

  • C ++
  • C
  • Java
  • python
  • C#
  • C ++
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
编写一个GetNth()函数, 该函数接受一个链表和一个整数索引, 并返回存储在该索引位置的节点中的数据值。
Input:1-> 10-> 30-> 14, index = 2 Output: 30 The node at index 2 is 30

1. Initialize count = 0 2. Loop through the link list a. if count is equal to the passed index then return current node b. Increment count c. change current to point to next of the current.

C ++
//C++ program to find n'th //node in linked list #include < assert.h> #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //Link list node class Node { public : int data; Node* next; }; /* Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. */ void push(Node** head_ref, int new_data) {//allocate node Node* new_node = new Node(); //put in the data new_node-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/new_data; //link the old list //off the new node new_node-> next = (*head_ref); //move the head to point //to the new node (*head_ref) = new_node; }//Takes head pointer of //the linked list and index //as arguments and return //data at index int GetNth(Node* head, int index) {Node* current = head; //the index of the //node we're currently //looking at int count = 0; while (current != NULL) { if (count == index) return (current-> data); count++; current = current-> next; }/* if we get to this line, the caller was asking for a non-existent element so we assert fail */ assert (0); }//Driver Code int main() {//Start with the //empty list Node* head = NULL; //Use push() to construct //below list //1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1 push(& head, 1); push(& head, 4); push(& head, 1); push(& head, 12); push(& head, 1); //Check the count //function cout < < "Element at index 3 is " < < GetNth(head, 3); return 0; }//This code is contributed by rathbhupendra

//C program to find n'th //node in linked list #include < assert.h> #include < stdio.h> #include < stdlib.h> //Link list node struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; /* Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. */ void push( struct Node** head_ref, int new_data) {//allocate node struct Node* new_node = ( struct Node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct Node)); //put in the data new_node-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/new_data; //link the old list //off the new node new_node-> next = (*head_ref); //move the head to point //to the new node (*head_ref) = new_node; }//Takes head pointer of //the linked list and index //as arguments and return //data at index int GetNth( struct Node* head, int index) {struct Node* current = head; //the index of the //node we're currently //looking at int count = 0; while (current != NULL) { if (count == index) return (current-> data); count++; current = current-> next; }/* if we get to this line, the caller was asking for a non-existent element so we assert fail */ assert (0); }//Driver Code int main() {//Start with the //empty list struct Node* head = NULL; //Use push() to construct //below list //1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1 push(& head, 1); push(& head, 4); push(& head, 1); push(& head, 12); push(& head, 1); //Check the count //function printf ( "Element at index 3 is %d" , GetNth(head, 3)); getchar (); }

//Java program to find n'th node in linked listclass Node { int data; Node next; Node( int d) { data = https://www.lsbin.com/d; next = null ; } }class LinkedList { Node head; //the head of list/* Takes index as argument and return data at index*/ public int GetNth( int index) { Node current = head; int count = 0 ; /* index of Node we are currently looking at */ while (current != null ) { if (count == index) return current.data; count++; current = current.next; }/* if we get to this line, the caller was asking for a non-existent element so we assert fail */ assert ( false ); return 0 ; }/* Given a reference to the head of a list and an int, inserts a new Node on the front of the list. */ public void push( int new_data) {/* 1. alloc the Node and put data*/ Node new_Node = new Node(new_data); /* 2. Make next of new Node as head */ new_Node.next = head; /* 3. Move the head to point to new Node */ head = new_Node; }/* Driver code*/ public static void main(String[] args) { /* Start with empty list */ LinkedList llist = new LinkedList(); /* Use push() to construct below list 1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1*/ llist.push( 1 ); llist.push( 4 ); llist.push( 1 ); llist.push( 12 ); llist.push( 1 ); /* Check the count function */ System.out.println("Element at index 3 is " + llist.GetNth( 3 )); } }

# A complete working Python program to find n'th node # in a linked list# Node classclass Node: # Function to initialise the node object def __init__( self , data): self .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data# Assign data self . next = None# Initialize next as null# Linked List class contains a Node object class LinkedList:# Function to initialize head def __init__( self ): self .head = None# This function is in LinkedList class. It inserts # a new node at the beginning of Linked List.def push( self , new_data):# 1 & 2: Allocate the Node & #Put in the data new_node = Node(new_data)# 3. Make next of new Node as head new_node. next = self .head# 4. Move the head to point to new Node self .head = new_node# Returns data at given index in linked list def getNth( self , index): current = self .head# Initialise temp count = 0# Index of current node# Loop while end of linked list is not reached while (current): if (count = = index): return current.data count + = 1 current = current. next# if we get to this line, the caller was asking # for a non-existent element so we assert fail assert (false) return 0# Driver Code if __name__ = ='__main__' :llist = LinkedList()# Use push() to construct below list # 1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1 llist.push( 1 ) llist.push( 4 ) llist.push( 1 ) llist.push( 12 ) llist.push( 1 )n = 3 print ( "Element at index 3 is :" , llist.getNth(n))

//C# program to find n'th node in linked list using System; using System.Diagnostics; public class Node { public int data; public Node next; public Node( int d) { data = https://www.lsbin.com/d; next = null ; } }class LinkedList { Node head; //the head of list/* Takes index as argument and return data at index*/ public int GetNth( int index) { Node current = head; int count = 0; /* index of Node we are currently looking at */ while (current != null ) { if (count == index) return current.data; count++; current = current.next; }/* if we get to this line, the caller was asking for a non-existent element so we assert fail */ Debug.Assert( false ); return 0; }/* Given a reference to the head of a list and an int, inserts a new Node on the front of the list. */ public void push( int new_data) {/* 1. alloc the Node and put data*/ Node new_Node = new Node(new_data); /* 2. Make next of new Node as head */ new_Node.next = head; /* 3. Move the head to point to new Node */ head = new_Node; }/* Driver code*/ public static void Main(String[] args) { /* Start with empty list */ LinkedList llist = new LinkedList(); /* Use push() to construct below list 1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1 */ llist.push(1); llist.push(4); llist.push(1); llist.push(12); llist.push(1); /* Check the count function */ Console.WriteLine("Element at index 3 is " + llist.GetNth(3)); } }//This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

Element at index 3 is 4

Algorithm getnth(node, n) 1. Initialize count = 0 2. if count==n return node-> data 3. else return getnth(node-> next, n-1)

C ++
//C program to find n'th node in linked list //using recursion #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* Link list node */ struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; /*Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. */ void push( struct Node** head_ref, int new_data) { /* allocate node */ struct Node* new_node = ( struct Node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct Node)); /* put in the data */ new_node-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/new_data; /* link the old list off the new node */ new_node-> next = (*head_ref); /* move the head to point to the new node */ (*head_ref) = new_node; }/* Takes head pointer of the linked list and index as arguments and return data at index*/ int GetNth( struct Node* head, int n) { int count = 0; //if count equal to n return node-> data if (count == n) return head-> data; //recursively decrease n and increase //head to next pointer return GetNth(head-> next, n - 1); }/* Driver code*/ int main() { /* Start with the empty list */ struct Node* head = NULL; /* Use push() to construct below list 1-> 12-> 1-> 4-> 1*/ push(& head, 1); push(& head, 4); push(& head, 1); push(& head, 12); push(& head, 1); /* Check the count function */ printf ("Element at index 3 is %d" , GetNth(head, 3)); getchar (); }

//Java program to find n'th node in linked list //using recursion class GFG {/* Link list node */ static class Node { int data; Node next; Node( int data) { this .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; } }/* Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. */ static Node push(Node head, int new_data) { /* allocate node */ Node new_node = new Node(new_data); /* put in the data */ new_node.data = new_data; new_node.next = head; head = new_node; return head; }/* Takes head pointer of the linked list and index as arguments and return data at index*/ static int GetNth(Node head, int n) { int count = 0 ; if (head == null ) //edge case - if head is null return - 1 ; //if count equal too n return node.data if (count == n) return head.data; //recursively decrease n and increase //head to next pointer return GetNth(head.next, n - 1 ); }/* Driver code*/ public static void main(String args[]) { /* Start with the empty list */ Node head = null ; /* Use push() to con below list */ head = push(head, 1 ); head = push(head, 4 ); head = push(head, 1 ); head = push(head, 12 ); head = push(head, 1 ); /* Check the count function */ System.out.printf("Element at index 3 is %d" , GetNth(head, 3 )); } } //This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

# Python3 program to find n'th node in # linked list using recursionclass Node: def __init__( self , data): self .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data self . next = Noneclass LinkedList: def __init__( self ): self .head = None''' Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. '''def push( self , new_data):# make new node and add # into LinkedList new_node = Node(new_data) new_node. next = self .head self .head = new_nodedef getNth( self , llist, position):# call recursive method llist.getNthNode( self .head, position, llist)# recursive method to find Nth Node def getNthNode( self , head, position, llist): count = 0# initialize count if (head): if count = = position:# if count is equal to position, # it means we have found the position print (head.data) else : llist.getNthNode(head. next , position - 1 , llist) else :# if head doesn't exist we have # traversed the LinkedList print ( 'Index Doesn\'t exist' )# Driver Code if __name__ = = "__main__" : llist = LinkedList() llist.push( 1 ) llist.push( 4 ) llist.push( 1 ) llist.push( 12 ) llist.push( 1 ) # llist.getNth(llist, int(input())) # Enter the node position here # first argument is instance of LinkedListprint ( "Element at Index 3 is" , end = " " ) llist.getNth(llist, 3 )# This code is contributed by Yogesh Joshi

//C# program to find n'th node in //linked list using recursion using System; class GFG {/* Link list node */ public class Node { public int data; public Node next; public Node( int data) { this .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; } }/* Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to the head of a list and an int, push a new node on the front of the list. */ static Node push(Node head, int new_data) { /* allocate node */ Node new_node = new Node(new_data); /* put in the data */ new_node.data = new_data; new_node.next = head; head = new_node; return head; }/* Takes head pointer of the linked list and index as arguments and return data at index*/ static int GetNth(Node head, int n) { //Base Condition if (head == null ) return -1; int count = 0; //if count equal too n return node.data //Test Condition if (count == n) return head.data; //recursively decrease n and increase //head to next pointer return GetNth(head.next, n - 1); }/* Driver code*/ public static void Main() { /* Start with the empty list */ Node head = null ; /* Use push() to con below list */ head = push(head, 1); head = push(head, 4); head = push(head, 1); head = push(head, 12); head = push(head, 1); /* Check the count function */ Console.Write("Element at index 3 is {0}" , GetNth(head, 3)); } } /*Code improvement by Aishwarya Mittal*/ /* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

Element at index 3 is 4

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