat Test.main(Test.java:5)

7. ==和!=在Java中, 允许进行比较且不等于运算符, 并且该参数可以为null。这对于用Java中的对象检查null很有用。
public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) {//return true; System.out.println( null == null ); //return false; System.out.println( null != null ); } }


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